Dailyshoot provides photography inspiration and discipline through daily briefs, prompting the photographer to capture 14 images over two weeks. Some briefs were difficult to interpret while others led to serendipitous finds. The photographer's favorite image was a close-up of a tulip but felt limited by equipment on a shot of electricity. The process was good for creativity but maintaining it may be difficult without breaks.
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1. Dailyshoot14 photographs for Digital Storytelling DS106 based on the daily briefs from www.dailyshoot.comAll photographs by Colin Maxwell@camaxwellsgeul.wordpress.comwww.flickr.com/photos/maximized/
16. EvaluationDailyshoot is a great way to gain inspiration and build discipline in taking photographs.Some of the briefs were difficult and others were easy. The main difficulty was finding the time to take the photographs and finding suitable subjects. Sometime you have to be creative and other times the subjects just seem to appear serendipitously.My favourite shot is the inside of the tulip, however I thought the ‘Electri-city’ shot was quite creative and I just wish I had a better camera to make the shot better.During the two weeks undertaking these assignments my beloved compact camera, a Canon Powershot A75, broke down, so I had to resort to my phone’s camera for several shots.I doubt I’ll continue with Dailyshoot, except maybe during holiday periods, but I may assign some of the briefs to my students to get them thinking creatively.