This document contains a list of irregular verbs in English and example sentences using each verb. It was created by teacher Angel Edgar Lopez Herrera for student Juan Diego Betanzos Valencia for a basic English level 2 class on February 11, 2015. The document provides examples of how to use irregular verbs in simple sentences.
Industry Background -Expertise- CRC-2016Carl Citelli
This document summarizes Carl Citelli's career experience in transportation, logistics, supply chain, and technology sales and solutions. He has expertise in less-than-truckload carrier operations, logistics, supply chain management, and transportation technology. Some of his specializations include shipment visibility, transportation management systems, warehouse management systems, and optimization of multi-modal transportation networks. His goal is to deliver intelligent business solutions focused on lowest landed cost through strategic partnerships.
Leasing activity signals future gains. More than 250,000 square feet of expansions were signed this quarter, with most commencing in the next six months.
Dr. Mahamuod Akli Nour has over 5 years of experience working as a physician in Somalia. His experience includes working in regional hospitals in Gabiley and Tog Wajale, as well as Hargeisa Group Hospital. He has held positions in medical, pediatric, surgical, obstetrics/gynecology, and emergency departments. His responsibilities have included outpatient consultations, ward management, minor surgeries, emergency procedures like c-sections, and teaching/supervising nurses. He has references from hospital directors and regional health officers to support his work history and skills in diagnosis, treatment, and management of medical cases.
This document introduces various creative professionals in Charlotte, North Carolina who were featured at an event called the #PortraitParty on December 12, 2014. It provides names, social media handles, and brief descriptions for photographers, musicians, a life coach, designers, and others involved in arts, entertainment, and media. The event was produced by RHB Creative and featured portraits, music, drinks, and networking among the local creative community.
William Bernhardt has been using learning materials developed by Caleb Gattegno in his teaching since 1971. These materials include color-coded charts for sounds, words, and vocabulary; wooden rods for illustrating structures; and wall pictures for triggering writing. Bernhardt finds the materials help elicit writing from learners of all ages and abilities. They provide opportunities for confidence, freedom from inhibition, and mastery of various writing conventions and the written code of English. The possibilities of the materials seem infinite to Bernhardt, and he continues to develop new applications through workshops and reading Gattegno's works.
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, a tool for making slideshows. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on 際際滷Share. In just one sentence, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily create engaging slideshows.
This document contains a list of irregular verbs in English and example sentences using each verb. It was created by teacher Angel Edgar Lopez Herrera for student Juan Diego Betanzos Valencia for a basic English level 2 class on February 11, 2015. The document provides examples of how to use irregular verbs in simple sentences.
Industry Background -Expertise- CRC-2016Carl Citelli
This document summarizes Carl Citelli's career experience in transportation, logistics, supply chain, and technology sales and solutions. He has expertise in less-than-truckload carrier operations, logistics, supply chain management, and transportation technology. Some of his specializations include shipment visibility, transportation management systems, warehouse management systems, and optimization of multi-modal transportation networks. His goal is to deliver intelligent business solutions focused on lowest landed cost through strategic partnerships.
Leasing activity signals future gains. More than 250,000 square feet of expansions were signed this quarter, with most commencing in the next six months.
Dr. Mahamuod Akli Nour has over 5 years of experience working as a physician in Somalia. His experience includes working in regional hospitals in Gabiley and Tog Wajale, as well as Hargeisa Group Hospital. He has held positions in medical, pediatric, surgical, obstetrics/gynecology, and emergency departments. His responsibilities have included outpatient consultations, ward management, minor surgeries, emergency procedures like c-sections, and teaching/supervising nurses. He has references from hospital directors and regional health officers to support his work history and skills in diagnosis, treatment, and management of medical cases.
This document introduces various creative professionals in Charlotte, North Carolina who were featured at an event called the #PortraitParty on December 12, 2014. It provides names, social media handles, and brief descriptions for photographers, musicians, a life coach, designers, and others involved in arts, entertainment, and media. The event was produced by RHB Creative and featured portraits, music, drinks, and networking among the local creative community.
William Bernhardt has been using learning materials developed by Caleb Gattegno in his teaching since 1971. These materials include color-coded charts for sounds, words, and vocabulary; wooden rods for illustrating structures; and wall pictures for triggering writing. Bernhardt finds the materials help elicit writing from learners of all ages and abilities. They provide opportunities for confidence, freedom from inhibition, and mastery of various writing conventions and the written code of English. The possibilities of the materials seem infinite to Bernhardt, and he continues to develop new applications through workshops and reading Gattegno's works.
