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Daily Health Update 05-19-17 Rode Chiropractic Poway, CA
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Friday, May 19th
, 2017
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Mental Attitude: Orange Essential Oil for PTSD? Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder often
triggered by stressful, distressing, or frightening events. In this study, researchers found that mice given orange essential oil
were significantly less likely to exhibit PTSD symptoms than mice with PTSD that were not exposed to the essential oil.
Additionally, the research team observed that the mice in the orange essential oil group experienced a significant decrease in the
types of immune cells that previous studies indicate may play a role in the PTSD disease process. Researcher Dr. Cassandra
Moshfegh explains, Relative to pharmaceuticals, essential oils are much more economical and do not have adverse side effects.
The orange essential plant oil showed a significant effect on the behavioral response in our study mice. This is promising
because it shows that passively inhaling this essential oil could potentially assuage PTSD symptoms in humans.
American Physiological Society, April 2017
Health Alert: Waist Size May Be Key to Life Span. Waist size may predict your risk for an early death. Researchers looked
at almost 43,000 participants in the Health Survey for England and the Scottish Health Survey and compared each person's BMI
and waist-to-hip ratio against their health history during a ten-year period. The study showed that people who carry extra weight
around the middle (central obesity), but have a normal BMI have a 22% higher risk of early death than those whose fat is stored
elsewhere in their bodies. Annals of Internal Medicine, April 2017
Diet: Drinking Alcohol May Raise Women's Risk of Rosacea. Rosacea is a chronic disease that causes redness and flushing
of the skin, most commonly on the face and neck. According to a new study, women who regularly consume alcohol may be
more likely to develop rosacea than women who abstain. The researchers speculate that rosacea symptoms may be the result of
dilation of the blood vessels that occurs with drinking or they might possibly be related to the effects of alcohol on the immune
system. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, April 2017
Exercise: Walking Offers Benefits to the Brain. Walking is known to benefit our heart and muscles, but what about our
brains? In a new study, researchers at New Mexico Highlands University found that the foots impact while walking sends
pressure waves through the arteries that modifies and increases the supply of blood to the brain. The researchers note, New
data now strongly suggest that brain blood flow is very dynamic and depends directly on cyclic aortic pressures that interact
with retrograde pressure pulses from foot impacts There is a continuum of hemodynamic effects on human brain blood flow
within pedaling, walking, and running. Speculatively, these activities may optimize brain perfusion, function, and overall sense
of wellbeing during exercise. Experimental Biology, April 2017
Chiropractic: Vibration Combined with Awkward Posture Raises Back Pain Risk. A recent study set out to investigate the
association between low back pain and exposure to whole-body vibration, awkward posture, and heavy lifting among 102
professional drivers. The researchers found that awkward posture and heavy lifting were more strongly associated with sick
leave than whole-body vibration exposure. However, they did observe that the combination of whole-body vibration and
awkward working postures significantly increased the risk for developing low back pain among the study participants.
Ergonomics, April 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Lower Vitamin D Levels May Increase Breast Cancer Risk. After comparing vitamin D blood serum
levels with mammography results on over 1,000 women, researchers report that women with lower vitamin D levels are more
likely to have denser breast tissue, which previous studies indicate may increase a womans breast cancer risk.
German Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics, March 2017
Quote: The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones. ~ William Faulkner
Kip Rode, D.C.
(858) 391-1372