This document summarizes a mobile health app called The Health Project. It aims to reverse obesity trends by providing health education to users. The app offers 15-minute daily lessons on topics like nutrition, fitness, and disease prevention using insights from health philosophies and science. It teaches a sustainable approach to healthy living rather than restrictive diets. The founders are raising a $350k seed round to launch their first program and pursue their mission of empowering people with health knowledge.
Outsourced Innovation Case Study-Rose Acre Farmadambcarney
The document summarizes a study comparing LED and CFL lighting systems in an egg-laying poultry facility. Key findings from installing LED lights in one house include:
- LED lights produced equal or higher light output compared to the existing CFL lights.
- An estimated annual energy savings of 6,285 kWh from using LED lights in the one house. Expanding LED lights to all houses could save over $17,000 annually.
- Payback for full LED conversion was estimated at 4 years but incentives could reduce payback. LED lights were projected to save over $100,000 in maintenance costs over their longer lifespan.
This document provides an overview of the Measure phase of the Six Sigma DMAIC process for process improvement. It discusses selecting Critical to Quality characteristics, defining performance standards and specification limits, establishing a data collection plan and validating measurement systems. Specific quality tools covered include Quality Function Deployment, process mapping, fishbone diagrams, Pareto analysis, Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and gauge R&R studies. FMEA involves identifying potential failures, assigning risk ratings, and developing actions to address high risk items. The goal of the Measure phase is to understand the current process performance and set a baseline for improvement efforts.
The change after the quake (MACROMILL REPORT)MACROMILL
The document summarizes survey results on changes in consumer behavior and interests before and after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. It found that in the week following the earthquake, spending and travel decreased slightly in the Tohoku and Kanto regions most affected. Interest grew in stress relief but other interests returned to normal within two weeks as impacts were temporary with no major changes in purchasing intentions overall.
Programming SharePoint 2010 with Visual Studio 2010Quang Nguy?n B│
The document summarizes the evolution of Visual Studio tools for SharePoint development across different versions. It highlights new features introduced in each version like 64-bit support in VS2008, workflow improvements in VS2010, and extensible projects and tools integration with TFS. It also provides an overview of the Visual Studio for Office/SharePoint designer and how it enables developing, deploying and debugging SharePoint applications. It describes the use of REST APIs, client-side object model, and language integrated query for accessing SharePoint data from external applications.
Content marketing is taking over. Find out how the democratization of publishing, marketer-as-network models and hyper-localized content are changing the search landscape. With Fun Facts!
Flow control manages the rate of data transmission between nodes to prevent overwhelm. It ensures a receiving node is not overwhelmed by a fast sender. Flow control prevents degradation from overload, avoids deadlock, and provides fair resource allocation. There are two main types: stop-and-wait which provides reliable transfer but is inefficient for long transmissions, and sliding window which controls packets between computers for reliable sequential delivery and performs better with limited buffers. Flow control occurs at different levels including between individual nodes, switches, and transport between users.
The document discusses gaining new insights into usage log data via explorative visualization. It presents a case study analyzing web usage logs from Semantic Web Dog Food and DBpedia datasets. The study evaluates the logs, relates resources to real-world events over time, and uses Kandinsky graphs to visualize relevance based on fan, depth, and weight of user paths within time windows. The analysis provides evidence that considering time is essential for understanding resource relevance from usage logs.
The document discusses the impacts of global warming on large cities in developing nations. It notes that while cities occupy just 0.4% of land, they are home to half the world's population. The urban populations in Asia and Africa are expected to double in the coming years. Of the 33 largest cities in 2015, 21 are coastal and vulnerable to rising sea levels from climate change. Tokyo, Mexico City, New York, Sao Paulo, Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Shanghai, Jakarta, and Buenos Aires are identified as particularly at risk from storms and earthquakes.
A Journey through the Spatial Data Mining and Geographic Knowledge Discover J...SAS Asia Pacific
The document discusses structural equation modeling (SEM) and provides two examples of its applications. SEM can be used to analyze relationships between observed and latent variables and determine the extent of their relationships. The first example examines how airline service quality, price, value, passenger satisfaction, and image affect future passenger behavioral intentions. The second example uses SEM to develop effective relationship marketing strategies by examining how tourist image, quality, satisfaction, trust, and loyalty are interrelated. SEM allows specification of measurement and structure models to represent these relationships between variables.
