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CYBER BULLYINGby: Tyler BurdzyThroughout many years, high school has been portrayed very stereotypically as groups of people known as cliques. You have the Jocks, Emos, Nerds, Preps, etc. And almost always you see the Jocks bully the nerds in some way, mostly physically. Slamming into locker, swirleys, or even punching. Well, maybe its time for the nerds revenge. Cyber bullying is when a child, preteen, or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed, or otherwise targeted by another child, preteen, or teen using the internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones.
Cyber bullying powerpoint
Cyber bullying powerpoint
Cyber bullying powerpoint
Cyber bullying powerpoint
Cyber bullying powerpoint
Cyber bullying powerpoint
Cyber bullying powerpoint
Cyber bullying powerpoint
Research                          Survey1/3 of teens had been cyber bulliedSays there are many ways to cyber bully and anonymously is the most popular way (15% online, 10% by phone)1/6 kids said they were cyber bullied and 1/3 of teens had been cyber bullied48% of teens had been cyber bullied62% of students think texting is the most popular way of cyber bullying56% of students said high school has more cyber bullying than middle schoolChildren/ teens have hurt themselves because of cyber bullying schools get involved in cyber bullying  cases and students witness this
INTERPRET SURVEY RESULTS1 out of 2 teens in high school had been cyber bullied. The information I found online said it was 1 in 3 so this may be a bigger problem than we know.Cyber bullying is a popular way of bullying now. It happens a lot in our school and Im sure many other schools as well.Cyber bullying happens most of the time because of the opposite sex in someway.There are more victims than attackers (that admit it) in high school. So the people doing the bullying do it to more than one victim
COMPARE RESEARCH TO TWISTEDMany kids (1 out of 3) get cyber bullied, like Tyler and Bethany were. Tyler was framed because the pictures of Bethany naked were online and Tyler was framed because he really didnt do it. Bethany was cyber bullied because she had very embarrassing pictures of her put online.In my research it says that the victims of cyber bullying rarely tell people about it, which Tyler did. He didnt tell his parents about it and he really didnt talk about it and complain about it to many people.Unlike the results I found, it said cyber bullying is not a one time thing, it happens repeatedly and children have killed others and committed suicide after having been involved in cyber bullying. Tyler did not hurt himself or others when it happened and it only happened one time. There were not repeated actions of the cyber bullying to Tyler.
RationaleTyler and Bethany were both cyber bullied in the book Twisted. It caused problems for both of them. Bethany was very embarrassed about it and there was absolutely nothing she could do about it. She had pictures of her put online because of one mistake she made one night. And Tyler was framed. He didnt even do the cyber bullying and he lost a very good friend. The incident caused Tyler and Bethany both to lose a good friend and a solid relationship. It sucks, but things like this happen all the time. That is why I chose the topic of cyber bullying. It is a big problem for many people today in our school and world, and it is only a growing problem that is getting worse because of advancements in technologies. It is in our lives everywhere and I believe ever teen, preteen and child should be educated about this topic.
Cyber Bullying(Conclusion)Cyber bullying is a big problem in many teens worlds today. It is one of the many ways in which teens are being bullied and it is causing problems for many teens and even their families and loved ones. Kids have killed each other and committed suicide after being involved in a cyber bullying incident. It may even be a bigger problem than we know. The information I found online from the experts says that 1 in 3 teens are cyber bullied or have been, and according to my survey from my school here at West, 1 out of 2 students have been cyber bullied. The numbers are greater for my school than what the experts think. Cyber bullying is no little problem that we can take lightly and act like it doesnt happen. It may be the most popular way of bullying within the next few years, if not already, and it may already be the most serious based on the fact that there have been many deaths already associated with it.
