Brasiliansk Fu Potentiale LightnielsleideckerFrom october 2009 - through march 2010 I worked on a project to identify and document potential areas of cooperation within research, development and especially innovation between Denmark and Brazil. This presentation highlights the focus areas identified, synergies found compared to some Brazilian top universities in the south-east and south part of Brazil. The presentation exist only in Danish, but many terms used are English.
Global Research Report Brazil Jun09 1nielsleideckerBrazil's research output has doubled over the past decade and its share of global research publications is growing rapidly. The country has particular strengths in fields related to natural resources like agriculture, biology, and tropical medicine. International collaboration is an important part of Brazil's research system, with its top partners being other large research economies like the US, Germany, and UK. Brazil represents an expanding source of innovation that policymakers in more established research countries need to understand and engage with.
Brazil - The Natural Knowledge EconomynielsleideckerThis document provides an introduction to Brazil's growing strength in science, technology, and innovation. It highlights Brazil's leadership in biofuels production and the company Embraer's unveiling of the world's first commercially produced aircraft to run solely on biofuels. The introduction discusses how Brazil's focus on its natural resources positions it as a "natural knowledge-economy" and how this is well-timed given global issues like climate change and energy demand. It also briefly outlines Brazil's increasing investments in research and development, growth in scientific publications and postgraduate students, and new legislation aimed at stimulating innovation. However, it notes that Brazil still faces challenges of competition in the global innovation landscape and inequality both within its innovation system and
Obscenityonthwebsarapatterson01The document discusses the history of obscenity laws from ancient times to modern day and how definitions of obscenity and indecency have evolved. It outlines key court cases that have shaped obscenity law, including establishing the Miller test to determine if content is obscene. The document also discusses students' opinions on censorship and responsibility regarding obscene content online.
Innovation 2010 - A Return to Prominence and the Emergence of a New World OrdernielsleideckerThe survey found that innovation regained its status as a top strategic priority for most companies in 2010. 72% of respondents said it was one of their company's top-three priorities, up from 64% in 2009. Companies also plan to boost innovation spending in 2010, with 61% expecting to raise spending and 26% expecting a significant increase of over 10%. Satisfaction with the return on innovation spending continues to inch higher but remains relatively low, with 55% of respondents reporting satisfaction.
Cursos gerwill2012creaticsnetworkEl documento presenta la información sobre las matrículas para el año 2012 en el Instituto Gerwill, el cual ofrece programas de educación presencial, semipresencial y a distancia para primaria, bachillerato, educación para el trabajo y diplomados. Se detallan los horarios, costos, requisitos e inicios de clases para cada programa.
Programación de Cursos para el II Semestre del año 2012creaticsnetworkEste documento contiene información sobre el Instituto Gerwill, incluyendo horarios, costos, requisitos e información general de sus programas de educación presencial, semipresencial, a distancia y virtual en diferentes áreas como administración, contabilidad y sistemas. El instituto ofrece programas técnicos laborales de 3 semestres para formar técnicos en estas áreas.
Opstart af virksomhed i BrasiliennielsleideckerFabio Tavares præsentation omkring opstart af virksomhed i Brasilien fra DABGO Stambord - Sao Paulo 04. August 2010
Brazil An Emerging Partner In Drug R&Dnielsleidecker1) Brazil has improved its infrastructure, scientific capabilities, and strategic initiatives to promote drug discovery research. Positive economic growth, political stability, expanding patient populations, and increasing governmental and private investments are creating new opportunities for drug R&D in Brazil.
2) The Brazilian pharmaceutical market is the largest in Latin America, with increasing investments from both domestic and multinational companies. The government has also established laboratories and initiatives to promote local innovation and reduce reliance on imports.
3) Brazil possesses natural resources and biodiversity that could provide opportunities for new drug discoveries, especially through partnerships between domestic and international researchers utilizing Brazilian expertise and technologies.
The Economist Briefing Brazilian Agriculturenielsleidecker
Programación de Cursos para el año 2012creaticsnetworkEl documento presenta la información sobre las matrículas para el año 2012 en el Instituto Gerwill, incluyendo los programas de educación diurna, semipresencial, a distancia y para el trabajo y desarrollo humano, así como los costos, horarios, requisitos e inicio de clases para cada programa.
