3. 最近のReview?文献
? Massive Transfusion ; New insights. Chest 2009 ;136:1654-67
? Transfusion Management of Trauma Patients.
Anesth Analg 2009 ;108:1760-1768
? Management of bleeding following major trauma: a European guideline
Crit Care Med 2007 ;11:R17
? Resuscitation and transfusion principles for traumatic hemorrhagic shock.
Blood Reviews 2009 ; 23:231–240
? Damage Control Resuscitation: The New Face of Damage Control
J Trauma 2010 ; 69:976-990
? Damage control resuscitation: A sensible approach to the exsanguinating
surgical patient Crit Care Med 2008 ;36:267-274
? ABC to <C>ABC: redefining the military trauma paradigm
Emerg Med J 2006 ; 23:745–746
? Damage control resuscitation for patients with major trauma
BMJ 2009 ; 338:1436-1440
? 外傷急性期の血液凝固線溶系 ; 現在の世界的論点を整理する
日救急医会誌 2010 ; 21:765-778
4. 最近のReview?文献
? Massive Transfusion ; New insights. Chest 2009 ;136:1654-67
? Transfusion Management of Trauma Patients.
Anesth Analg 2009 ;108:1760-1768
? Management of bleeding following major trauma: a European guideline
Crit Care Med 2007 ;11:R17
? Resuscitation and transfusion principles for traumatic hemorrhagic shock.
Blood Reviews 2009 ; 23:231–240
? Damage Control Resuscitation: The New Face of Damage Control
J Trauma 2010 ; 69:976-990
? Damage control resuscitation: A sensible approach to the exsanguinating
surgical patient Crit Care Med 2008 ;36:267-274
? ABC to <C>ABC: redefining the military trauma paradigm
Emerg Med J 2006 ; 23:745–746
? Damage control resuscitation for patients with major trauma
BMJ 2009 ; 338:1436-1440
? 外傷急性期の血液凝固線溶系 ; 現在の世界的論点を整理する
日救急医会誌 2010 ; 21:765-778
12. Damage Control Resuscitation
DCR is defined as a systemic approach to major trauma
combining the <C> ABC (catastrophic bleeding, airway,
breathing, circulation) paradigm with a series of clinical
techniques from point of wounding to definitive treatment in
order to minimize blood loss, maximize tissue oxygenation
and optimize outcome .
Hodgetts T. J Army Med Corps 2007
Hodgetts T. et al. Emerg. Med J. 2006
35. Assessment of Blood Consumption
? 大量輸血を必要とする人の予測方法
→Assessment of blood consumption score
[ABC score]
? 貫通創、血圧低値、頻脈、USで腹腔内出血
? 非戦闘地域での大量輸血必要症例を予測
Early Prediction of Massive Transfusion in Trauma :Simple as ABC (Assessment of Blood Consumption)?
J Trauma. 2009;66:346–352.
36. Assessment of Blood Consumption
? Penetrating mechanism (0=no, 1=yes)
? ED SBP of 90 mm Hg or less (0=no, 1=yes)
? ED HR of 120 bpm or greater (0=no, 1=yes)
? Positive FAST (0=no, 1=yes)
Early Prediction of Massive Transfusion in Trauma :Simple as ABC (Assessment of Blood Consumption)?
J Trauma. 2009;66:346–352.
37. Assessment of Blood Consumption
Early Prediction of Massive Transfusion in Trauma :Simple as ABC (Assessment of Blood Consumption)?
J Trauma. 2009;66:346–352.