This document provides an introduction to accounting, outlining key learning outcomes around financial accounting concepts and statements. It describes the accounting process, different types of businesses and their structures, the roles of accountants, and important accounting regulations and standards. Students will learn to prepare financial statements and use accounting software to analyze business transactions and communicate financial information.
The document discusses trends in digital media usage and opportunities for brands. It notes that billions of users are consuming vast amounts of online content and that digital media spread much more quickly than traditional media. Key topics covered include the rise of multitasking, augmented reality, banners, email newsletters, social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, identifying influencers, and integrating digital campaigns with traditional media like TV. The document advocates for experimenting with new digital trends and keeping digital media objectives in mind.
Better decisions through analytics in healthcare industry. Our journey so farSAS Asia Pacific
The document discusses how analytics can help healthcare organizations make better decisions. It outlines PAH's experience implementing analytics projects like automating financial reports and quantifying new and returning patient numbers. Key challenges included fragmented data, resource constraints, and skills gaps. Lessons highlighted establishing dedicated analytics teams and strategically managing data to transform it into useful insights.
Este documento presenta los resultados de una investigaci┏n sobre las concepciones de estudiantes de educaci┏n primaria sobre la evoluci┏n biol┏gica. Los estudiantes mostraron ideas previas alternativas y una mezcla de pensamientos lamarckianos, teleol┏gicos y ortogen└ticos en lugar de una comprensi┏n de la teor┴a sint└tica de la evoluci┏n. Sus niveles de conocimiento eran similares a estudiantes de secundaria. Esto sugiere que su formaci┏n docente inicial no les proporcion┏ una comprensi┏n a
Raman, a 40-year-old South Asian woman diagnosed with treatment-resistant major depressive disorder, is being considered for electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) but is hesitant due to negative depictions of ECT in films. While her family supports all treatment, they share Raman's concerns about ECT's perceived brutality and want to be adequately informed. The document discusses correcting misconceptions about ECT's safety and effectiveness through education, as inaccurate stigmas could outweigh the evidence that ECT is effective for treatment-resistant depression.
SocialClicks is a social media marketing company that manages clients' social media accounts across platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and more. They offer various service plans to post content and advertisements on clients' behalf, as well as monitor engagement and provide analytics. Their services are aimed at helping businesses create online followings to increase awareness, drive traffic, and boost sales through social media interactions and promotions. Pricing plans start at $39/week and scale up with more posts, ads, and advanced features included.
Prezentace z p?edn│?ky pro Informa?n┴, poradensk└ a soci│ln┴ centrum Univerzity Karlovy v Praze - konan└ naposledy 20. 10. 2016.
Nezam├stnanost je sama o sob├ komplexn┴ probl└m, kter? nem│ jednoduch└ ?e?en┴. Mezi ohro?en└ skupiny lid┴ na trhu pr│ce pat?┴ krom├ matek a otc? po rodi?ovsk└ dovolen└ a lid┴ star?┴ch 50 let i ?erstv┴ absolventi. P?edn│?ka poslucha??m a poslucha?k│m zprost?edkuje kritick? pohled na sou?asn? trh pr│ce v ?esk└ republice (v?etn├ vhledu do business modelu spole?nost┴ na n├m p?sob┴c┴ch), p?edstav┴ zp?soby, jak?mi mohou studuj┴c┴ zlep?it svoje postaven┴ na trhu pr│ce, a v neposledn┴ ?ad├ uk│?e slab└ i siln└ str│nky r?zn?ch zp?sob? hled│n┴ pr│ce (v?etn├ inovativn┴ aplikace vyvinut└ v r│mci mezin│rodn┴ spolupr│ce p?┴mo na Univerzit├ Karlov├).
