The document discusses how actively developing daily skills can lead to advancement. It recommends taking an active role in developing yourself and your career on a daily basis. For yourself, it suggests making self-improvement a lifelong routine by setting goals and practicing techniques daily. For your career, it similarly recommends actively developing your skills, networking, and using tools like a career toolbox to continuously improve. The overall message is that daily improvement efforts can lead to long-term dividends if made a consistent, lifelong commitment.
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Daily Deeds Draw Dividends
1. Daily Deeds Draw Dividends for Advancement Presented by Neal Huffman
2. Actively Develop Daily Deeds Draw Dividends for Advancement A. Opening remarks. B. Body. 1. Change – the impetus for action. a. Competition. b. Transformation. 2. Actively develop yourself. a. Change within your control. b. Take action. c. Life-long endeavor. d. Summarize. 3. Actively develop your career. a. SWOT – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. b. Toolbox. c. Network. d. Life-long endeavor. e. Summarize. 4. ABC – Always Be Closing. a. Initiative. b. Preparation. c. Face to face. d. Visualize. e. Network. C. Concluding remarks. D. Quizz. E. Suggested research.
3. Change happens In Tom Peters’ book, Re-Imagine! – Business Excellence in a Disruptive Age, he quotes General Eric Shinseki, United States Army, Chief of Staff who stated, “If you don’t like change, you’re going to like irrelevance even less.”
4. Change – the impetus for action. a - marketplace. b - Internet. c - Increasing competition. The advance number for seasonally adjusted insured unemployment during the week ending April 18 was 6,271,000, an increase of 133,000 from the preceding week's revised level of 6,138,000. The 4-week moving average was 6,076,000, an increase of 131,500 from the preceding week's revised average of 5,944,500. ( http:// / ) Currently 8.9% unemployment rate. (d. define Verb ( http:// /browse/change ) 1. To become different: overnight the nation’s mood changed. 2. To become altered or modified: colors change if exposed to the sun. <PASSIVE> 3. To become transformed or converted: the toad changed into a prince. <ACTIVE> From an employment perspective, change or TRANSFORM by taking an ACTIVE role in developing: 1) yourself; and 2) your career. What is change?
5. Develop You control “ God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can ; And wisdom to know the difference.” ( http:// ) passive or active “ sweat equity” techniques increase your value lifelong learning The commitment is to life-long learning. Development has to be a daily routine -- like brushing your teeth. Daily is more effective and more measureable. Get in the habit. Make it routine. Can cost or can be free, (ask about being a guest). The time spent can be 5 minutes each day; it does not require 4 hours. You are the CEO – you decide the time you set aside for development.
6. Summary (You) CEO of you – lead yourself. Change the things you can. Think of something you want to work on. I wanted to improve public speaking skills, so I joined Toastmasters. Embrace change. Develop actively. Make a goal. Practice a technique each day. Make self-improvement a routine for life.
7. Know yourself - Personality test ( http:// / ) Career toolbox Keep it current Assemble your tools and improve them Concentrate on selling techniques Network - - Herd mentality Develop your Career
8. Summarize (Career) CEO of your career. Change the things you can. Embrace change. Develop actively. Make a goal. Practice a technique each day. Make self-improvement a routine for life.
9. ABC How I sold myself to my current employer. Initiative Preparation Face to Face Visualize Personal touch