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Rishabh Dixit
#6078, MHC Duplex
Manimajra, Chandigarh
Mobile: 07837681699
A self motivate IT professional with strong analytical, problem solving and learning skills with 2
years of technical knowledge and experience of Build Engineering, Build Management, Software
Configuration Management and process Automation for code and environment builds.
 Bachelors Of Technology in Computer Science from RIEIT Ropar, Punjab.
 Source code management:- GIT
 Ticketing tools:- Jira, Service Now.
 Databases:- Mysql, Postgresql, Oracle
 Operating systems:- Redhat, CentOS,
 Web server and HA:- Nginx and haproxy, Apache
 Application servers:- Tomcat
 Continuous Integration Tools:- Jenkins, Apache Ant and Gradle
 Programming Languages :- Shell scripting
 Monitoring Tools:- Pagerduty and New Relic.
 Other Tools:- Rabbitmq, Elasticsearch and Redis.
Duration Company Details Designation
July 2013  Till Date Bebo Technologies
Engineer/Build and Release
Project Name: Diamond CMT
Client Name: Datacert
Duration: July 2013 to December 2013
Roles: Jr. System Engineer
Datacert is provider of legal management solutions including intellectual property and mater
management software.
 Installation and configurations of Linux OS on 32-bit and 64-bit hardware architecture.
 Package management and patch installation on Linux servers.
 Configuration and management of web server Apache.
 Configuration and management of application servers, instances that include creating,
updating and modifying instances and respective DB configurations
 Monitoring server resources/instances, taking calls on monitoring alert basis and closing
tickets as per defined SLA.
 Creation of Continuous integration environments for build automation using Jenkins.
 Documentation that includes creating, enhancing and updating existing technical
 Debugging of shell scripts and automation programs.
 User Creation and access management.
Project Name: Aaron IT
Client Name: Hyla Mobile
Duration: September 2013 till date
Roles: Build and Release Engineer
Hyla Mobile, formerly eRecyclingCorps provide solution for e-waste by developing buyback
programs and is currently working for renown carriers all over United States and Europe.
Jenkins administration which includes complete Jenkins setup in multiple node
environment along with installation/configuration of plug-ins.
1. Setup of continuous integration environment using Jenkins, GIT, Apache ANT,
Gradle and Maven as build tools.
2. Responsibilities include developing complex build, test, provision, secure and
deployment systems and providing support to a large community of developers
and testers. Develop scalable build, test and deployment systems in virtualized
3. Also nightly scheduled the process of build deployment, smoke and P1 testing
for over 40 applications that increases the efficiency of testing team saving there
2 to 3 hours.
4. Currently I am managing 50 plus nodes in continuous integration environment
including 40-45 production servers.
5. We are also responsible for managing the access of user on Jenkins using
access matrix.
6. Some jobs are configured to automate our day today daily tasks like jobs to fetch
application and tomcat logs from different nodes, jobs to fetch instance DNS from
the servers, Jobs to test application status on the server(up or down).Jobs to get
the version of software installed on each node, jobs to perform database
transactions. These jobs allow us to enhance our efficiency to great deal.
I was also responsible for PostgreSQL administration that includes below tasks:
Responsible for Server setup and operation includes creating database cluster,
upgrading existing database cluster.
1. Server configuration including configuration file changes, connection and
authentication, Replication, managing Write ahead logs.
2. Client authentication that includes limiting the access of clients using
authentication methods in host based authentication file.
3. Creating an managing database roles.
4. Managing database that includes creating new databases from the existing
templates and updating data in database using SQL's.
5. Routine database maintenance tasks includes vacuum, re-indexing and log
file rotation.
6. Perform regular Database backup and restores.
7. Automated the complete process of taking backup from production dumps and
restoring same to lower environments. Script notify the user on successful
completion of the backup-restore process with logs provided for analyzing the
errors if encountered.
8. Created scripts for regular database administration tasks such as finding out long
running queries, user running the queries, query, duration for which query is in
progress and killing the same if exceeds a specific duration for optimizing
postgreSQL server performance, script to validate whether replication in sync or
not and notifying the user.
9. Performed database recovery in case of failure using Point In time Recovery
I was also responsible for Tomcat configuration and issue troubleshooting.
1. Tomcat setup and creating separate instance for each application on lower as
well as production servers.
2. Deploying java application wars and issue troubleshooting in case encountered
any error.
3. Database connectivity using jdbc pooling, c3p0 pooling and hikari pooling.
4. Log4j and logback configuration for application logging.
5. Also automated the process of tomcat instance creation providing a unused port
for tomcat startup and shutdown. Assigning heap space and permgen space for
each instance as per requirement.