Podnikatelsk? inkub│tor V?B-TU Ostrava - Mlad?m, inovativn┴m, rozv┴jej┴c┴m se firm│m poskytuje podnikatelsk? inkub│tor nejen pron│jem atraktivn┴ch kancel│?sk?ch, poloprovozn┴ch, zasedac┴ch a dopl┥kov?ch prostor za v?hodn└ ceny, ale tak└ soubor vz│jemn├ se dopl┥uj┴c┴ch poradensk?ch a administrativn┴ch slu?eb, kter└ jim pom│haj┴ p?ekonat po?│te?n┴ probl└my a dos│hnout tak ┣sp├chu na trhu.
Flow control manages the rate of data transmission between nodes to prevent overwhelm. It ensures a receiving node is not overwhelmed by a fast sender. Flow control prevents degradation from overload, avoids deadlock, and provides fair resource allocation. There are two main types: stop-and-wait which provides reliable transfer but is inefficient for long transmissions, and sliding window which controls packets between computers for reliable sequential delivery and performs better with limited buffers. Flow control occurs at different levels including between individual nodes, switches, and transport between users.
The document discusses gaining new insights into usage log data via explorative visualization. It presents a case study analyzing web usage logs from Semantic Web Dog Food and DBpedia datasets. The study evaluates the logs, relates resources to real-world events over time, and uses Kandinsky graphs to visualize relevance based on fan, depth, and weight of user paths within time windows. The analysis provides evidence that considering time is essential for understanding resource relevance from usage logs.
The document discusses the impacts of global warming on large cities in developing nations. It notes that while cities occupy just 0.4% of land, they are home to half the world's population. The urban populations in Asia and Africa are expected to double in the coming years. Of the 33 largest cities in 2015, 21 are coastal and vulnerable to rising sea levels from climate change. Tokyo, Mexico City, New York, Sao Paulo, Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Shanghai, Jakarta, and Buenos Aires are identified as particularly at risk from storms and earthquakes.
A Journey through the Spatial Data Mining and Geographic Knowledge Discover J...SAS Asia Pacific
The document discusses structural equation modeling (SEM) and provides two examples of its applications. SEM can be used to analyze relationships between observed and latent variables and determine the extent of their relationships. The first example examines how airline service quality, price, value, passenger satisfaction, and image affect future passenger behavioral intentions. The second example uses SEM to develop effective relationship marketing strategies by examining how tourist image, quality, satisfaction, trust, and loyalty are interrelated. SEM allows specification of measurement and structure models to represent these relationships between variables.
This document provides an introduction to accounting, outlining key learning outcomes around financial accounting concepts and statements. It describes the accounting process, different types of businesses and their structures, the roles of accountants, and important accounting regulations and standards. Students will learn to prepare financial statements and use accounting software to analyze business transactions and communicate financial information.
The document discusses trends in digital media usage and opportunities for brands. It notes that billions of users are consuming vast amounts of online content and that digital media spread much more quickly than traditional media. Key topics covered include the rise of multitasking, augmented reality, banners, email newsletters, social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, identifying influencers, and integrating digital campaigns with traditional media like TV. The document advocates for experimenting with new digital trends and keeping digital media objectives in mind.
Better decisions through analytics in healthcare industry. Our journey so farSAS Asia Pacific
The document discusses how analytics can help healthcare organizations make better decisions. It outlines PAH's experience implementing analytics projects like automating financial reports and quantifying new and returning patient numbers. Key challenges included fragmented data, resource constraints, and skills gaps. Lessons highlighted establishing dedicated analytics teams and strategically managing data to transform it into useful insights.
Este documento presenta los resultados de una investigaci┏n sobre las concepciones de estudiantes de educaci┏n primaria sobre la evoluci┏n biol┏gica. Los estudiantes mostraron ideas previas alternativas y una mezcla de pensamientos lamarckianos, teleol┏gicos y ortogen└ticos en lugar de una comprensi┏n de la teor┴a sint└tica de la evoluci┏n. Sus niveles de conocimiento eran similares a estudiantes de secundaria. Esto sugiere que su formaci┏n docente inicial no les proporcion┏ una comprensi┏n a
Raman, a 40-year-old South Asian woman diagnosed with treatment-resistant major depressive disorder, is being considered for electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) but is hesitant due to negative depictions of ECT in films. While her family supports all treatment, they share Raman's concerns about ECT's perceived brutality and want to be adequately informed. The document discusses correcting misconceptions about ECT's safety and effectiveness through education, as inaccurate stigmas could outweigh the evidence that ECT is effective for treatment-resistant depression.
