This document provides personal and professional information about Sonia Mavrommati. It outlines her education, including degrees in architecture and urban planning. It describes her current occupation as an adjunct professor and researcher focusing on smart cities, sustainable design, and future cities. It also lists her phone number, email, website and provides a short biography describing her work and research at the National Technical University of Athens. Finally, it includes a section on relevant publications and research projects.
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1. Personal Information
Name and Surname: Sonia Mavrommati Gender: FEMALE
Academic degree
1992: Diploma of Architect Engineer (5-year program, BSc/MEng
equivalent). School of Archtecture, National Technical University of
Athens (NTUA)
2009: PhD candidate in Urban and Regional Planning. School of
Architecture, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
Current occupation Adjunct Professor / University researcher, School of Architecture,
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). Research Interest:
smart cities, bioclimatic design, sustainable and resilient cities,
landscapes, cityscapes, future cities, Livinglabs, Fablabs.
Co-founder of Desarch Architects with a large number of
implemented projects and cooperation with international study
groups and institutions.
Telephone number +306977663498
email website:
Short Bio Sonia Mavrommati lives and works in Athens, Greece. She teaches at the School of Architecture, NTUA, from
2004 (as Adjunct Professor in undergraduate & post-graduate courses). Researches on building knowledge management
and the exploration of innovative technology applications in the management and planning of the Future City. Since 1995,
she is a researcher-member of the Urban Environment Lab of Architecture School NTUA. Has participated in 15 research
projects. Co-founder of the research team of Urban Innovation Ecosystems NTUA, since 2013 and member of Fab Lab
Athens. She has 9 awards in International and Panhellenic architectural competitions from the scale of buildings to urban
planning, regeneration urban landscape, highlighting the historical / archaeological sites, monuments and landmarks. At
desarch Architects, her architectural work includes renovations and new buildings projects in the private and public
sector. Has participated in 9 exhibitions of Architectural Work, 3 scientific publications of research programmes, one
scientific translation, and 2 publications in scientific conferences. She has 10 publications and has participated 2 times in
Greek Architecture Yearbook. Her interests are related to the impact of IT on urban space, the evolution of the city and
the contemporary urban conditions.
Additional information relevant to the project
Publications 1. Papalexopoulos D., Mavrommati S., Chani A., Antonopoulou E., Papalexopoulos V.,
Adamopoulos G., Urban Innovation Ecosystems: Senseable, Creative, Productive City,
Changing Cities 2: Spatial, morphological, formal & socio-economic dimensions 22-26
June 2015, Porto Cheli, Greece
2. Papalexopoulos D., Mavrommati S., Chani A., Antonopoulou E., Papalexopoulos V.,
Adamopoulos G., FABATHENS, Fab10, The 10th International Fab Lab Conference and Fab
Festival, 2-8 July 2014, Barcelona, Spain
3. S. Mavrommati, D. Psyhogios, Cultural management: Localized culture spaces by
crowdsourcing innovation, March 2015, Charokopeio University, Athens
Urban Futures Next Landscape: The Central Railway Station Area in Athens Interuniversity
Research, Supervisor prof: K. Moraitis, Professor NTUA, School of Architecture NTUA.
Researcher of Urban Innovation Ecosystems (UIE), Supervisor prof: D. Papalexopoulos, Professor
NTUA, School of Architecture NTUA, a project which was implemented within the context of the
research program Examination of strategies for the reticulation of urban developments in the
metropolitan center of Athens, Greece, supervisor prof: G. Parmenidis, Professor NTUA, School
of Architecture NTUA, commissioned by the Region of Attica (2013).
ISSAC Immersive System for real time Spatial Analysis and Configuration Dimokritos research
center, ICT Call 10 FP7 ICT 2013.8. 1
Re Researcher in the architecture section of the Research Program of NTUA Investigation of Green
Roofs in Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Pilot implementation in two schools of Municipality of
Psychiko-Filothei. Supervisor prof: A. Kokosis, Professor NTUA, School of Chemical Engineering,
NTUA in collaboration with the Urban Environment Laboratory, School of Architecture NTUA.
Possible futures: The upper strip of Bursa and the Silk Industry heritage. Interuniversity
Workshop Ecole Nationale Superieure d; Architecture ce Paris La Villette Middle East Technical
University Ankara, - Mersin University National Technical University Of Athens.
Researcher in the urban and transport planning section of the Research Program of NTUA
Investigation of Bioclimatic improvement of public open spaces. Pilot implementation on
Sokratous street, Municipality of Metamorphosis. Supervisor prof: A. Kokosis, Professor NTUA,
School of Chemical Engineering, NTUA in collaboration with the Urban Environment Laboratory,
School of Architecture NTUA
Bioclimatic improvement and redesign of Iroon Polytechneiou Square, Municipality of
2. 2009
Metamorfossi. Desarch Architects.
Syggrou: Urban Avenue of Culture and Entrepreneurship Interuniversity Workshop Ecole
Nationale Superieure d; Architecture ce Paris La Villette, - School of Architecture NTUA
Honours and awards
1992 - 2016: 8th Biennale of Young Greek Architects. Hellenic Institute of Architecture Athens.
Architectural Competitions:
3rd prize in Renovation of the waterfront of Koum Kapi in Chania,
3rd prize in Library in the Information Age Salt Lake City Acadia1999,
1st prize in Landscaping & Hghlight Historical Memory & National Reconciliation Lazareto
1st prize in Restoration of Discontinuity in the city of Thessaloniki,
1st prize in Restoration the region of Ancient Gates of the Piraeus entrance.
5凌 Prize Landscaping athletics, sports, and sociocultural facilities in Chalikaki area of Ilioupoli
1 st Distinction Landscaping Restoration of Pythagoras Square of Samos Island