6. Exposure to java with basic Troubleshooting of Java related issues during
deployment process.
We are using ha-proxy as load balancer and nginx as web server.
1. So installed and configured ha-proxy and nginx on production and lower
2. Updated ha-proxy configuration file for each application.
3. Configured ha-proxy to monitor statistics on UI.
4. Created nginx configuration files for each application with SSL configuration.
5. Updating nginx configuration for specific redirects, log output, error pages and
binding nginx with haproxy.
6. Troubleshooting of issues encountered on both load balancer or nginx level.
7. Installing php and handling php applications at web server level. Troubleshooting
of issues encountered.
Provided configuration support to development team in implementing CAS handling
redirects on web server and responses on applications server level as per header
We are also using rabbitMQ server for migrating data between the two application
1. We are responsible for rabbitMQ installation, updation and configuration on lower
servers as well as production servers.
2. We also continuously monitored rabbitmq stats. We troubleshoot the issue
related to data migration in rabbitmq server.
3. Automated the process of RABBITMQ administration to delete unwanted queues
from the server to optimize RABBITMQ server's performance.
Production Application monitoring through New Relic and Pagerduty.
 We integrated tomcat with newrelic for constant application monitoring where
application statistics are available with logs. Statistics included resource
utilization by the java process.
 Integrated production application URL's with newrelic and further integrated
newrelic with pagerduty.
 In case application is down alert is generated on pagerduty where we have to
acknowledge and resolved the issue in defined SLA of 15m.(5m for
acknowledgement + 10m for resolution.
 Newrelic also simplifies our task of database monitoring as we also integrated
postgreSQL with newrelic and monitor statistics regularly.
 We continuously monitor pagerduty alerts for minimum downtime.
We use Atlassian Jira as a issue tracker in this project.
1. We follow a process for issue troubleshooting and assignment where devolpment
or QA team members generate a ticket on Jira(Ticketing tool) and assign the
issue with complete desscription to us.
2. We acknowledge and resolve the issue as per priority notifying the root cause in
comments and time spend on the issue.
3. Jira is also used to upload project information in confluence part where we can
put all project specific reports, documents so that it can be accessible to all the
users in the project either DEV/QA or CMT.
As a Red hat certified System administrator i am responsible for below tasks in project:
1. Package management and patch installation on Linux servers.
2. Server monitoring and tuning.
3. Disk usage scans and shell script for keeping a check.
4. Providing access to the users as per requirements.
5. Automation of day to day system administration tasks Using Shell scripts such as
user creation, server performance monitoring and alert and User activity
6. Vulnerabilities check and resolutions.
7. Security policies using IPTABLES.
Our team is responsible for providing bi-weekly product release support or patch realease
support at the time of production deployments. We deploy 40+ applications on production
at the end of each iteration and monitor each for any issue. Resolve configuration related
issue or database issue and coordinate with Development team for any code related
issue. Provide release notes from the configuration side at the end of the deployments
with issues and resolution for future reference.
Responsible for updating project wiki, document creation and placing same on different
repositories(client as well as local), generating monthly and weekly report of time spent in
the project with the categorization on the bases of different technologies in the project.
We are also responsible for configuring other tools used in project such as Elasticsearch
and Redis.
1. Responsible for elasticsearch installation, configuration, creating indexes and
troubleshooting issues encountered.
2. Redis as NO SQL server installation and configuration along with exposure to
basic REDIS commands.
3. Node version manager installation with all the dependencies.
Personal Details:
Date of birth 11 April, 1989
Nationality Indian
Availability Available
issue. Provide release notes from the configuration side at the end of the deployments
with issues and resolution for future reference.
Responsible for updating project wiki, document creation and placing same on different
repositories(client as well as local), generating monthly and weekly report of time spent in
the project with the categorization on the bases of different technologies in the project.
We are also responsible for configuring other tools used in project such as Elasticsearch
and Redis.
1. Responsible for elasticsearch installation, configuration, creating indexes and
troubleshooting issues encountered.
2. Redis as NO SQL server installation and configuration along with exposure to
basic REDIS commands.