SocialClicks is a social media marketing company that manages clients' social media accounts across platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and more. They offer various service plans to post content and advertisements on clients' behalf, as well as monitor engagement and provide analytics. Their services are aimed at helping businesses create online followings to increase awareness, drive traffic, and boost sales through social media interactions and promotions. Pricing plans start at $39/week and scale up with more posts, ads, and advanced features included.
Prezentace z p?edn│?ky pro Informa?n┴, poradensk└ a soci│ln┴ centrum Univerzity Karlovy v Praze - konan└ naposledy 20. 10. 2016.
Nezam├stnanost je sama o sob├ komplexn┴ probl└m, kter? nem│ jednoduch└ ?e?en┴. Mezi ohro?en└ skupiny lid┴ na trhu pr│ce pat?┴ krom├ matek a otc? po rodi?ovsk└ dovolen└ a lid┴ star?┴ch 50 let i ?erstv┴ absolventi. P?edn│?ka poslucha??m a poslucha?k│m zprost?edkuje kritick? pohled na sou?asn? trh pr│ce v ?esk└ republice (v?etn├ vhledu do business modelu spole?nost┴ na n├m p?sob┴c┴ch), p?edstav┴ zp?soby, jak?mi mohou studuj┴c┴ zlep?it svoje postaven┴ na trhu pr│ce, a v neposledn┴ ?ad├ uk│?e slab└ i siln└ str│nky r?zn?ch zp?sob? hled│n┴ pr│ce (v?etn├ inovativn┴ aplikace vyvinut└ v r│mci mezin│rodn┴ spolupr│ce p?┴mo na Univerzit├ Karlov├).
Podnikatelsk? inkub│tor V?B-TU Ostrava - Mlad?m, inovativn┴m, rozv┴jej┴c┴m se firm│m poskytuje podnikatelsk? inkub│tor nejen pron│jem atraktivn┴ch kancel│?sk?ch, poloprovozn┴ch, zasedac┴ch a dopl┥kov?ch prostor za v?hodn└ ceny, ale tak└ soubor vz│jemn├ se dopl┥uj┴c┴ch poradensk?ch a administrativn┴ch slu?eb, kter└ jim pom│haj┴ p?ekonat po?│te?n┴ probl└my a dos│hnout tak ┣sp├chu na trhu.
Workshop pro startupy a rostouc┴ firmy, kter└ pot?ebuj┴ rychle nab┴rat. Ve st│le tvrd?┴ konkurenci usp├j┴ jen firmy, kde je n│bor t?mov?m sportem. To zahrnuje:
* Osobn┴ branding a pr│ci s LinkedIn
* Tvorbu obsahu, kter? zaujme kandid│ty
* Aktivn┴ oslovov│n┴ kandid│t?
* Profesion│ln├ veden└ pohovory
Modul 1 - L│k│n┴ kandid│t? (4 hod)
* Employer branding a firemn┴ kultura
* Blogy, podcasty, p?edn│?ky a tvorba atraktivn┴ho obsahu
* Vylep?en┴ LinkedIn profilu a pr│ce s p?┴sp├vky
* Jak p?ipravit funguj┴c┴ pracovn┴ inzer│t
* Jak vyhledat a oslovit kandid│ty
Modul 2 - V?b├r kandid│t? (4 hod)
* Jak v└st pohovor efektivn├ a profesion│ln├
* Co je Unconscious Bias a jak s n┴m bojovat
* Jak p?ipravit kandid│t?m ten nejlep?┴ z│?itek
* Zapojen┴ zam├stnanc? - referral program a sourcing
* Onboarding nov│?k?
They have been designed, clearly presenting NoNEETs objectives and results and the LLL programme and are available in all partner languages to reach out a wide audience.
