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#5 Burol St., San Juan, Malolos City, Bulacan 3000
Email Address: aj_savedbygrace@yahoo.com
Birth Date: 27 January 1987
Contact Details: (mobile numbers) +639267387599; +639291202337
Age: 28 years old
Place of Birth: Malolos City, Bulacan, Philippines
College : Bulacan State University
BS Nursing, 2004 - 2008
Secondary : Immaculate ConceptionSchool for Boys
2000 - 2004
Elementary : International Montessori Center
1994 - 2000
Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination
Exam Provider: Board of Nursing, Philippines
Date taken: June 2008
Location: College of the Holy Spirit, Manila, Philippines
Board Rating: 79.20
Exam Provider: British Council
Date taken: February 28, 2015
Location: Barcie Hotel, Malolos City, Bulacan, Philippines
Scores per subtest:
Listening: 7.5
Reading : 8.5
Writing: 7.0
Speaking 7.0
Overall Band Score: 7.5
Taking a Comprehensive Nursing History 
Completing a Basic Physical Assessment 
Formulating a Nursing Diagnosis 
Designing a Nursing Care Plan 
Implementing the Plan of Care 
Evaluating care outcome and Revising the Care

Neurologic Assessment 
Glasgow Coma Scale (hourly assessment in ICU) 
Seizure Precaution 
Care of the unconscious patient 
Initial Intervention for Stroke (BLEED or INFARCT) 
Assisting with Lumbar Puncture 
Care of sedated patients with RAS assessment 
Assessment of the Pulmonary System 
Administering Inhalations 
Assisting with Intubation and extubation 
Assisting in Bedside Thoracentesis or Pigtail

Assisitiing in Bedside Bronchoscopy 
Chest tube and Water-Seal drainage systems 
Incentive Spirometry and Peak flow meter

Analyzing and Interpreting Arterial Blood Gas 
Nasopharygeal Tube, Oral, Endotracheal and
Tracheostomy Care

Suctioning (Nasopharyngeal, Oral, Endotracheal,

Use of Bag-Valve-Mask 
Troubleshooting the Different Mechanical
Ventilator and Bipap machines

Care of patients with
Pigtail and Chest Tube drainage systems (with or
without the use of a GOMCO machine)

Oxygen Delivery Devices (nasal cannula, face
mask, Rebreather mask, Non-Rebreather mask)

Weaning patients off the ventilator (adjusting
ventilator parameters)

Assessment of the Cardiovascular System 
Performing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: CODE

Administering Emergency Medications 
Assisting with Cardioversion and Defibrillation 
Conducting and Interpreting 12-lead ECG 
24 hour Holter Monitoring 
Interpreting and Relaying Cardiac Laboratory

Care of patients with
Hypovolemic Shock (handles patients with a
maximum of six inotropes)
Angina (with or without ISOKET drip) 
Hypertension (with or without Nicardepine Drip) 
Arterial Line and CVP Monitoring 
Assessment of the Immunocompromised 
Protective Environment (use of Personal
Protective Equipment: PPE)

Interpreting Hematologic Laboratory Results 
Blood Transfusion Therapy (whole blood, PRBC,
FFP, cryoprecipitate)

Care of patients with
Assessment of the Renal System 
Monitoring Intake and Output (hourly in ICU) 
Interpreting Renal Laboratory Results 
Condom, Straight, Foley catheter (insertion and

Bladder Irrigation (cystoclysis) 
Administering Agents affecting the Renal System 
Care of patients with:
Pre and Post Hemodialysis 
Acute and Chronic Renal Failure 
Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) 
Assessment of the GI System 
Insertion of Nasogastric Tube 
Gastric Lavage 
Feeding through:
Nasogastric Tube, Percutaneous Endoscopic
Gastrostomy, Gastric Tube

Stoma, Ileostomy, Colostomy, PEG, Gastric Tube

Enema (Cleansing, Soapsuds, Fleet) 
Capillary Blood Glucose (CBG) monitoring 
Weighing patients using a bedscale 
Assists with Central Line Insertion (Intrajugular,
Subclavian, Femoral Vein)

