This document provides information on eating well to help arthritis, including which foods to eat more or less of. It recommends focusing on whole, natural foods like white meat, fish, fruits and vegetables while limiting red meat, dairy, refined sugars and highly acidic foods. Specific anti-inflammatory foods mentioned include cherries, berries, honey, papaya and seeds. The document also suggests supplements like glucosamine and fish oils can help arthritis and emphasizes making lifestyle changes gradually over 21 days to form new habits.
10. Food intolerance usual suspectsWheat DairyGluten Citrus fruitsCornColourings and flavouringsSoyaYeastJust cut out one for two weeks
11. RA is relatively uncommon in primitive cultures. Diet is mainly alkaline-forming foods, compared to the West, who have a diet high in refined foods and sugars.
15. Millet or OatsBrown rice, Spelt, Barley, Quinoa, Buckwheat (highly nutritional and good sources of fibre)You can get these grains in the form of crisp breads, oatcakes, porridge and specially made breads.Wheat alternatives
18. Also Papaya Contains Bromelain, a systemic enzyme to aid healing and reduce inflammation. Taking a supplement of Bromelain is also recommended, to gain an optimum amount.Pineapple is amazing