Willey Sleurs has published extensively on education for sustainable development (ESD) and science education, with a focus on developing teacher competencies for ESD. Some of his relevant publications include developing ESD competencies in higher education through case studies of teacher education programs in Europe, compiling competencies for ESD teachers, and examining how to integrate sustainable development into education. He has also published on science education topics such as genetics education and using inference verification techniques to measure student understanding of biology from texts and graphs.
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1. List of some relevant publications on
ESD and science education by Willy
Sleurs, W. (2010) Inzicht verwerven in duurzaamheidsvraagstukken door
systeemdenken In: Peeters, J. (red.) Een veerkrachtige samenleving · Sociaal werk
en duurzame ontwikkeling Antwerpen: EPO, p. 342-354.
Sleurs, Willy, De Smet Veerle & Gaeremynck, Veerle (2008). Duurzame
Ontwikkeling. Hoe integreren in onderwijs. Antwerpen, De Boeck, 199 pp.
Espinet, Mariona, Junyent Mercè & Sleurs, Willy (2008). Developing Education for
Sustainable Development Competences in Higher Education: European
Case Studies in Teacher Education Programmes.
Sleurs, W. (Ed.). (2008). Competencies for ESD (education for sustainable
development) teachers. Brussels: CSCT Project. Retrieved from csct-project.org
Varga Attila, Kószó Mária Fu?z , Mayer Michela & Sleurs Willy (2007). Developing
teacher competences for education for sustainable development through reflection:
the Environment and School Initiatives approach pages. Journal of Education for
Teaching: International research and pedagogy, 33 (2), 241-256.
Sleurs, Willy (2006). Education for Sustainable Development in Secondary Education
of the Flemish Community: Challenges and Perspectives [online]. Australian Journal
of Environmental Education, 22 (1), 91-97.
Sleurs, Willy (2004) Toekomstperspectieven met betrekking tot de eindtermen
Natuur- en Milieueducatie in Vlaanderen. School en Samenleving, afl. 5, April 2004,
Sleurs, W. e.a. (1995). Genetica-onderwijs. Bulletin voor het Onderwijs in de
Biologie, 26, p.49-53.
Sleurs, W. & M. Crauwels (2003). Inference verification technique as a tool for
measuring students’ understanding of biological information from texts and graphical
representations. Int. Conference on Textbooks and Educational media. Bratislava.