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             For your healthy & energy saving system

                       Since global oil pricing has been rising, our company has readjusted the
                       overall energy reduction to make it suitable for the era of high oil prices
                       and we made an effort to develop alternative energy source which is
                       called Ondol heating system. Traditional Ondol is used to heat homes by
                       using hot air coming from the burning wood under the floor. However, a
                       big change occured. Nowadays, we use to electric floor heating system.
                       So it can reduce the Oil price as well as gas heating cost and prevent
                       global warming as it does not generate carbon dioxide. The comfort
                       and warmth that it brings is quite better compared to that of western
                       heating style. Therefore Ondol system became popular throughout the
                       Our electric floor heating system offers the affordable luxury of
                       warm floors and barefoot comfort that anyone can enjoy anytime.
                       Also installing is easy so you can place it anywhere you desire for the
                       enjoyment of warm floors.
                       Our floor heating system allows homeowners to enjoy warm temperature
                       with a reduced utility cost and maximized energy efficiency.
                       We, in our company, would like to guarantee that we can meet the
                       standards you have for a heating system.

 2006.02 Granted Utility Model No. 0408349 on Heating Generating Plate
 2006.03 Granted Utility Model No. 0412561 on Heating Cable
 2007.01 Granted Trademark Registration No. 0695865 on ENERPIA
 2008.02 Granted Patent No. 0805702 on Electric Heating System of X-L PIPE
 2008.02 Granted Patent No. 0805703 on the Pressure Absorbing Device in X-L PIPE
 2008.11 Granted Utility Model No. 0442474 on The Pressure Absorbing Device in X-L PIPE

 2006.05   Certified 4 Safety Certifications for Electrical Appliances by Korea Testing Laboratory
 2007.02   Founded Daewoo Enertec Inc, Daegu Factory
 2008.03   Certified as Venture Company by Korea Technology credit guarantee fund
 2008.03   Registered as a bidder who participates in Public Procurement Services bidding for
            supplying goods and services
 2008.06   Open R&D Department
 2008.10   CE Certified, UL Certified
 2009.03   ISO 14001:2004 Certified
 2009.03   RoHS Certified
 2009.05   Q-Mark Certified
 2009.10   Open Chinese branch office
 2010.01   ISO 9001:2008 Certified
 2010.01   Gost Certified
 2010.03   Certified as Technical Innovative Company INNO-BIZ by small and Medium Business
 2010.09   Expanded Facilities 75m/m Extruding Machine, 100m/m Extruding Machine

It is a form of heating system with utilizes heat conduction and radiant heat
for indoor climate control.
Heat can be provided by electric cable instead of boiler or water circulation
motor and its installation is easy. Dry or humid heat as the 21st century
energy efficient heating system delivers to the entire room and the people
without any harmful effects due to 7mm heat conductor, double coated PE
cable, and the electromagnetic wave screen.



 Ground return (Earth return) to improve safety
 Non-magnetic, Single point power connection to increase work efficiency
 Fasting heating for non residential building
 Easy and economical to install and operate
 Ideal for an accommodation
 School, Office, Restraint, Work place, Night watchmans room. Waiting room, Dormitory, Rest area, Security
  office, etc
 Auditorium, Conference room
 Swimming pool, Barn, Aqua Farm, Greenhouse Heat
 Barn, Aqua-farm, Greenhouse heat


