CyberMaryland is the premiere cyber conference in the Mid-Atlantic, October 29-30 at the Baltimore Convention Center. Government and military employees can attend for Free!
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Transitioning Military Attend CyberMaryland 2014
1. October 29-30 // Baltimore Convention Center
Cybersecurity professionals CyberMaryland is an
opportunity to learn the latest trends in cyber, to acquire
skills and knowledge to further your professional
development, and to find a job after your transition.
CyberMaryland features different conference tracks
depending on your interest, including Technology,
Workforce Development, Operations, Trending Topics
and General Sessions.
Admiral Michael S. Rogers,
Commander USCYBERCOM, Director NSA, Chief, CSS
Jay Redman, US Navy SEAL Lieutenant (Retired)
For more information and to register, visit
} }
Sessions of particular interest to transitioning military include:
Military Transition Realities Air Force veteran Patra Frame
will lead a frank discussion and Q/A session with leading cyber
recruiters on transition to the civilian cybersecurity workplace.
Security Clearances Former security clearance background
investigator Nicole Smith will share what you should know
before your next security clearance reinvestigation.
Veterans as Entrepreneurs and Employees Former Army
Ranger Bob Kinder will lead a panel discussion on why veterans
make tremendous entrepreneurs or employees.
Cyber Job Fair
A hiring event for transitioning cybersecurity
professionals to meet face-to-face with
leading cyber employers, presented by
veteran-owned ClearedJobs.Net.
The Cyber Job Fair will be the first day of
the CyberMaryland conference, October
29, from 11am-3pm. Registration for
the Cyber Job Fair is separate from the
conference registration, and is FREE for
all cyber job seekers.
The Cyber Job Fair will also include
Resume Reviews by Air Force veteran
Patra Frame.
For more details or to register, visit
As a member of the military, your
FREE! attendance is free, a $395 value.