3. Node version manager installation with all the dependencies.
Personal Details:
Date of birth 11 April, 1989
Nationality Indian
Availability Available

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  • 1. Rishabh Dixit #6078, MHC Duplex Manimajra, Chandigarh Mobile: 07837681699 dixit_rishabh@hotmail.com PROFILE A self motivate IT professional with strong analytical, problem solving and learning skills with 2 years of technical knowledge and experience of Build Engineering, Build Management, Software Configuration Management and process Automation for code and environment builds. QUALIFICATIONS Bachelors Of Technology in Computer Science from RIEIT Ropar, Punjab. SOFTWARE SKILLS Source code management:- GIT Ticketing tools:- Jira, Service Now. Databases:- Mysql, Postgresql, Oracle Operating systems:- Redhat, CentOS, Web server and HA:- Nginx and haproxy, Apache Application servers:- Tomcat Continuous Integration Tools:- Jenkins, Apache Ant and Gradle Programming Languages :- Shell scripting Monitoring Tools:- Pagerduty and New Relic. Other Tools:- Rabbitmq, Elasticsearch and Redis. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Duration Company Details Designation July 2013 Till Date Bebo Technologies http://www.bebotechnologies.com DevOps Engineer/Build and Release Engineer PROJECT DETAILS Project Name: Diamond CMT Client Name: Datacert Duration: July 2013 to December 2013 Roles: Jr. System Engineer Datacert is provider of legal management solutions including intellectual property and mater management software. Installation and configurations of Linux OS on 32-bit and 64-bit hardware architecture. Package management and patch installation on Linux servers. Configuration and management of web server Apache. 1
  • 2. Configuration and management of application servers, instances that include creating, updating and modifying instances and respective DB configurations Monitoring server resources/instances, taking calls on monitoring alert basis and closing tickets as per defined SLA. Creation of Continuous integration environments for build automation using Jenkins. Documentation that includes creating, enhancing and updating existing technical documents. Debugging of shell scripts and automation programs. User Creation and access management. Project Name: Aaron IT Client Name: Hyla Mobile Duration: September 2013 till date Roles: Build and Release Engineer Hyla Mobile, formerly eRecyclingCorps provide solution for e-waste by developing buyback programs and is currently working for renown carriers all over United States and Europe. JENKINS: Jenkins administration which includes complete Jenkins setup in multiple node environment along with installation/configuration of plug-ins. 1. Setup of continuous integration environment using Jenkins, GIT, Apache ANT, Gradle and Maven as build tools. 2. Responsibilities include developing complex build, test, provision, secure and deployment systems and providing support to a large community of developers and testers. Develop scalable build, test and deployment systems in virtualized environments. 3. Also nightly scheduled the process of build deployment, smoke and P1 testing for over 40 applications that increases the efficiency of testing team saving there 2 to 3 hours. 4. Currently I am managing 50 plus nodes in continuous integration environment including 40-45 production servers. 5. We are also responsible for managing the access of user on Jenkins using access matrix. 6. Some jobs are configured to automate our day today daily tasks like jobs to fetch application and tomcat logs from different nodes, jobs to fetch instance DNS from the servers, Jobs to test application status on the server(up or down).Jobs to get the version of software installed on each node, jobs to perform database transactions. These jobs allow us to enhance our efficiency to great deal. POSTGRESQL: I was also responsible for PostgreSQL administration that includes below tasks: Responsible for Server setup and operation includes creating database cluster, upgrading existing database cluster. 1. Server configuration including configuration file changes, connection and authentication, Replication, managing Write ahead logs. 2. Client authentication that includes limiting the access of clients using authentication methods in host based authentication file. 3. Creating an managing database roles. 2
  • 3. 4. Managing database that includes creating new databases from the existing templates and updating data in database using SQL's. 5. Routine database maintenance tasks includes vacuum, re-indexing and log file rotation. 6. Perform regular Database backup and restores. 7. Automated the complete process of taking backup from production dumps and restoring same to lower environments. Script notify the user on successful completion of the backup-restore process with logs provided for analyzing the errors if encountered. 8. Created scripts for regular database administration tasks such as finding out long running queries, user running the queries, query, duration for which query is in progress and killing the same if exceeds a specific duration for optimizing postgreSQL server performance, script to validate whether replication in sync or not and notifying the user. 9. Performed database recovery in case of failure using Point In time Recovery Strategy. TOMCAT(APPICATION SERVER): I was also responsible for Tomcat configuration and issue troubleshooting. 1. Tomcat setup and creating separate instance for each application on lower as well as production servers. 2. Deploying java application wars and issue troubleshooting in case encountered any error. 3. Database connectivity using jdbc pooling, c3p0 pooling and hikari pooling. 4. Log4j and logback configuration for application logging. 