                      Electric Power          Apply
  Sort      Model     Consumption             Area
                                      (m)           High Grade: 25w/m
                           (w/h)               (m2) 7 Core Double line
                                                      (Heating line
          DW25W11L         275        11.0    1.65
                                                      2 string)/Non-
          DW25W22L         550        22.0    3.30    Magnetic
                                                      Ground system,
  High   DW25W33L          825        33.0    4.96    Copper/Aluminum
 Grade                                                Fiber Braided
         DW25W44L          1100       44.0    6.61    Thickness 7mm
(7 Type)
         DW25W66L         1650        66.0    9.92
                                                      Separate order 20w
          DW25W88L        2200        88.0    13.20
         DW25W110L        2750       110.0    16.50
It is an innovative heating system that uses heat and increased pressure generated by Heat Transfer Medium by heating
the sealed X-L PIPE without boiler in which water or other fluid is heated and water circulation motor which pumps water
circulated in the PIPE.
Heated electric wires in X-L pipe collect vapors in the upper part of X-L pipe, resulting in internal pressure and unclear
boiling when temperature difference between liquid and gas is over 10属C.
As a result, internal pressure will be the negative pressure which is lower than atmospheric pressure at room temperature
and so, boiling temperature of water will get lower. The temperature of floor will be increased and heat will last longer
according to Nucleate Boiling phenomenon. Therefore, this process increases energy efficiency and you can save energy
by using this energy saving product.
One of the products using this technology is a pressure cooker.
It is the innovative high energy efficient floor heating system that has no heat loss and achieves 30属C rise effect in
temperature. Our patented pressure absorbing device absorbs too much internal pressure and also the heat transfer
medium and carbon tissue absorb the electromagnetic waves for well-being life.
Nucleate Boiling phenomenon : The process of forming steam bubbles within liquid in micro cavities adjacent to the
wall if the wall temperature at the heat transfer surface rises above the saturation temperature while the bulk of the liquid
is subcooled. The bubbles grow until they reach some critical size, at which point they separate from the wall and are
carried into the main fluid stream.


1.Pressure absorbing device : It absorbs the internal
  pressure caused the Nucleate Boiling.
2.Double Coated Electric Wires : Since the
  conductor and the electric wire processing affect on
  product life and its function, make sure to read the
-Conductor : 7 Strained Nickel - Chrome Coil
-The First Coating : Silicon Rubber coating that
  can stand very high temperature(280尊C) and has
  excellent insulating quality,
-The Second Coating : Heat resistant Teflon rubber             Length : 9.8m (X-L PIPE 4.9m)
  coating that is water resistant and chemical                 Resistance : 182立 (266w/h)
  resistant.                                                   Gauge ; WISE (Germany) 3kgt/。
3.Heat Conducing Medium : They should not freeze
  at twenty degrees below zero.
4.Hearmless to Human Body : Electromagnetic
  waves are absorbed by itself.
5.Cable : Should not exceed 20W/m.(According
  to Clause 5, Article 225 of Electric Installation
  Regulations. The temperature of Electric
  wires should not exceed 80尊C and/or Internal
  Temperature of X-L should not exceed 80尊C)
                                                               Internal Pressure Test of   Internal Pressure Test of      Measurement of
                                                                 Daewoo Heating PIPE            Other Company          Electromagnetic waves
                                                                                                      The Productivity to create Energy Utopia
                                                                                                     Efficient and energy saving heaing system


    Economic                                                   Safety                                                Durable
    No heat loss                                           Water leakage prevention                                Cold lead installation and safety
    Accumulation of Heat                                   No Electromagnetic waves                                 valve for over pressure
    Low Electric Power Consumption                         Clean Energy                                            Long lasting
    Low installation expenses                                                                                       Low temperature resistant (-20尊C)

    Easy & Convenient                                          Functional                                            Various way
    No space for boiler                                    Traditional floor heat                                Accommodations, Schools, Vacation
    Good customer service (Warranty)                       Sectional heat / Whole floor heat                      facilities
    Easy to use                                            Well-being                                            Hospital, Post-Delivery care center, Church
    Easy heating system change                                                                                    Restaurant, Green house, Swimming Pool,
     (Electric X-L PIPE)


                                   Power            Caloric          Heating               Avr. Power
    Model            Dimension
                                   Input            Value            Capacity             Comsumption
  DW-010             14m15陸                     1032kcal/h              3.3m2
  DW-015             21m15陸                     1548kcal/h          4.95m2
  DW-020             28m15陸        20~          2064kcal/h              6.6m2
  DW-025             35m15陸       40W/m         2580kcal/h          8.25m2
  DW-030             42m15陸                     3096kcal/h              9.9m2
  DW-040             56m15陸                     4128kcal/h          13.2m2


   1                               2                                 3                                   4                                 5

    Heat Insulating Material
                                      Wire Mash to fix
                                                                    Set a Inspecting Box which
                                                                                                        X-L PIPE - Start from In-
                                                                                                                                          Install the sensor of
    - Silver insulator on                                            is same height with the             spect box to return the END       Temperature - Temperature
    the aerated concrete or                                          decorative design                   CAP (Pitch 200~250m               sensor for humid environ-
    Styrofoam                                                                                                                              ment at the Exothermic

   6                               7                                 8                                   9                             10