The aim of those brochures is to promote the project either to all NoNEETs partners and associated partners and also to project beneficiaries. That's why 2 types of brochures have been edited. (one institutionnal, one for Neets).
Dne 30. ?┴jna 2015 se v Praze konal vzd├l│vac┴ semin│?, v r│mci n├ho? byli ┣?astn┴ci sezn│meni s v?stupy kl┴?ov└ aktivity 7 projektu Zefektivn├n┴ TA ?R C nov?mi mo?nostmi vedouc┴mi k zv??en┴ informovanosti (nejen) ve?ejn└ spr│vy o inovac┴ch.
Byly p?edstaveny jednotliv└ n│stroje a uk│z│ny ┣sp├?n└ p?┴klady prezentace VaVaI sm├rem k ve?ejn└ spr│v├.
3. Institut trhu pr│ce
Kl┴?ov│ aktivita ?. 6 projektu ITP
Anal?za a optimalizace poradensk?ch
slu?eb poskytovan?ch ve?ejn?mi
slu?bami zam├stnanosti
? Anal?za sou?asn└ho stavu poradensk?ch slu?eb (PS) ve VSZ
? Srovn│vac┴ studie sou?asn?ch v?vojov?ch trend? PS ve
vybran?ch zem┴ch EU
? N│vrh optimalizace PS poskytovan?ch VSZ
Odbor 42 SSZ MPSV - gesce
4. [6] HARRISON, R. (1976) The Demoralising Experience of Prolonged Unemployment. Department of Education Gazette.
Model informa?n├ poradensk?ch slu?eb
7. Informa?n├-poradensk?
syst└m pro dal?┴ profesn┴
? 2007 Sdru?en┴ pro Informa?n├ poradensk? syst└m tvo?en└ spole?nostmi
KPMG ?esk│ republika,s.r.o, Gradua-CEGOS, s.r.o. a OKsystems s.r.o.
V?echna pr│va vyhrazena
8. ? 2008 Sdru?en┴ pro Informa?n├ poradensk? syst└m tvo?en└ spole?nostmi KPMG ?esk│ republika, s.r.o., Gradua-CEGOS, s.r.o. a OKsystems s.r.o.
V?echna pr│va vyhrazena.
T?i ?│sti projektu
poradc? pro
poradc? pro
9. ? 2008 Sdru?en┴ pro Informa?n├ poradensk? syst└m tvo?en└ spole?nostmi KPMG ?esk│ republika, s.r.o., Gradua-CEGOS, s.r.o. a OKsystems s.r.o.
V?echna pr│va vyhrazena.
C┴le aplikace
? Poradit dal?┴ profesn┴ vzd├l│v│n┴
? Hlavn┴m c┴lem port│lov└ aplikace je poradit u?ivatel?m, zejm└na
zam├stnanc?m, vhodn? sm├r pro dal?┴ profesn┴ vzd├l│v│n┴.
? Pro poradce
? Aplikace je v prvn┴ ?ad├ zam??lena jako n│stroj pro poradce
v dal?┴m profesn┴m vzd├l│v│n┴.
? Informa?n├-poradensk? syst└m
? Port│lov│ aplikace vznikla v r│mci projektu
Informa?n├-poradensk? syst└m. Tento projekt byl financov│n
z prost?edk? ESF a MPSV.
10. ? 2008 Sdru?en┴ pro Informa?n├ poradensk? syst└m tvo?en└ spole?nostmi KPMG ?esk│ republika, s.r.o., Gradua-CEGOS, s.r.o. a OKsystems s.r.o.
V?echna pr│va vyhrazena.
Slu?by port│lu zam├?en└ na
pomoc klientovi v oblasti DPV
? Zam├stnavatel└
? Vzd├lavatel└
? Klienti
? Poradci
12. ? 2008 Sdru?en┴ pro Informa?n├ poradensk? syst└m tvo?en└ spole?nostmi KPMG ?esk│ republika, s.r.o., Gradua-CEGOS, s.r.o. a OKsystems s.r.o.
V?echna pr│va vyhrazena.
Vyu?it┴ katalog?
TRH s kurzy
> 30 000 kurz?
500 profes┴
300 kurz?
> 3 000 po?adavk?