5. Also automated the process of tomcat instance creation providing a unused port for tomcat startup and shutdown. Assigning heap space and permgen space for each instance as per requirement. 6. Exposure to java with basic Troubleshooting of Java related issues during deployment process. WEB SERVER and LOAD BALANCER: We are using ha-proxy as load balancer and nginx as web server. 1. So installed and configured ha-proxy and nginx on production and lower environments(dev/qa/uat). 2. Updated ha-proxy configuration file for each application. 3. Configured ha-proxy to monitor statistics on UI. 4. Created nginx configuration files for each application with SSL configuration. 5. Updating nginx configuration for specific redirects, log output, error pages and binding nginx with haproxy. 6. Troubleshooting of issues encountered on both load balancer or nginx level. 7. Installing php and handling php applications at web server level. Troubleshooting of issues encountered. CAS IMPLEMENTATION: Provided configuration support to development team in implementing CAS handling redirects on web server and responses on applications server level as per header forwarded. RABBITMQ SERVER: We are also using rabbitMQ server for migrating data between the two application modules. 3
  • 4. 1. We are responsible for rabbitMQ installation, updation and configuration on lower servers as well as production servers. 2. We also continuously monitored rabbitmq stats. We troubleshoot the issue related to data migration in rabbitmq server. 3. Automated the process of RABBITMQ administration to delete unwanted queues from the server to optimize RABBITMQ server's performance. APPLICATION MONITORING: Production Application monitoring through New Relic and Pagerduty. We integrated tomcat with newrelic for constant application monitoring where application statistics are available with logs. Statistics included resource utilization by the java process. Integrated production application URL's with newrelic and further integrated newrelic with pagerduty. In case application is down alert is generated on pagerduty where we have to acknowledge and resolved the issue in defined SLA of 15m.(5m for acknowledgement + 10m for resolution. Newrelic also simplifies our task of database monitoring as we also integrated postgreSQL with newrelic and monitor statistics regularly. We continuously monitor pagerduty alerts for minimum downtime. TICKETING TOOL: We use Atlassian Jira as a issue tracker in this project. 1. We follow a process for issue troubleshooting and assignment where devolpment or QA team members generate a ticket on Jira(Ticketing tool) and assign the issue with complete desscription to us. 2. We acknowledge and resolve the issue as per priority notifying the root cause in comments and time spend on the issue. 3. Jira is also used to upload project information in confluence part where we can put all project specific reports, documents so that it can be accessible to all the users in the project either DEV/QA or CMT. SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION: As a Red hat certified System administrator i am responsible for below tasks in project: 1. Package management and patch installation on Linux servers. 2. Server monitoring and tuning. 3. Disk usage scans and shell script for keeping a check. 4. Providing access to the users as per requirements. 5. Automation of day to day system administration tasks Using Shell scripts such as user creation, server performance monitoring and alert and User activity monitoring. 6. Vulnerabilities check and resolutions. 7. Security policies using IPTABLES. RELEASE SUPPORT ON PRODUCTION: Our team is responsible for providing bi-weekly product release support or patch realease support at the time of production deployments. We deploy 40+ applications on production at the end of each iteration and monitor each for any issue. Resolve configuration related issue or database issue and coordinate with Development team for any code related 4
  • 5. issue. Provide release notes from the configuration side at the end of the deployments with issues and resolution for future reference. DOCUMENTATION: Responsible for updating project wiki, document creation and placing same on different repositories(client as well as local), generating monthly and weekly report of time spent in the project with the categorization on the bases of different technologies in the project. OTHER TOOLS: We are also responsible for configuring other tools used in project such as Elasticsearch and Redis. 1. Responsible for elasticsearch installation, configuration, creating indexes and troubleshooting issues encountered. 2. Redis as NO SQL server installation and configuration along with exposure to basic REDIS commands. 3. Node version manager installation with all the dependencies. Certifications: RHCSA RHCE Personal Details: Date of birth 11 April, 1989 Nationality Indian Availability Available 5
  • 6. issue. Provide release notes from the configuration side at the end of the deployments with issues and resolution for future reference. DOCUMENTATION: Responsible for updating project wiki, document creation and placing same on different repositories(client as well as local), generating monthly and weekly report of time spent in the project with the categorization on the bases of different technologies in the project. OTHER TOOLS: We are also responsible for configuring other tools used in project such as Elasticsearch and Redis. 1. Responsible for elasticsearch installation, configuration, creating indexes and troubleshooting issues encountered. 2. Redis as NO SQL server installation and configuration along with exposure to basic REDIS commands. 3. Node version manager installation with all the dependencies. Certifications: RHCSA RHCE Personal Details: Date of birth 11 April, 1989 Nationality Indian Availability Available 5