                                                                      Test of Exothermic -
    Cover the Inspecting Box       Install Thermostat -                                                  Finishing Mortar -                 Finishing Materials -
    - Do not come in when          Electro power of 220 V is            Check of Electric power          Plastering 30~40m                  Install Finishing Materials
                                                                        consumption and heating          Thickness depends on the           and Inspecting Box
    plastering                     connecting with the I/O
                                                                        value after electric power       types of plastering
                                   connection(15A)                      supply

It is an innovative heating system that is made with gravure
printing of heat generating carbon tissue on PET Film and
copper busbar. Since it emits far infrared rays and anions, warm
radiant heat can be felt for a well-being life.
This film is ideal for during the certain time for the sectional
space that needs to be heated because it requires a short period
of time to make heat so suitable for customer, accommodation,
office, church, restaurant, and stairs. For stable use, we
recommend you to use the hardwood as the finishing material.
If you are using for the linoleum finishing or humid environment,
you need to consult with a construction company.


1.Energy can be saved more than 65%.(On regular basis)
2.No need space for boiler
3.Far infrared radiation (90.3%) and anions (250cc) are emitted to improve
4.Dont worry about smoke, noise, fueling, freezing.
5.Convinient control such as sectional heating, central heating and
  sectional control.
6.One day installation and immediately usable
7.Free to choose of finishing materials
8.Fast installation without taking off the existing floor
9.It can lower the height of ceiling and the weight of building.


1.Burning resist PET application : The ivory PET Film is used the XB-65 with VTH-2 chip in for heat
defying insulation which has the UL Certificate and is manufactured by Doraysaeghan.

2. Gravure printing : As screen printing cannot print carbon tissue evenly, it is inappropriate for the heat
generating plate. It can be partially overheated to cause fire and short circuit. We, however, have chosen
the gravure rotary printing press to pursue to the safety by giving electric resistance evenly to the Heat
Generating Plate.

3. Wide silver space : The silver space is for the space between carbon and copper busbar where the
electrical energy is converted to thermal energy. This space prevent spark, and is important part related
to product life and safety. We broadened this space for safety.

4. Copper busbar with 12mm of width and 10amp : Wide copper busbar to restrain overheating.
The thinner PET has superior adhesive strength and keeps air cut.
                                                                                           The Productivity to create Energy Utopia
                                                                                          Efficient and energy saving heaing system


                                                                                                      Power                     Caloric        Packing
                                                            Model no.                 Width
                                                                                                    Consumption                 Value           Unit
                                                     DW050-100W220V                    50cm            100wh/m              86Kcal/h         150m/Roll
                                                     DW080-160W220V                    80cm            160wh/m             138Kcal/h         100m/Roll
                                                     DW100-200W220V                   100cm            200wh/m             172Kcal/h         100m/Roll
                                                    Available for 110V
                                                     DWM310 220V 200W/M 10/01/01 K001
    1m Width     80cm Width      50cm Width
                                                   Daewoo    Thickness           Customer      Manufacture       Cutting line
                                                                                Consumption       Date
                                                         Material     Voltage                                Inspector


                   PET FILM                                                                                                     

         Copper Busbar

           Silver Busbar                                                                      Sub Type(Japan restaurant High class restaurant, stairs and so on..)

     Carbon Tissue

                  PET FILM                                                                                                      

                                                                                                       General Tyep (Inn, Office, Church and so on)


            Ground Plan of Construction                                                        Cross sectional view of Heating Film

                                                                                          Daewoo Film Heater(0.4mm)
                                                                                              Protecting vinyl(0.1mm)
                                                                                                       Wood Flooring


   Heating insulating        Compressor Terminal                    Compressor                           Insulator                   Tape for Dampproofing
   materials for film

                  Head Office
                  #2-1305, Ace Hightech City, 54-66, Moonrae 3-dong,
                  Yeoungdeungpo-gu, Seoul, KOREA
                  Tel : +82-2-6309-7050~2 Fax : +82-2-6309-7053

                  148-21, Namsan 2-dong, Jung-gu, Daegu, KOREA
                  Tel : +82-53-474-8050    Fax : +82-53-473-8050
                  E-mail : info@floorwarm.net

    Patent No. 0805702            Patent No. 0805703       Certificate of Quality    Evaluations (Test Result)
(Pressure Controlling Balls)    (Heat System of XL Pipe)        Assurance

European Safety Certification       UL Certification             ISO9001            GOST(Russia) Certification