What does language testing have to offierAPSACSThis document summarizes advances in language testing over the past decade in three areas: theoretical understanding of language ability, effects of test method and test taker characteristics, and methodological tools. It discusses how a multifaceted view of language ability and understanding of test complexity can inform test design to make tests more suitable and useful. Specifically, it outlines how a model of language ability and approach to characterizing task authenticity can help conceptualize abilities and design more effective instructional and research tasks.
Obscenity on the Websarapatterson01The document discusses the history of obscenity laws from ancient times to modern day and how definitions of obscenity and indecency have evolved. It outlines key court cases that have shaped obscenity law, including establishing the Miller test to determine if content is obscene. The document also discusses challenges in regulating obscene content online and enforcing laws, as well as student and legal expert opinions on related issues like censorship.
Euro marketing forum stayokay on revenue managementChris HommesStayokay is the largest budget accommodation chain in Holland. It aims to meet, share, and experience through its sustainable philosophy. Revenue management is important for Stayokay as a foundation to earn a decent revenue to invest in services, people, and the environment. Stayokay was losing control in the complex online world but found a simple solution through a partnership based on revenue share that offers an automated and affordable channel management system while allowing Stayokay to control pricing and products offered 365 days a year.
Managerial CommunicationPS18Communication is a continuous two-way process of exchanging thoughts, messages, and ideas through speaking, signaling, or writing. There are different styles and methods of communication including aggressive, submissive, and assertive communication as well as one-way and two-way communication styles. Managerial communication involves strategic communication that considers the audience and purpose, and focuses on different forms of communication within an organization including informing, motivating, guiding, tailoring, and ensuring communication as well as demonstrating progress. Common barriers to effective communication include a lack of audience focus, not paying attention, complex or overloaded messages.
Ética Empresarial Groupon expulso da Câmara e.netAna Amelia Menna Barreto This official notice from November 11, 2012 contains 6 numbered points. It discusses conducting an investigation into an incident and outlines the process for collecting witness statements, reviewing evidence, and determining appropriate disciplinary actions if needed based on the findings of the investigation.
Consulta ao Diário Eletrônico da Justiça do Trabalho no TRT/RJAna Amelia Menna Barreto O documento fornece instruções sobre como consultar publicações oficiais do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 1a Região a partir de 14/12/2015 no novo sistema chamado DJET, incluindo como pesquisar por data, órgão, tipo e nome de advogado e visualizar os resultados da consulta.
Groupon expulso da Camara e.netAna Amelia Menna Barreto La junta directiva de la compañía discutió varios temas importantes como los resultados financieros del tercer trimestre, las perspectivas para el próximo año fiscal, y la estrategia de marketing para los próximos seis meses.
Sociale medier faldgruber og potentialerJens Peter HansenEt hurtigt overblik over muligheder og problemer ved brug af sociale medier for en virksomhed som Videncentret for Landbrug.
Guide til international rekrutteringwork-live-stay southern denmarkDansk Industri er klar med en opdatering af deres guide til international rekruttering. Guiden er gratis og henvender sig til virksomheder, der ønsker at rekruttere internationale medarbejdere.
Opfinderrådgivningens KommunikationsindsatsanjnLæs om hvordan vi kommunikerer med opfindere og spreder vores budskaber og artikler fra Opfinderrådgivningen
Nicherne Kommer: Sociale medie-platforme, som ikke er Facebook (Opdateret Maj...Daniel Ord RasmussenOpdateret november 2014
Sociale medier er gode til nicher og interessefællesskaber. Præsentationen er en gennemgang af, hvad du kan bruge de "andre" til.
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Markedsføring og branding af dansk vandteknologiPia Klee
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Cursos gerwill2012creaticsnetworkEl documento presenta la información sobre las matrículas para el año 2012 en el Instituto Gerwill, el cual ofrece programas de educación presencial, semipresencial y a distancia para primaria, bachillerato, educación para el trabajo y diplomados. Se detallan los horarios, costos, requisitos e inicios de clases para cada programa.
Programación de Cursos para el II Semestre del año 2012creaticsnetworkEste documento contiene información sobre el Instituto Gerwill, incluyendo horarios, costos, requisitos e información general de sus programas de educación presencial, semipresencial, a distancia y virtual en diferentes áreas como administración, contabilidad y sistemas. El instituto ofrece programas técnicos laborales de 3 semestres para formar técnicos en estas áreas.
