Roger Hodgson of Supertramp and Dennis DeYoung of Styx visited the set of Canadian Idol to mentor the top 7 contestants who were preparing for a classic rock theme. The rock legends watched tapes of previous episodes and were impressed by the contestants' growth. They will also perform live during the elimination show. Hodgson advised the Idols that musical success needs to be driven by more than just fame and rewards. DeYoung joked that he will encourage the weaker singers and discourage the stronger ones, as well as advising anyone with talent to never give up pursuing their dreams.
This document is a concert lineup and schedule for the Z'AR ENES music festival in Switzerland on August 12-15, 2022. It lists the dates, stages, and performers for each day of the festival. Acts scheduled include Dannby, Gregoire, Simply Red, Sir Colin Hay, Kery James, and more performing across the festival's two main stages.
Roger Hodgson performed at a summer festival in the Faroe Islands after a 36 hour travel delay. His energetic performance included well-known hits from his time with Supertramp like "Give a Little Bit", "Breakfast in America", "The Logical Song", and "It's Raining Again". Despite the long journey, Hodgson was in good spirits on stage and gave the enthusiastic crowd an unforgettable concert.
This document appears to be a schedule or lineup for various live stage performances occurring between August 12th and 15th. It lists over 30 musical acts or performers alongside dates and locations, primarily in Switzerland and the United States. The document was likely produced by to promote these upcoming shows.
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