2. Full vs simpli鍖ed visualization
Framework: Static graph visualization.
Standard (FDP) approach: visualize the whole graph
aims at being aesthetic tends to place the hubs in the center of the
鍖gure (edges with uniform length); does not emphasize dense groups
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3. Full vs simpli鍖ed visualization
Framework: Static graph visualization.
Simpli鍖ed approach: 鍖nd communities and represent each one by a
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4. Full vs simpli鍖ed visualization
Framework: Static graph visualization.
Simpli鍖ed approach: 鍖nd communities and represent each one by a
glyph and investigate sub-structure by a hierarchical clustering
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7. Basic description
1 Search for communities: node clustering (e.g., modularity
Is the clustering relevant / signi鍖cant?
Possible answer: generate N random graphs with the same degree
distribution and compare the observed optimal modularity to the
optimal modularity distribution among the N random graphs
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8. Basic description
1 Search for communities: node clustering (e.g., modularity
2 Iterate the clustering in each class in a hierarchical way.
When to stop the process? Is the clustering relevant /
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9. Basic description
1 Search for communities: node clustering (e.g., modularity
2 Iterate the clustering in each class in a hierarchical way.
3 Visualize the graph (in a simpli鍖ed way) at various levels of the
clustering hierarchy.
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10. Basic description
1 Search for communities: node clustering (e.g., modularity
2 Iterate the clustering in each class in a hierarchical way.
3 Visualize the graph (in a simpli鍖ed way) at various levels of the
clustering hierarchy.
How to have consistent representations? (a cluster and its
subclusters are approximately displayed at the same place) How to
take into account the space needed for a cluster of the last level of the
hierarchy in any representation (at any level)?
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11. Basic description
1 Search for communities: node clustering (e.g., modularity
2 Iterate the clustering in each class in a hierarchical way.
3 Visualize the graph (in a simpli鍖ed way) at various levels of the
clustering hierarchy.
How to have consistent representations? (a cluster and its
subclusters are approximately displayed at the same place) How to
take into account the space needed for a cluster of the last level of the
hierarchy in any representation (at any level)?
Possible solution: Recursively estimate the place needed for each
cluster in the hierarchy (by a circle encompassing the visualization of
all sub-clusters) over-estimation
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12. Basic description
1 Search for communities: node clustering (e.g., modularity
2 Iterate the clustering in each class in a hierarchical way.
3 Visualize the graph (in a simpli鍖ed way) at various levels of the
clustering hierarchy.
Include information about the quality of the clustering in the
representation? (user warning)
Example: Color and weight edges
between clusters according to their
contribution to the modularity
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13. Open issues
Clustering: what is a meaningful clustering? When to stop the
Clustering hierarchy representation: how to anticipate, at a given
level, the place needed for the representation of the 鍖nest levels?
Including estimation about the clustering quality in the
representation: at the node level (quality of the clustering for the
cluster? What does that mean?) or at the edge level (contribution to
the modularity between clusters?)
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