Opstart af virksomhed i BrasiliennielsleideckerFabio Tavares præsentation omkring opstart af virksomhed i Brasilien fra DABGO Stambord - Sao Paulo 04. August 2010
Brazil An Emerging Partner In Drug R&Dnielsleidecker1) Brazil has improved its infrastructure, scientific capabilities, and strategic initiatives to promote drug discovery research. Positive economic growth, political stability, expanding patient populations, and increasing governmental and private investments are creating new opportunities for drug R&D in Brazil.
2) The Brazilian pharmaceutical market is the largest in Latin America, with increasing investments from both domestic and multinational companies. The government has also established laboratories and initiatives to promote local innovation and reduce reliance on imports.
3) Brazil possesses natural resources and biodiversity that could provide opportunities for new drug discoveries, especially through partnerships between domestic and international researchers utilizing Brazilian expertise and technologies.
The Economist Briefing Brazilian Agriculturenielsleidecker
Programación de Cursos para el año 2012creaticsnetworkEl documento presenta la información sobre las matrículas para el año 2012 en el Instituto Gerwill, incluyendo los programas de educación diurna, semipresencial, a distancia y para el trabajo y desarrollo humano, así como los costos, horarios, requisitos e inicio de clases para cada programa.
What does language testing have to offierAPSACSThis document summarizes advances in language testing over the past decade in three areas: theoretical understanding of language ability, effects of test method and test taker characteristics, and methodological tools. It discusses how a multifaceted view of language ability and understanding of test complexity can inform test design to make tests more suitable and useful. Specifically, it outlines how a model of language ability and approach to characterizing task authenticity can help conceptualize abilities and design more effective instructional and research tasks.
Obscenity on the Websarapatterson01The document discusses the history of obscenity laws from ancient times to modern day and how definitions of obscenity and indecency have evolved. It outlines key court cases that have shaped obscenity law, including establishing the Miller test to determine if content is obscene. The document also discusses challenges in regulating obscene content online and enforcing laws, as well as student and legal expert opinions on related issues like censorship.
Euro marketing forum stayokay on revenue managementChris HommesStayokay is the largest budget accommodation chain in Holland. It aims to meet, share, and experience through its sustainable philosophy. Revenue management is important for Stayokay as a foundation to earn a decent revenue to invest in services, people, and the environment. Stayokay was losing control in the complex online world but found a simple solution through a partnership based on revenue share that offers an automated and affordable channel management system while allowing Stayokay to control pricing and products offered 365 days a year.
Managerial CommunicationPS18Communication is a continuous two-way process of exchanging thoughts, messages, and ideas through speaking, signaling, or writing. There are different styles and methods of communication including aggressive, submissive, and assertive communication as well as one-way and two-way communication styles. Managerial communication involves strategic communication that considers the audience and purpose, and focuses on different forms of communication within an organization including informing, motivating, guiding, tailoring, and ensuring communication as well as demonstrating progress. Common barriers to effective communication include a lack of audience focus, not paying attention, complex or overloaded messages.
Ética Empresarial Groupon expulso da Câmara e.netAna Amelia Menna Barreto This official notice from November 11, 2012 contains 6 numbered points. It discusses conducting an investigation into an incident and outlines the process for collecting witness statements, reviewing evidence, and determining appropriate disciplinary actions if needed based on the findings of the investigation.
Consulta ao Diário Eletrônico da Justiça do Trabalho no TRT/RJAna Amelia Menna Barreto O documento fornece instruções sobre como consultar publicações oficiais do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 1a Região a partir de 14/12/2015 no novo sistema chamado DJET, incluindo como pesquisar por data, órgão, tipo e nome de advogado e visualizar os resultados da consulta.
Groupon expulso da Camara e.netAna Amelia Menna Barreto La junta directiva de la compañía discutió varios temas importantes como los resultados financieros del tercer trimestre, las perspectivas para el próximo año fiscal, y la estrategia de marketing para los próximos seis meses.
Sociale medier faldgruber og potentialerJens Peter HansenEt hurtigt overblik over muligheder og problemer ved brug af sociale medier for en virksomhed som Videncentret for Landbrug.
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2. DABGO – hvorfor? Missionen er… ”… gennem en kerne af Internet-baserede værktøjer samt fysiske aktiviteter og arrangementer, at skabe muligheder for danskere ved at styrke deres – og dermed Danmarks – netværk og relationer internationalt. Herunder at engagere medlemmerne i at netværke mere effektivt, støtte op omkring lokale danske initiativer, skabe større præference for at handle dansk og ikke mindst gøre danskere i udlandet til gode ambassadører for Danmark som et godt sted at gøre forretning og investeringer.”