Drug administration (topical, oral, subcutaneous,
intramuscular, intravenous, per rectum) and dose
Position: Full Time ICU Nurse
St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City
Address: #279 E. Rodriguez Sr. Blvd., Quezon City, Philippines
Contact Details: landline: (+632) 731-0101 loc. 7394-95
Date started: 01 August 2012 to present
Position: Nurse Staff Effectiveness Training (NSET-1203)
March 2012  July 2012
Duties and Responsibilities:
Provides and ensures that all critically ill patients / clients in the Intensive Care Unit are
provided with direct hands on quality patient care that conforms to the standards of St.
Lukes Medical Center.
1. Assess Nursing Care needs of patients:
1.1 Takes vital signs of patient (inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation),
ECG tracings assessment and pain assessment.
 Hooks the patient to a cardiac monitor and get the scope and other
baseline data
 Reports abnormal observations to managers/charge nurse and doctors
 Accomplishes the Nursing Integrated Admission Database
 Observes patients and records significant conditions and reactions to
2. Plan for Nursing Care and Intervention
 Use of Kardex for planning the Nursing care of patient.
 Identifies other nursing care problem.
 Coordinates the Medical Care Plan with the Nursing Care.
 Plans and carries out appropriate nursing intervention to achieve effective
 Explains to the patient and family members the non-invasive and invasive
monitoring devices to be attached to the patient.
 Implements each planned intervention and nursing care.
 Administers prescribed medications and treatments (IV therapy, Blood and
blood products) as ordered by the physician following the JCI standards.
 Prepares the equipment and assists physicians during treatment and
examinations of patients (central line insertion, thoracentesis, chest pigtail
insertion, and venous cutdown insertion).
 Evaluates results of nursing care rendered,
 Records medication and treatment given.
 Provides health care teachings to patients and family.
1. Make rounds with physicians during his tour of duty, also does periodic rounds to his
patients to ensure procedures and treatments are correctly done.
2. Directs and supervises the activities of the nursing aid.
3. Ensures adequacy of supplies in the unit and that the equipment are functional.
4. Contributes to the educational program of nursing students
5. Coordinates with the ICU officer with regards to concerns on policies, procedures,
standards in the care of the patient.
Position: Full Time
Life Change Recovery Center, Inc.
Address: #105 Scout Rallos, Quezon City, Philippines
Contact Details: Mobile (+63)9228775970
Date started: February 2009  February 2012
Position: Worked as a nurse trainee
December 2008  January 2009
Duties and Responsibilities:
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Assess the nursing care needs of the patients.
2. Takes vital signs, and peforms cephalocaudal assessment of the patients.
3. Gives correct medications and drug dose thru oral, and intramuscular.
4. Coordinates the treatment plan with the healthcare team.
5. Observes and evaluates patients response to therapy and drugs.
6. Makes rounds in the patients rooms on different time schedule.
7. Assists in therapy programs given by the counselors.
8. Gives input and suggestions to treatment to the healthcare team.
Seminars / Trainings Attended:
Ebola Awareness and Preparedness Orientation
St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City, October 28, 2014
Infection Control Basic Course for Clinicians
St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City, August 18, 2014
ACLS Refresher Course
St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City, July 14, 2014
Primary Stroke
St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City, July 01, 2014
NDNQI Process Improvement Analyst Training
St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City, May 19-21, 2014
Empowerment Module 1
St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City, April 21, 2014
Dare to Shine, Critical Care Nurses Association of the Philippines, Inc
Diamond Hotel Philippines, February 18-19, 2014
Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Workshop
St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City, November 9, 2013
Urologic Nursing Care
St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City, August 30, 2013
Customer Service Champion Training
St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City, July 27, 2013
Advanced Cardiac Life Support
St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City, October 3-5, 2012
At Your Service: A Concierge Culture Building Program
St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City, October 2, 2012
Infection Control Basic Course for Clinicians
St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City, September 19, 2012
Developing Nurses Competency on Central Venous Access Device: A Nursing Concern
St. Lukes Medical Center, Global City, August 22, 2012
Bio-Safety Emergency and Preparedness Control Team
St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City, May 10, 2012
Basic Life Support
St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City, April 27, 2012
Recieved my professional license: September 3, 2008
3 months: job hunting (from September 2008-Decemeber 2008)
Registered Nurse  Philippines
License Number: 0499154
Validity: January 27, 2017
Maria Teresa C. Mendoza, R.N.
St. Lukes Medical Center, Q.C., Philippines
Department Manager, Intensive Cluster.
Mobile: +639256100350
Lhaila O. Dacayanan, R.N.
St. Lukes Medical Center, Q.C., Philippines
Clinical Nurse Educator, Intensive Cluster
Mobile: +639228338585
The Curriculum Vitae is true and correct as at March 26, 2015.
Adriel John B. Gonzales, R.N.
Noted by:
Maria Cristina Andrea M. De Leon, R.N.
Nurse Unit Manager
Jonathan Y. Dy Intensive Care Unit, 3rd floor, Main Building.