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  • 1. DAEWOO FLOOR HEATING SYSTEM For your healthy & energy saving system DAEWOO ENERTEC
  • 2. GREETINGS! Since global oil pricing has been rising, our company has readjusted the overall energy reduction to make it suitable for the era of high oil prices and we made an effort to develop alternative energy source which is called Ondol heating system. Traditional Ondol is used to heat homes by using hot air coming from the burning wood under the floor. However, a big change occured. Nowadays, we use to electric floor heating system. So it can reduce the Oil price as well as gas heating cost and prevent global warming as it does not generate carbon dioxide. The comfort and warmth that it brings is quite better compared to that of western heating style. Therefore Ondol system became popular throughout the world. Our electric floor heating system offers the affordable luxury of warm floors and barefoot comfort that anyone can enjoy anytime. Also installing is easy so you can place it anywhere you desire for the enjoyment of warm floors. Our floor heating system allows homeowners to enjoy warm temperature with a reduced utility cost and maximized energy efficiency. We, in our company, would like to guarantee that we can meet the standards you have for a heating system. DAEWOO ENERTEC TECHNOLOGIES PATENTED BY THE KOREAN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE 2006.02 Granted Utility Model No. 0408349 on Heating Generating Plate 2006.03 Granted Utility Model No. 0412561 on Heating Cable 2007.01 Granted Trademark Registration No. 0695865 on ENERPIA 2008.02 Granted Patent No. 0805702 on Electric Heating System of X-L PIPE 2008.02 Granted Patent No. 0805703 on the Pressure Absorbing Device in X-L PIPE 2008.11 Granted Utility Model No. 0442474 on The Pressure Absorbing Device in X-L PIPE HISTORY 2006.05 Certified 4 Safety Certifications for Electrical Appliances by Korea Testing Laboratory 2007.02 Founded Daewoo Enertec Inc, Daegu Factory 2008.03 Certified as Venture Company by Korea Technology credit guarantee fund 2008.03 Registered as a bidder who participates in Public Procurement Services bidding for supplying goods and services 2008.06 Open R&D Department 2008.10 CE Certified, UL Certified 2009.03 ISO 14001:2004 Certified 2009.03 RoHS Certified 2009.05 Q-Mark Certified 2009.10 Open Chinese branch office 2010.01 ISO 9001:2008 Certified 2010.01 Gost Certified 2010.03 Certified as Technical Innovative Company INNO-BIZ by small and Medium Business Administration 2010.09 Expanded Facilities 75m/m Extruding Machine, 100m/m Extruding Machine
  • 3. NON-MAGNETIC HEATING CABLE DW WHAT IS THE NON-MAGNETIC HEATING CABLE? It is a form of heating system with utilizes heat conduction and radiant heat for indoor climate control. Heat can be provided by electric cable instead of boiler or water circulation motor and its installation is easy. Dry or humid heat as the 21st century energy efficient heating system delivers to the entire room and the people without any harmful effects due to 7mm heat conductor, double coated PE cable, and the electromagnetic wave screen. DW PICTURE OF CABLE DW BENEFITS & USAGE Ground return (Earth return) to improve safety Non-magnetic, Single point power connection to increase work efficiency Fasting heating for non residential building Easy and economical to install and operate Ideal for an accommodation School, Office, Restraint, Work place, Night watchmans room. Waiting room, Dormitory, Rest area, Security office, etc Auditorium, Conference room Swimming pool, Barn, Aqua Farm, Greenhouse Heat Barn, Aqua-farm, Greenhouse heat DW SPECIFICATION OF PRODUCT Electric Power Apply Length Sort Model Consumption Area (m) High Grade: 25w/m (w/h) (m2) 7 Core Double line (Heating line DW25W11L 275 11.0 1.65 2 string)/Non- DW25W22L 550 22.0 3.30 Magnetic Ground system, High DW25W33L 825 33.0 4.96 Copper/Aluminum Grade Fiber Braided DW25W44L 1100 44.0 6.61 Thickness 7mm (7 Type) DW25W66L 1650 66.0 9.92 Separate order 20w DW25W88L 2200 88.0 13.20 DW25W110L 2750 110.0 16.50