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, a tool for making slideshows. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on 際際滷Share. In just one sentence, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily create engaging slideshows.
The document discusses approaches to humanizing mathematical education by focusing on children's innate mathematical abilities and powers of abstraction. It advocates designing pupil-centered activities that occupy students and allow the teacher to withdraw as an authority. Examples of such activities include open-ended investigations that students explore independently and "Do, Talk and Record" activities where students collaborate, explain their work, and record their findings. The goal is to shift emphasis from the teacher and external criteria to students' internal mathematization processes.
The document provides a preview of new features in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015, CRM Online (2015 Update), Dynamics Marketing (2015 Update), and Social Listening (2014 R2). Key new capabilities include enhanced sales and marketing automation features, such as guided sales processes, product families, sales hierarchies, and improved email marketing tools. The document also previews updates to customer service, social listening, and the CRM platform, including improved search, configuration wizards, and business rules.
Dokumen ini berisi perencanaan struktur pelat beton bertulang untuk ruko 3 1/2 lantai di Sukabumi. Mencakup perhitungan tebal dan tulangan pelat atap dan lantai 3 berdasarkan beban dan momen yang dihasilkan, dengan memenuhi syarat SNI. Hasil analisis menunjukkan perencanaan pelat ini memenuhi syarat kekuatan.
Dokumen ini berisi kata pengantar skripsi yang membahas perencanaan struktur pelat beton bertulang untuk ruko 3 1/2 lantai di Sukabumi. Ringkasannya adalah penulis mengucapkan terima kasih kepada berbagai pihak yang telah membantu penyelesaian skripsinya, termasuk keluarga, dosen pembimbing, dan rekan-rekan kuliah. Penulis juga menyadari kekurangan skripsi ini dan mengharapkan
Dokumen ini berisi pernyataan persetujuan publikasi skripsi oleh mahasiswa bernama Ujang Ahmad SF dengan NIM 10111007 untuk kepentingan akademis. Ia menyetujui memberikan hak bebas royalti non-eksklusif atas skripsinya kepada STT Nusa Putra untuk disimpan, dikelola, dipublikasikan dengan tetap mencantumkan namanya sebagai penulis.
Dokumen ini adalah pernyataan orisinalitas skripsi yang ditulis oleh Ujang Ahmad SF dengan NIM 10111007 pada bulan Agustus 2014 yang menyatakan bahwa skripsi tersebut adalah hasil karyanya sendiri dan semua sumber yang dikutip atau dirujuk telah dinyatakan dengan benar.
Dokumen tersebut merupakan daftar pustaka yang mengacu pada 10 referensi buku tentang perencanaan struktur beton bertulang dan gempa. Referensi tersebut meliputi judul buku, nama penulis, penerbit dan tahun terbit.
Teks tersebut membahas perencanaan struktur pelat beton pada bangunan gedung tiga lantai. Terdapat penjelasan mengenai metode perhitungan, perencanaan tebal pelat, perhitungan beban, dan perhitungan tulangan pelat lantai dan atap. Perencanaan struktur pelat dilakukan sesuai standar nasional Indonesia dengan mempertimbangkan faktor seperti mutu beton dan baja serta beban mati dan hidup.
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
1. Dokumen tersebut membahas landasan teori perencanaan gedung dan ruko, termasuk standar, material, analisis pembebanan, dan kekuatan perlu.
2. Material utama yang digunakan adalah beton bertulang dengan mutu K-300 dan baja tulangan deformed dan polos.
3. Analisis pembebanan meliputi beban mati, hidup, angin, gempa, dan khusus sesuai standar nasional.
To support socioeconomic growth and politics, infrastructure like buildings are essential. As times progress and lifestyles grow, people's traditional lifestyles are shifting to modern, civic lifestyles which require more resources and ability to compete. The goal of this document is to provide material for learning and experience to benefit future knowledge, and to potentially serve as a basis for other planning efforts, despite its limitations. The document discusses problems with current development like environmental issues, loss of green space, and heat from paved surfaces, and proposes using alternative materials like grass blocks and planting shade trees as solutions.