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  • 1. ADRIEL JOHN B. GONZALES, R.N. #5 Burol St., San Juan, Malolos City, Bulacan 3000 Email Address: aj_savedbygrace@yahoo.com Birth Date: 27 January 1987 Contact Details: (mobile numbers) +639267387599; +639291202337 Age: 28 years old Place of Birth: Malolos City, Bulacan, Philippines QUALIFICATIONS OBTAINED College : Bulacan State University BS Nursing, 2004 - 2008 Secondary : Immaculate ConceptionSchool for Boys 2000 - 2004 Elementary : International Montessori Center 1994 - 2000 BRIDGING PROGRAMS / QUALIFYING EXAMINATIONS Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination Exam Provider: Board of Nursing, Philippines Date taken: June 2008 Location: College of the Holy Spirit, Manila, Philippines Board Rating: 79.20 IELTS Exam Provider: British Council Date taken: February 28, 2015 Location: Barcie Hotel, Malolos City, Bulacan, Philippines Scores per subtest: Listening: 7.5 Reading : 8.5 Writing: 7.0 Speaking 7.0 Overall Band Score: 7.5 CLINICAL / PROCEDURAL SKILLS SKILLS COMPETENT OBSERVED Taking a Comprehensive Nursing History Completing a Basic Physical Assessment Formulating a Nursing Diagnosis Designing a Nursing Care Plan Implementing the Plan of Care Evaluating care outcome and Revising the Care Plan NEUROLOGIC
  • 2. Neurologic Assessment Glasgow Coma Scale (hourly assessment in ICU) Seizure Precaution Care of the unconscious patient Initial Intervention for Stroke (BLEED or INFARCT) Assisting with Lumbar Puncture Care of sedated patients with RAS assessment RESPIRATORY Assessment of the Pulmonary System Administering Inhalations Assisting with Intubation and extubation Assisting in Bedside Thoracentesis or Pigtail insertion Assisitiing in Bedside Bronchoscopy Chest tube and Water-Seal drainage systems Incentive Spirometry and Peak flow meter instruction Analyzing and Interpreting Arterial Blood Gas Nasopharygeal Tube, Oral, Endotracheal and Tracheostomy Care Suctioning (Nasopharyngeal, Oral, Endotracheal, Tracheostomy) Use of Bag-Valve-Mask Troubleshooting the Different Mechanical Ventilator and Bipap machines Care of patients with Pigtail and Chest Tube drainage systems (with or without the use of a GOMCO machine) Oxygen Delivery Devices (nasal cannula, face mask, Rebreather mask, Non-Rebreather mask) Weaning patients off the ventilator (adjusting ventilator parameters) CARDIOVASCULAR Assessment of the Cardiovascular System Performing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: CODE BLUE (BLS, ACLS) Administering Emergency Medications Assisting with Cardioversion and Defibrillation Conducting and Interpreting 12-lead ECG 24 hour Holter Monitoring Interpreting and Relaying Cardiac Laboratory Values Care of patients with Hypovolemic Shock (handles patients with a maximum of six inotropes)
  • 3. Angina (with or without ISOKET drip) Hypertension (with or without Nicardepine Drip) Arterial Line and CVP Monitoring HEMATOLOGIC Assessment of the Immunocompromised Protective Environment (use of Personal Protective Equipment: PPE) Interpreting Hematologic Laboratory Results Blood Transfusion Therapy (whole blood, PRBC, FFP, cryoprecipitate) Care of patients with Anemia Cancer RENAL Assessment of the Renal System Monitoring Intake and Output (hourly in ICU) Interpreting Renal Laboratory Results Condom, Straight, Foley catheter (insertion and removal) Bladder Irrigation (cystoclysis) Administering Agents affecting the Renal System Care of patients with: Pre and Post Hemodialysis Acute and Chronic Renal Failure Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) GASTROINTESTINAL Assessment of the GI System Insertion of Nasogastric Tube Gastric Lavage Feeding through: Nasogastric Tube, Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy, Gastric Tube Stoma, Ileostomy, Colostomy, PEG, Gastric Tube Care Enema (Cleansing, Soapsuds, Fleet) Capillary Blood Glucose (CBG) monitoring Weighing patients using a bedscale Assists with Central Line Insertion (Intrajugular, Subclavian, Femoral Vein) Drug administration (topical, oral, subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous, per rectum) and dose calculation
  • 4. WORK / PRACTICE HISTORY Position: Full Time ICU Nurse St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City Address: #279 E. Rodriguez Sr. Blvd., Quezon City, Philippines Contact Details: landline: (+632) 731-0101 loc. 7394-95 Date started: 01 August 2012 to present Position: Nurse Staff Effectiveness Training (NSET-1203) March 2012 July 2012 Duties and Responsibilities: Provides and ensures that all critically ill patients / clients in the Intensive Care Unit are provided with direct hands on quality patient care that conforms to the standards of St. Lukes Medical Center. Technical: 1. Assess Nursing Care needs of patients: 1.1 Takes vital signs of patient (inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation), ECG tracings assessment and pain assessment. Hooks the patient to a cardiac monitor and get the scope and other baseline data Reports abnormal observations to managers/charge nurse and doctors Accomplishes the Nursing Integrated Admission Database Observes patients and records significant conditions and reactions to treatment. 