  • 4. ELECTRIC X-L PIPE HEATING SYSTEM DW WHAT IS X-L PIPE HEATING SYSTEM? It is an innovative heating system that uses heat and increased pressure generated by Heat Transfer Medium by heating the sealed X-L PIPE without boiler in which water or other fluid is heated and water circulation motor which pumps water circulated in the PIPE. Heated electric wires in X-L pipe collect vapors in the upper part of X-L pipe, resulting in internal pressure and unclear boiling when temperature difference between liquid and gas is over 10属C. As a result, internal pressure will be the negative pressure which is lower than atmospheric pressure at room temperature and so, boiling temperature of water will get lower. The temperature of floor will be increased and heat will last longer according to Nucleate Boiling phenomenon. Therefore, this process increases energy efficiency and you can save energy by using this energy saving product. One of the products using this technology is a pressure cooker. It is the innovative high energy efficient floor heating system that has no heat loss and achieves 30属C rise effect in temperature. Our patented pressure absorbing device absorbs too much internal pressure and also the heat transfer medium and carbon tissue absorb the electromagnetic waves for well-being life. Nucleate Boiling phenomenon : The process of forming steam bubbles within liquid in micro cavities adjacent to the wall if the wall temperature at the heat transfer surface rises above the saturation temperature while the bulk of the liquid is subcooled. The bubbles grow until they reach some critical size, at which point they separate from the wall and are carried into the main fluid stream. DW 5 CONDITIONS OF ELECTRIC X-L PIPE HEATING SYSTEM 1.Pressure absorbing device : It absorbs the internal pressure caused the Nucleate Boiling. 2.Double Coated Electric Wires : Since the conductor and the electric wire processing affect on product life and its function, make sure to read the followings. -Conductor : 7 Strained Nickel - Chrome Coil -The First Coating : Silicon Rubber coating that can stand very high temperature(280尊C) and has excellent insulating quality, -The Second Coating : Heat resistant Teflon rubber Length : 9.8m (X-L PIPE 4.9m) coating that is water resistant and chemical Resistance : 182立 (266w/h) resistant. Gauge ; WISE (Germany) 3kgt/。 3.Heat Conducing Medium : They should not freeze at twenty degrees below zero. 4.Hearmless to Human Body : Electromagnetic waves are absorbed by itself. 5.Cable : Should not exceed 20W/m.(According to Clause 5, Article 225 of Electric Installation Regulations. The temperature of Electric wires should not exceed 80尊C and/or Internal Temperature of X-L should not exceed 80尊C) Internal Pressure Test of Internal Pressure Test of Measurement of Daewoo Heating PIPE Other Company Electromagnetic waves
  • 5. DAEWOO The Productivity to create Energy Utopia Efficient and energy saving heaing system DW BENEFITS OF ELECTRIC X-L PIPE HEATING SYSTEM Economic Safety Durable No heat loss Water leakage prevention Cold lead installation and safety Accumulation of Heat No Electromagnetic waves valve for over pressure Low Electric Power Consumption Clean Energy Long lasting Low installation expenses Low temperature resistant (-20尊C) Easy & Convenient Functional Various way No space for boiler Traditional floor heat Accommodations, Schools, Vacation Good customer service (Warranty) Sectional heat / Whole floor heat facilities Easy to use Well-being Hospital, Post-Delivery care center, Church Easy heating system change Restaurant, Green house, Swimming Pool, Factory (Electric X-L PIPE) DW SPECIFICATIONS OF ELECTRIC X-L PIPE HEATING SYSTEM Power Caloric Heating Avr. Power Model Dimension Input Value Capacity Comsumption DW-010 14m15陸 1032kcal/h 3.3m2 DW-015 21m15陸 1548kcal/h 4.95m2 DW-020 28m15陸 20~ 2064kcal/h 6.6m2 76wh/m2 DW-025 35m15陸 40W/m 2580kcal/h 8.25m2 DW-030 42m15陸 3096kcal/h 9.9m2 DW-040 56m15陸 4128kcal/h 13.2m2 DW CONSTRUCTION METHODS 1 2 3 4 5 Heat Insulating Material Wire Mash to fix Set a Inspecting Box which X-L PIPE - Start from In- Install the sensor of - Silver insulator on is same height with the spect box to return the END Temperature - Temperature the aerated concrete or decorative design CAP (Pitch 200~250m sensor for humid environ- Styrofoam ment at the Exothermic 6 7 8 9 10 Test of Exothermic - Cover the Inspecting Box Install Thermostat - Finishing Mortar - Finishing Materials - - Do not come in when Electro power of 220 V is Check of Electric power Plastering 30~40m Install Finishing Materials consumption and heating Thickness depends on the and Inspecting Box plastering connecting with the I/O value after electric power types of plastering connection(15A) supply
