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List of some relevant publications on
ESD and science education by Willy
Sleurs, W. (2010) Inzicht verwerven in duurzaamheidsvraagstukken door
systeemdenken In: Peeters, J. (red.) Een veerkrachtige samenleving · Sociaal werk
en duurzame ontwikkeling Antwerpen: EPO, p. 342-354.
Sleurs, Willy, De Smet Veerle & Gaeremynck, Veerle (2008). Duurzame
Ontwikkeling. Hoe integreren in onderwijs. Antwerpen, De Boeck, 199 pp.
Espinet, Mariona, Junyent Mercè & Sleurs, Willy (2008). Developing Education for
Sustainable Development Competences in Higher Education: European
Case Studies in Teacher Education Programmes.
Sleurs, W. (Ed.). (2008). Competencies for ESD (education for sustainable
development) teachers. Brussels: CSCT Project. Retrieved from csct-project.org
Varga Attila, Kószó Mária Fu?z , Mayer Michela & Sleurs Willy (2007). Developing
teacher competences for education for sustainable development through reflection:
the Environment and School Initiatives approach pages. Journal of Education for
Teaching: International research and pedagogy, 33 (2), 241-256.
Sleurs, Willy (2006). Education for Sustainable Development in Secondary Education
of the Flemish Community: Challenges and Perspectives [online]. Australian Journal
of Environmental Education, 22 (1), 91-97.
Sleurs, Willy (2004) Toekomstperspectieven met betrekking tot de eindtermen
Natuur- en Milieueducatie in Vlaanderen. School en Samenleving, afl. 5, April 2004,
Sleurs, W. e.a. (1995). Genetica-onderwijs. Bulletin voor het Onderwijs in de
Biologie, 26, p.49-53.
Sleurs, W. & M. Crauwels (2003). Inference verification technique as a tool for
measuring students’ understanding of biological information from texts and graphical
representations. Int. Conference on Textbooks and Educational media. Bratislava.

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  • 1. List of some relevant publications on ESD and science education by Willy Sleurs EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Sleurs, W. (2010) Inzicht verwerven in duurzaamheidsvraagstukken door systeemdenken In: Peeters, J. (red.) Een veerkrachtige samenleving · Sociaal werk en duurzame ontwikkeling Antwerpen: EPO, p. 342-354. Sleurs, Willy, De Smet Veerle & Gaeremynck, Veerle (2008). Duurzame Ontwikkeling. Hoe integreren in onderwijs. Antwerpen, De Boeck, 199 pp. Espinet, Mariona, Junyent Mercè & Sleurs, Willy (2008). Developing Education for Sustainable Development Competences in Higher Education: European Case Studies in Teacher Education Programmes. https://upcommons.upc.edu/revistes/bitstream/2099/5793/1/g_espinet.pdf Sleurs, W. (Ed.). (2008). Competencies for ESD (education for sustainable development) teachers. Brussels: CSCT Project. Retrieved from csct-project.org Varga Attila, Kószó Mária Fu?z , Mayer Michela & Sleurs Willy (2007). Developing teacher competences for education for sustainable development through reflection: the Environment and School Initiatives approach pages. Journal of Education for Teaching: International research and pedagogy, 33 (2), 241-256. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02607470701259564?journalCode=cjet2 0 Sleurs, Willy (2006). Education for Sustainable Development in Secondary Education of the Flemish Community: Challenges and Perspectives [online]. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 22 (1), 91-97. http://search.informit.com.au/documentSummary;dn=627850320539338;res=IELHSS>ISSN: 0814-0626. Sleurs, Willy (2004) Toekomstperspectieven met betrekking tot de eindtermen Natuur- en Milieueducatie in Vlaanderen. School en Samenleving, afl. 5, April 2004, p.101-113.
  • 2. SCIENCE EDUCATION Sleurs, W. e.a. (1995). Genetica-onderwijs. Bulletin voor het Onderwijs in de Biologie, 26, p.49-53. Sleurs, W. & M. Crauwels (2003). Inference verification technique as a tool for measuring students’ understanding of biological information from texts and graphical representations. Int. Conference on Textbooks and Educational media. Bratislava.