9.00 9.30: Registration and welcome coffee.
9.30 10.00: Welcome speeches.
Prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Jankowski, Vice-Rector for Research, Siedlce University.
Dr hab. Jarosaw Kardas, Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Legal Sciences, Siedlce University.
Nata邸a Rebernik, ERGO WORK Project Manager (OZARA d.o.o., Slovenia).
10.00 11.30: Presentations - part I
Sylvain Leduc, Reinier Hoftijzer : Ergonomics in Europe: the first overview on the situation through three standpoints.
Michael Barrett: Employment of Persons with Disabilities: A European Perspective.
Miodrag Petrovi, N. Rebernik: Humanisation of work & support for employers in the employment of disabled persons (Slovenian
Marzena W坦jcik-Augustyniak: Education & support for employers in employment of Persons with Disabilities (Polish perspective).
Louise Moody, Janet Saunders Understanding workplace inclusion and employee needs in Europe Can Ergonomics make a difference?
Zofia Zuk: ERGO WORK Projects impact on the reorganization of workplaces in Luksja Ltd.
11.30 12.00: Coffee break.
12.00 13.30: Presentations - part II
Nata邸a Rebernik: Ergonomics for disabled persons in a real working environment implementation of Pilot Projects in Slovenia.
Marzena W坦jcik-Augustyniak, Marek Szajczyk, Mariusz Cielemcki: ERGO WORK Pilot Projects in Poland.
Sonia Staskowiak, A. Kadyrbaeva: Recommendations to the system and policy makers on Ergonomic workplaces for Persons with Disabilities.
M. Chudzicka, T Wodarczyk: Adaptation of the Centrum Medyczno-Diagnostyczne Sp. z o.o. to the needs of Persons with Disabilities.
Katarzyna Jach: Functional capacity evaluation of Persons with Disabilities for the labour market in the Pomeranian CompetencesCenter.
Artur Sawicki: Adaptation of the Office Workplace in UDT in Siedlce.
13.30 14.00: Discussion and final speeches.
3. Main Library of the
University of Natural Sciences &
Humanities in Siedlce, Poland.
4. Welcome speeches
Dr hab. Jarosaw Kardas,
Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Legal
Sciences, Siedlce University.
Prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Jankowski,
Vice-Rector for Research,
Siedlce University.
Ms. Nata邸a Rebernik,
ERGO WORK Project Manager
(OZARA d.o.o., Slovenia).
5. Ergonomics in Europe
The first overview on the situation through 3 standpoints.
Mr. Reinier Hoftijzer ,
Treasurer of Federation of European Ergonomics Societies
Analysis on the situation
of Ergonomics in Europe
Projects and actions
headed by FEES
Illustration of one
practical value from
6. Employment of Persons with
Mr. Michael Barrett,
Euro Project Consultant of Cope Foundation (Ireland)
To talk about Ergonomics
workplaces without talking
about Partnership
To build Ergonomics Workplaces
without building Stakeholder
To build Inclusive Workplaces
without building Inclusive
Stakholder Partnership
To create Inclusive Stakeholder
Partnerships without include
People with Disabilities
7. Humanisation of work & support for employers
in the employment of disabled persons
Slovenian perspective.
Disability and its
understanding in Slovenia.
Legislation and
government interventions.
The needs for adapted
workplace design.
Ms. Nata邸a Rebernik & MSc Miodrag Petrovi
Project Manager and Researcher at OZARA, d.o.o.
8. Understanding workplace inclusion and employee
needs in Europe
Can Ergonomics make a difference?
PhD Louise Moody,
Coventry University, Dept. of Industrial Design.
80 million EU citizens, or 1 in 6 people have a
Disabled people have much lower employment
rates tan able-bodied people.
Workplaces need far adaptation and accesibility to
meet European Disability Strategy 2020.
There is more knowledge about physical
impairment than about hearing and visual
impairments and mental health.
People with disabilities feel less included and happy
at work than non-disabled workers.
To raise awareness in employers is needed.
Existing Ergonomics teaching would need greater
tailoring to the specific needs of disabled people.
9. ERGO WORK Projects impact on the
reorganization of workplaces in Luksja Ltd
Ms. Zofia 纏uk,
President of UKSJA SP. Z O.O.
The story of a textile
company that
modernises and
adapts workplaces
for people with
10. ERGO WORK Pilot Projects in Poland
PhD. Marzena W坦jcik-Augustyniak & Mr. Marek Szajczyk
Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities.
4 Pilot Projects involving
students, professors and
company staff during 6
The teaching content
taught in the classrooms
was strongly related to
practical sessions which
took place in companies
11. Ergonomics for disabled persons in a real
working environment Implementation of Pilot
Projects in Slovenia.
Ms. Nata邸a Rebernik
Project Manager at OZARA, d.o.o.
Two Pilot
22 students,
6 professors,
7 disabled
and 5 non-
worked on:
1. Analysis
2. Ergonomic
3. Psychosocial
4. Mobility in
12. Recommendations to System and Policy
Makers on Ergonomic workplaces for Persons
with Disabilities.
Ms. Sonia Staskowiak
Project Manager at EASPD
Based on the findings of studies conducted as part of ERGO WORK
Project as well as discussions with experts of EASPD association
to the
to the national
authorities in
the piloting
13. Adaptation of the Centrum Medyczno-
Diagnostyczne Sp. z.o.o. Oupatient Clinic to the
needs of Persons with Disabilities
Ms. Martyna Chudzicka & Mr. Tomasz Wodarczyk
Project Managers at Centrum Medyczno-Diagnostyczne.
The Company employs 19
disabled persons, and all
employees have shown
high awareness in terms of
PWD needs.
During the Project, a job
for disabled person has
been created, after
analysing thouroghly the
workplace and needs.
14. Functional capacity evaluation of Persons with
Disabilities for the labour market in the Pomeranian
Competences Center
Ms. Katarzyna Jach
Wroclaw University of Technology.
Functional Capacity
Evaluation is an assesment
process that translates
finding in physical,
physiological and
functional measures into
performance potential for
activities of daily living and
work tasks.
In Pomeranian
Competence Center,
F.C.E. has been proven as
a useful tool for evaluation
of disable people.
15. Adaptation of the Office Workplace in UDT in
Mr. Artur Sawicki
Acting director at Urzdu Dozoru Technicznego (UDT) office in Siedlce.
Adaptation included:
1. Reception desk
accesibility for PWD
2. Rearangement of
the office furniture
3. Entry door location
4. Accesible stairs for
Available in 3 languages:
English, Polish and Slovenian.
You can download them at our
17. This project has been funded with support from the European
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the
author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use
which may be made of the information contained therein.