  • 6. HEATING FILM USING THE HIGH EFFICIENT RADIANT HEAT DW WHAT IS DAEWOO HEATING FILM? It is an innovative heating system that is made with gravure printing of heat generating carbon tissue on PET Film and copper busbar. Since it emits far infrared rays and anions, warm radiant heat can be felt for a well-being life. This film is ideal for during the certain time for the sectional space that needs to be heated because it requires a short period of time to make heat so suitable for customer, accommodation, office, church, restaurant, and stairs. For stable use, we recommend you to use the hardwood as the finishing material. If you are using for the linoleum finishing or humid environment, you need to consult with a construction company. DW BENEFITS OF HEATING FILM 1.Energy can be saved more than 65%.(On regular basis) 2.No need space for boiler 3.Far infrared radiation (90.3%) and anions (250cc) are emitted to improve health. 4.Dont worry about smoke, noise, fueling, freezing. 5.Convinient control such as sectional heating, central heating and sectional control. 6.One day installation and immediately usable 7.Free to choose of finishing materials 8.Fast installation without taking off the existing floor 9.It can lower the height of ceiling and the weight of building. DW FEATURES OF HEATING FILM 1.Burning resist PET application : The ivory PET Film is used the XB-65 with VTH-2 chip in for heat defying insulation which has the UL Certificate and is manufactured by Doraysaeghan. 2. Gravure printing : As screen printing cannot print carbon tissue evenly, it is inappropriate for the heat generating plate. It can be partially overheated to cause fire and short circuit. We, however, have chosen the gravure rotary printing press to pursue to the safety by giving electric resistance evenly to the Heat Generating Plate. 3. Wide silver space : The silver space is for the space between carbon and copper busbar where the electrical energy is converted to thermal energy. This space prevent spark, and is important part related to product life and safety. We broadened this space for safety. 4. Copper busbar with 12mm of width and 10amp : Wide copper busbar to restrain overheating. The thinner PET has superior adhesive strength and keeps air cut.
  • 7. DAEWOO The Productivity to create Energy Utopia Efficient and energy saving heaing system DW TYPES AND SPECIFICATIONS OF HEATING FILM Power Caloric Packing Model no. Width Consumption Value Unit DW050-100W220V 50cm 100wh/m 86Kcal/h 150m/Roll DW080-160W220V 80cm 160wh/m 138Kcal/h 100m/Roll DW100-200W220V 100cm 200wh/m 172Kcal/h 100m/Roll Available for 110V DWM310 220V 200W/M 10/01/01 K001 1m Width 80cm Width 50cm Width Daewoo Thickness Customer Manufacture Cutting line Consumption Date Material Voltage Inspector DW CROSS SECTIONAL VIEW OF HEATING FILM PET FILM Copper Busbar Silver Busbar Sub Type(Japan restaurant High class restaurant, stairs and so on..) Carbon Tissue PET FILM General Tyep (Inn, Office, Church and so on) DW GROUND PLAN AND CROSS SECTIONAL VIEW OF CONSTRUCTION Ground Plan of Construction Cross sectional view of Heating Film Floor Insulator(5mm) Daewoo Film Heater(0.4mm) Protecting vinyl(0.1mm) Wood Flooring DW SUBSIDIARY MATERIAL OF HEATING FILM Heating insulating Compressor Terminal Compressor Insulator Tape for Dampproofing materials for film
  • 8. DAEWOO ENERTEC INC. Head Office #2-1305, Ace Hightech City, 54-66, Moonrae 3-dong, Yeoungdeungpo-gu, Seoul, KOREA Tel : +82-2-6309-7050~2 Fax : +82-2-6309-7053 Factory 148-21, Namsan 2-dong, Jung-gu, Daegu, KOREA Tel : +82-53-474-8050 Fax : +82-53-473-8050 E-mail : info@floorwarm.net Http:/www.floorwarm.net Patent No. 0805702 Patent No. 0805703 Certificate of Quality Evaluations (Test Result) (Pressure Controlling Balls) (Heat System of XL Pipe) Assurance European Safety Certification UL Certification ISO9001 GOST(Russia) Certification (CE)