2. Plan for Nursing Care and Intervention Use of Kardex for planning the Nursing care of patient. Identifies other nursing care problem. Coordinates the Medical Care Plan with the Nursing Care. Plans and carries out appropriate nursing intervention to achieve effective result. Explains to the patient and family members the non-invasive and invasive monitoring devices to be attached to the patient. Implements each planned intervention and nursing care. Administers prescribed medications and treatments (IV therapy, Blood and blood products) as ordered by the physician following the JCI standards. Prepares the equipment and assists physicians during treatment and examinations of patients (central line insertion, thoracentesis, chest pigtail insertion, and venous cutdown insertion). Evaluates results of nursing care rendered, Records medication and treatment given. Provides health care teachings to patients and family. Administrative:
  • 5. 1. Make rounds with physicians during his tour of duty, also does periodic rounds to his patients to ensure procedures and treatments are correctly done. 2. Directs and supervises the activities of the nursing aid. 3. Ensures adequacy of supplies in the unit and that the equipment are functional. 4. Contributes to the educational program of nursing students 5. Coordinates with the ICU officer with regards to concerns on policies, procedures, standards in the care of the patient. Position: Full Time Life Change Recovery Center, Inc. Address: #105 Scout Rallos, Quezon City, Philippines Contact Details: Mobile (+63)9228775970 Date started: February 2009 February 2012 Position: Worked as a nurse trainee December 2008 January 2009 Duties and Responsibilities: Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Assess the nursing care needs of the patients. 2. Takes vital signs, and peforms cephalocaudal assessment of the patients. 3. Gives correct medications and drug dose thru oral, and intramuscular. 4. Coordinates the treatment plan with the healthcare team. 5. Observes and evaluates patients response to therapy and drugs. 6. Makes rounds in the patients rooms on different time schedule. 7. Assists in therapy programs given by the counselors. 8. Gives input and suggestions to treatment to the healthcare team. Seminars / Trainings Attended: Ebola Awareness and Preparedness Orientation St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City, October 28, 2014 Infection Control Basic Course for Clinicians St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City, August 18, 2014 ACLS Refresher Course St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City, July 14, 2014 Primary Stroke St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City, July 01, 2014 NDNQI Process Improvement Analyst Training St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City, May 19-21, 2014
  • 6. Empowerment Module 1 St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City, April 21, 2014 Dare to Shine, Critical Care Nurses Association of the Philippines, Inc Diamond Hotel Philippines, February 18-19, 2014 Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Workshop St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City, November 9, 2013 Urologic Nursing Care St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City, August 30, 2013 Customer Service Champion Training St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City, July 27, 2013 Advanced Cardiac Life Support St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City, October 3-5, 2012 At Your Service: A Concierge Culture Building Program St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City, October 2, 2012 Infection Control Basic Course for Clinicians St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City, September 19, 2012 Developing Nurses Competency on Central Venous Access Device: A Nursing Concern St. Lukes Medical Center, Global City, August 22, 2012 Bio-Safety Emergency and Preparedness Control Team St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City, May 10, 2012 Basic Life Support St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City, April 27, 2012 GAPS IN WORK / PRACTICE HISTORY Recieved my professional license: September 3, 2008 3 months: job hunting (from September 2008-Decemeber 2008) REGISTRATION HISTORY Registered Nurse Philippines License Number: 0499154 Validity: January 27, 2017
  • 7. REFERENCES: Maria Teresa C. Mendoza, R.N. St. Lukes Medical Center, Q.C., Philippines Department Manager, Intensive Cluster. Mobile: +639256100350 Lhaila O. Dacayanan, R.N. St. Lukes Medical Center, Q.C., Philippines Clinical Nurse Educator, Intensive Cluster Mobile: +639228338585 The Curriculum Vitae is true and correct as at March 26, 2015. Adriel John B. Gonzales, R.N. Noted by: Maria Cristina Andrea M. De Leon, R.N. Nurse Unit Manager Jonathan Y. Dy Intensive Care Unit, 3rd floor, Main Building. +639328508464