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          DIANA GRAPPASONNO                                                                                 www.dgrappasonno.com
          designer & web content specialist                                                            h 503.747.3518 c 408.396.0453

experience & accomplishments                                                                     skills
Web Content and Communications Specialist                                                        Graphic & web design
Multnomah County Animal Services: April 2010 - present                                           Marketing communications
                                                                                                 Web analytics
損損 Implement and manage the shelters social media marketing program. Develop pro-               Google Adwords, banner advertising
  tocol and goals. Produce content (posts, videos, some photos). Manage various web              Web site planning
  business listings.
                                                                                                 Wire frames, site maps
損損 Develop and implement a new visual brand identity.                                            User interface design
損損 Design print ads, web ads, billboards, theater ads, bus shelter ads, vehicle graphics,        Search engine optimization
  stickers, tee shirts, logos/avatars, forms, letters, newsletters, signs, posters and fliers.   Social Media Marketing
  Manage vendor selection and production.                                                        Copywriting
損損 Write web news stories and web page content. Incorporate important SEO terms when             Cross browser compatibility
  possible and integrate key shelter messaging concepts.                                         Usability standards
損損 Implement and manage Google Adwords campaigns.                                                Illustration
                                                                                                 Photography, photo editing
損損 Develop, implement and manage intake kennel video program which improves return               Adobe CS4, CS5, CS6
  to owner rates for cats. Create training protocol and train coworkers.
損損 Utilizing various Google Analytics metrics, assess popularity of web site content and         Photoshop
  measure success of web-based marketing and advertising. Produce monthly KPI (key               Dreamweaver
  performance indicator) reports and annual reviews. Use data to drive changes.                  Flash (+ basic Actionscript 3)
損損 Work with county IT and Drupal teams to create a brand new web site. Contribute to            Illustrator
  color scheme, navigation, SEO and information architecture. Edit and reconfigure exist-        Acrobat Professional
  ing content to enhance user experience and improve user interface.                             HTML, CSS
損損 Act as liaison between IT and Animal Services to plan and implement further web site          Mac/Windows/Google Docs/MS Office
  improvements and upgrades.                                                                     Content Management Systems
損損 Represent Animal Services at Department of Community Services tech group meetings.            Constant Contact
  Create detailed project plans and successfully rally support for high prioritization of
  Animal Services projects over other divisions projects.
損損 Implement, design and produce content for new quarterly e-newsletters.                        Basic video editing
損損 Design and implement new license renewal notification letters with improved messag-           Research
  ing and a new form. Work with stakeholders to meet needs.                                      Data analysis & visualization
                                                                                                 Pre-press file preparation, FTP
損損 Design and produce new donor thank you letters with improved messaging.
                                                                                                 Media buying/planning
experience & accomplishments (contd)                                                    education
(Contd) Web Content and Communications Specialist:                                      Degree: Biological Sciences, BS
Multnomah County Animal Services: April 2010 - present:
                                                                                         California State University, Sacramento, CA.
損損 Design HTML emails and implement new protocol for license renewal emails. Im-         January, 2001. CSUS GPA: 3.69 (cum laude)
  proved messaging and integrated social media. Perform QA testing.
                                                                                         Primary Areas of Study
損損 Implement and manage Zoomerang customer satisfaction surveys.
損損 Manage media buying and planning.                                                     Sciences:
                                                                                         Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physics,
損損 Manage October 2012 I Want You ad campaign consisting of $25,000 in ad place-       Physiology (Systemic & Cellular), Genetics,
  ments; Produced 3 tiered ad proposal for approval by upper management and elect-       Botany, Mycology, Serology, Ecology, En-
  ed officials; Handled all aspects of ad plan implementation (all design work, plan-    vironmental Toxicology, Ethology, Zoology,
  ning, contracts, invoices, file management).                                           Statistics

Artist/Designer (Web-based Art Sales):                                                   Art:
Freelance: 11/05 - 9/09                                                                  Graphic Design, Art History, Color Theory,
                                                                                         Painting, Mixed Media, Sculpture, Screen-
損損 Started an art and design business and sold original artwork and printed products     printing, Photography, Visual Presentation
  primarily through various web sites and web stores.                                    (3D Display), Ceramics
損損 Handled all aspects of business: graphic design, artwork creation, illustration,      Professional Development
  product design, logo design, print/web advertising, marketing, copyright filing, ac-
  counting, sales tax submissions, web site design, Google Analytics, Google Ad-
                                                                                         Introduction to Web Analytics, University of
  words, brand promotion, purchasing, research, sales, shipping etc.
                                                                                         British Columbia. 4 weeks: 2011
損損 Showed work in five different gallery shows.                                          Web Analytics for Site Optimization, Univer-
                                                                                         sity of British Columbia. 4 weeks: 2011
Criminalist (Forensic Scientist):
Santa Clara County Crime Laboratory: 5/01 - 11/05:                                       Google Analytics: Luna Metrics. 3 day train-
                                                                                         ing seminar: October 2011.
損損 Screened evidence for biological fluids (blood, semen, saliva), DNA, latent prints,   Web and design applications: Introductory
  trace evidence and indented writing using a variety of techniques and equipment.       Flash CS4, Intermediate Flash CS4, Introduc-
損損 Successfully completed over 250 cases.                                                tory Dreamweaver CS4, Indesign CS4, HTML
                                                                                         & CSS. Portland Community College, 2009.
損損 Wrote technical reports summarizing my findings for police agencies and the DAs
  Office.                                                                                California Criminalistics Institute: Crime
                                                                                         Scene Reconstruction, Bloodstain Pattern In-
損損 Performed lab audits (QA/QC) and procedural / instrument validation studies.          terpretation, DNA Extraction and Quantita-
損損 Photographed latent prints and performed infrared photography.                        tion, STR Analysis, Forensic Serology, Court-
                                                                                         room Presentation of Evidence (2001-2004)
損損 Provided expert witness testimony and presented casework findings in court.
損損 Received an Employee of the Month award.