3. DABGO – for hvem? Visionen er… ” … at være aktive og synlige i minimum de 20 vigtigste danske eksportmarkeder samt have 25.000 medlemmer i år 2011 og derigennem aktivt bidrage til det bedst mulige fundament for dansk international handel/eksport, forbedring af danske forretningsfolks internationale karrieremuligheder og øgede internationale investeringer i Danmark. I løbet af 5 år skal DABGO være “stedet”, hvor seriøse danske erhvervsaktive i udlandet (og i Danmark med relevant udlandserfaring) er synlige – i et dansk internationalt kompetence- og erfaringsunivers. ”
4. Baggrund Kort og godt Startet i New York i efteråret 2006 Nu 6000 medlemmer (107 I Sydamerika) 23% kvinder / 77% mænd 75% ledere / executives / virksomhedsejere Globalt dækkende 30 Netværksgrupper 34 Stamborde 70+ “pro bono”-engagerede Advisory Board (pro bono - under etablering)
5. Hvad er DABGO? DABGO er medlemmerne(!) og de muligheder, vi kan skabe let adgang til at søge og tilbyde hjælp bedre muligheder for at mødes "tilfældighedernes frie spil" "brain gain" - ikke "brain drain” Et vigtigt værktøj i globaliseringen mange interessante samtaler og diskussioner (nogle over en øl, en kop kaffe, frokost eller middag)
6. Hvad er DABGO ikke? DABGO er IKKE en organisation eller et bureaukrati, der skaber begrænsninger; eller modarbejder eller konkurrerer med nogen en lukket loge
7. Tankerne bag DABGO skal være let tilgængeligt koster ikke noget sandsynliggør tilfældigheder skal tjene som effektiv "infrastruktur”
9. De “fysiske” initiativer Arrangementerne DABGO Stambord DABGO "Andre arrangementer" (f.eks. DABGO Meetups) DABGO Arbejdsplads 5-700 arrangementer de næste 12 måneder
10. DABGO Arbejdsplads Skrivebord, Internet, printer og mødefaciliteter (sidstnævnte skal reserveres i forvejen) - uden beregning - i 1-2 dage under forretningsbesøg i en by, hvor der findes en DABGO Arbejdsplads. Mål: 2-300 på verdensplan Er din virksomhed den første i DABGO Sydamerika????
11. Seneste nyt.... Ny DABGO Internet platform LinkedIn vil en tid endnu være den "authoritative" medlemsliste; men DAGBO.netvil fremover være, hvor den egentlige online aktivitet vil foregå, vidensdeling, annoncering af arrangementer, etc. Endnu et stambord i rækken – Miami er kommet til. Vi byder velkommen fra Sao Paulo
12. Samarbejder Hvem bruger og bidrager til DABGO enkeltpersoner (medlemmer) business klubber andre netværk handelskamre ambassader og konsulater danske organisationer
13. Hvordan virke for DABGO? Du skaber værdi ved at lægge mærke til andres behov lægge mærke til andres kompetencer lægge mærke til andres erfaringer skabe forbindelse mellem behov og kompetence hjælpe med at udbrede kendskabet til DABGO introducere til mulige sponsorer promovere danske initiativer og arrangementer
14. Forhåbentligt en gang… DABGO’s dr øm om fremtiden hjælpe med at skabe kontakter, muligheder og succes hjælpe danske virksomheder hurtigere og mere effektivt ind på markeder videnshuse og kontorfællesskaber for mindre og nye virksomheder skabe større præference for at købe dansk (hvor det giver mening) få samlet 20-30.000 erhvervsaktive udeboende danskere, der kan og vil gøre en forskel
15. Og nu…? Og nu en diskussion om Hvad vil vi med DABGO Stambord i DABGO Sydamerika Ideer til indhold, emner, foredrag, arrangementer Og alle de andre gode ideer vi har.............
Editor's Notes
#6: Stå i det høje nord og kigger ud over kloden – Paddehatte – 80/20
#7: Stå i det høje nord og kigger ud over kloden – Paddehatte – 80/20
#8: Stå i det høje nord og kigger ud over kloden – Paddehatte – 80/20
#10: Stå i det høje nord og kigger ud over kloden – Paddehatte – 80/20
#13: Stå i det høje nord og kigger ud over kloden – Paddehatte – 80/20
#14: Stå i det høje nord og kigger ud over kloden – Paddehatte – 80/20
#16: Stå i det høje nord og kigger ud over kloden – Paddehatte – 80/20