WORKS CITED1) Stop Cyberbullying. Wired Kids, INC. Web. 13 Dec 2010. http://www.stopcyberbullying.org/what_is_cyberbulling_exactly.html2)Cyberbullying. Stop Bullying Now. HRSA. Web. 13 Dec 2010. http://www.stopbullyingnow.hrsa.gov/adults/cyber-bullying.aspx

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  • 1. CYBER BULLYINGby: Tyler BurdzyThroughout many years, high school has been portrayed very stereotypically as groups of people known as cliques. You have the Jocks, Emos, Nerds, Preps, etc. And almost always you see the Jocks bully the nerds in some way, mostly physically. Slamming into locker, swirleys, or even punching. Well, maybe its time for the nerds revenge. Cyber bullying is when a child, preteen, or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed, or otherwise targeted by another child, preteen, or teen using the internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones.
  • 3. 21
  • 12. Research Survey1/3 of teens had been cyber bulliedSays there are many ways to cyber bully and anonymously is the most popular way (15% online, 10% by phone)1/6 kids said they were cyber bullied and 1/3 of teens had been cyber bullied48% of teens had been cyber bullied62% of students think texting is the most popular way of cyber bullying56% of students said high school has more cyber bullying than middle schoolChildren/ teens have hurt themselves because of cyber bullying schools get involved in cyber bullying cases and students witness this
  • 13. INTERPRET SURVEY RESULTS1 out of 2 teens in high school had been cyber bullied. The information I found online said it was 1 in 3 so this may be a bigger problem than we know.Cyber bullying is a popular way of bullying now. It happens a lot in our school and Im sure many other schools as well.Cyber bullying happens most of the time because of the opposite sex in someway.There are more victims than attackers (that admit it) in high school. So the people doing the bullying do it to more than one victim
  • 14. COMPARE RESEARCH TO TWISTEDMany kids (1 out of 3) get cyber bullied, like Tyler and Bethany were. Tyler was framed because the pictures of Bethany naked were online and Tyler was framed because he really didnt do it. Bethany was cyber bullied because she had very embarrassing pictures of her put online.In my research it says that the victims of cyber bullying rarely tell people about it, which Tyler did. He didnt tell his parents about it and he really didnt talk about it and complain about it to many people.Unlike the results I found, it said cyber bullying is not a one time thing, it happens repeatedly and children have killed others and committed suicide after having been involved in cyber bullying. Tyler did not hurt himself or others when it happened and it only happened one time. There were not repeated actions of the cyber bullying to Tyler.
  • 15. RationaleTyler and Bethany were both cyber bullied in the book Twisted. It caused problems for both of them. Bethany was very embarrassed about it and there was absolutely nothing she could do about it. She had pictures of her put online because of one mistake she made one night. And Tyler was framed. He didnt even do the cyber bullying and he lost a very good friend. The incident caused Tyler and Bethany both to lose a good friend and a solid relationship. It sucks, but things like this happen all the time. That is why I chose the topic of cyber bullying. It is a big problem for many people today in our school and world, and it is only a growing problem that is getting worse because of advancements in technologies. It is in our lives everywhere and I believe ever teen, preteen and child should be educated about this topic.
  • 16. Cyber Bullying(Conclusion)Cyber bullying is a big problem in many teens worlds today. It is one of the many ways in which teens are being bullied and it is causing problems for many teens and even their families and loved ones. Kids have killed each other and committed suicide after being involved in a cyber bullying incident. It may even be a bigger problem than we know. The information I found online from the experts says that 1 in 3 teens are cyber bullied or have been, and according to my survey from my school here at West, 1 out of 2 students have been cyber bullied. The numbers are greater for my school than what the experts think. Cyber bullying is no little problem that we can take lightly and act like it doesnt happen. It may be the most popular way of bullying within the next few years, if not already, and it may already be the most serious based on the fact that there have been many deaths already associated with it.
  • 17. WORKS CITED1) Stop Cyberbullying. Wired Kids, INC. Web. 13 Dec 2010. http://www.stopcyberbullying.org/what_is_cyberbulling_exactly.html2)Cyberbullying. Stop Bullying Now. HRSA. Web. 13 Dec 2010. http://www.stopbullyingnow.hrsa.gov/adults/cyber-bullying.aspx