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D. Grappasonno CV 2013

  • 1. dianagrappasonno@comcast.net DIANA GRAPPASONNO www.dgrappasonno.com designer & web content specialist h 503.747.3518 c 408.396.0453 experience & accomplishments skills Web Content and Communications Specialist Graphic & web design Multnomah County Animal Services: April 2010 - present Marketing communications Web analytics 損損 Implement and manage the shelters social media marketing program. Develop pro- Google Adwords, banner advertising tocol and goals. Produce content (posts, videos, some photos). Manage various web Web site planning business listings. Wire frames, site maps 損損 Develop and implement a new visual brand identity. User interface design 損損 Design print ads, web ads, billboards, theater ads, bus shelter ads, vehicle graphics, Search engine optimization stickers, tee shirts, logos/avatars, forms, letters, newsletters, signs, posters and fliers. Social Media Marketing Manage vendor selection and production. Copywriting 損損 Write web news stories and web page content. Incorporate important SEO terms when Cross browser compatibility possible and integrate key shelter messaging concepts. Usability standards 損損 Implement and manage Google Adwords campaigns. Illustration Photography, photo editing 損損 Develop, implement and manage intake kennel video program which improves return Adobe CS4, CS5, CS6 to owner rates for cats. Create training protocol and train coworkers. InDesign 損損 Utilizing various Google Analytics metrics, assess popularity of web site content and Photoshop measure success of web-based marketing and advertising. Produce monthly KPI (key Dreamweaver performance indicator) reports and annual reviews. Use data to drive changes. Flash (+ basic Actionscript 3) 損損 Work with county IT and Drupal teams to create a brand new web site. Contribute to Illustrator color scheme, navigation, SEO and information architecture. Edit and reconfigure exist- Acrobat Professional ing content to enhance user experience and improve user interface. HTML, CSS 損損 Act as liaison between IT and Animal Services to plan and implement further web site Mac/Windows/Google Docs/MS Office improvements and upgrades. Content Management Systems Drupal 損損 Represent Animal Services at Department of Community Services tech group meetings. Constant Contact Create detailed project plans and successfully rally support for high prioritization of Wordpress Animal Services projects over other divisions projects. Zoomerang 損損 Implement, design and produce content for new quarterly e-newsletters. Basic video editing 損損 Design and implement new license renewal notification letters with improved messag- Research ing and a new form. Work with stakeholders to meet needs. Data analysis & visualization Pre-press file preparation, FTP 損損 Design and produce new donor thank you letters with improved messaging. Media buying/planning
  • 2. experience & accomplishments (contd) education (Contd) Web Content and Communications Specialist: Degree: Biological Sciences, BS Multnomah County Animal Services: April 2010 - present: California State University, Sacramento, CA. 損損 Design HTML emails and implement new protocol for license renewal emails. Im- January, 2001. CSUS GPA: 3.69 (cum laude) proved messaging and integrated social media. Perform QA testing. Primary Areas of Study 損損 Implement and manage Zoomerang customer satisfaction surveys. 損損 Manage media buying and planning. Sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physics, 損損 Manage October 2012 I Want You ad campaign consisting of $25,000 in ad place- Physiology (Systemic & Cellular), Genetics, ments; Produced 3 tiered ad proposal for approval by upper management and elect- Botany, Mycology, Serology, Ecology, En- ed officials; Handled all aspects of ad plan implementation (all design work, plan- vironmental Toxicology, Ethology, Zoology, ning, contracts, invoices, file management). Statistics Artist/Designer (Web-based Art Sales): Art: Freelance: 11/05 - 9/09 Graphic Design, Art History, Color Theory, Painting, Mixed Media, Sculpture, Screen- 損損 Started an art and design business and sold original artwork and printed products printing, Photography, Visual Presentation primarily through various web sites and web stores. (3D Display), Ceramics 損損 Handled all aspects of business: graphic design, artwork creation, illustration, Professional Development product design, logo design, print/web advertising, marketing, copyright filing, ac- counting, sales tax submissions, web site design, Google Analytics, Google Ad- Introduction to Web Analytics, University of words, brand promotion, purchasing, research, sales, shipping etc. British Columbia. 4 weeks: 2011 損損 Showed work in five different gallery shows. Web Analytics for Site Optimization, Univer- sity of British Columbia. 4 weeks: 2011 Criminalist (Forensic Scientist): Santa Clara County Crime Laboratory: 5/01 - 11/05: Google Analytics: Luna Metrics. 3 day train- ing seminar: October 2011. 損損 Screened evidence for biological fluids (blood, semen, saliva), DNA, latent prints, Web and design applications: Introductory trace evidence and indented writing using a variety of techniques and equipment. Flash CS4, Intermediate Flash CS4, Introduc- 損損 Successfully completed over 250 cases. tory Dreamweaver CS4, Indesign CS4, HTML & CSS. Portland Community College, 2009. 損損 Wrote technical reports summarizing my findings for police agencies and the DAs Office. California Criminalistics Institute: Crime Scene Reconstruction, Bloodstain Pattern In- 損損 Performed lab audits (QA/QC) and procedural / instrument validation studies. terpretation, DNA Extraction and Quantita- 損損 Photographed latent prints and performed infrared photography. tion, STR Analysis, Forensic Serology, Court- room Presentation of Evidence (2001-2004) 損損 Provided expert witness testimony and presented casework findings in court. 損損 Received an Employee of the Month award.