BDEでOracleや MS SQL等のRDBMSと接続する比較的大きなC/Sシステム?アプリケーションを移行するのは大変な作業に思えます。しかし、そのまま旧型のシステムを使い続けた場合、セキュリティリスクが発生すると共に、より発展的な開発の足かせとなります。そこで、無料の変換ツールを使って、旧型のデータベース接続エンジンのBDEから最新のFireDACへ、より効率よく対応させる手法をデモ交えてお伝えします。無料の移行ツールで古いプロジェクトをリフレッシュして、新資産として生かしましょう。
The document discusses various styles of writing that have emerged online, including leetspeak, texting abbreviations, blogs, social media, and more. It provides examples of how language has evolved in different online contexts through abbreviated words, numbers replacing letters, and unique linguistic conventions. The purpose seems to be to illustrate the wide variety of digital communication styles that now exist.
Easy Virtue: a Reconstruction of Plautus' CistellariaSallie Goetsch
This document provides a reconstruction of Plautus' play Cistellaria in 3 acts. It summarizes the interactions between Selenium, Gymnasium and Philaenis, in which Selenium reveals she has fallen in love with a man named Alcesimarchus who is now engaged to another woman. Philaenis warns Selenium against truly falling in love. Selenium departs sadly to her mother's house, while Gymnasium remains behind to care for Selenium's home. In a final monologue, the intoxicated Philaenis reveals details about Selenium's origins, suggesting she may be of high birth. The divine prologue then begins to set up the play's backstory.
Blogging has significantly increased business for many consultants and professionals represented on the panel. Several key benefits of blogging for business mentioned include:
- Blogging grows website traffic and email lists, bringing in many new clients and opportunities.
- Blogs are used as a content marketing strategy to attract clients, get found online, and generate more business than can be handled.
- Consultants build their expertise and stay top of mind through blogging, leading to referrals and opportunities like speaking engagements.
- Clients often find professionals through blog-related Google searches, then hire them after reading their blogs.
This document lists several languages: French, Latvian, Irish, English, Icelandic, Danish, and Portuguese. No other context is provided about the document or the purpose of listing these European languages.
Este documento presenta los resultados históricos del SIMCE y la PSU del New Little College entre los a?os 2002 y 2007. Muestra los puntajes promedio de cuarto y octavo básico en el SIMCE, así como los resultados del SIMCE de segundo medio entre 2001 y 2006. También entrega los puntajes promedio históricos de la Prueba de Aptitud Académica y la PSU entre 2004 y 2007.
The document provides information about Ireland, including its flag, national anthem, traditional dance, music, gastronomy, and places of interest. It notes that the national anthem is "A Soldier's Song" and the traditional dance is riverdance, known for its rapid leg movements. It describes Irish folk music and mentions dishes like Irish stew, bacon and cabbage, and the Irish breakfast. It highlights Dublin as Ireland's capital and cosmopolitan city, and Killarney National Park as a scenic natural space with wildlife.
The document contains recipes for several Greek seafood dishes including:
1) Codfish fillets with leeks and potatoes which involves cooking codfish fillets with sautéed leeks, onions and potatoes.
2) Cuttlefish with rice that has steps to cook cuttlefish pieces with onions and rice in a tomato-based broth.
3) Fish with tomatoes (plaki) that provides directions for making a tomato and herb-based sauce to cook fish in.
Vivemos uma era de mudan?as constantes. Youtubers têm mais audiência que grandes redes. Blogs desafiam jornais, startups desafiam corpora??es. Chatbots atendem com rapidez e eficiência. Algoritmos fazem escolhas. O poder das redes coloca em xeque os modelos tradicionais de publicidade. A economia colaborativa transforma os negócios. Inovar se transformou buzzword mas, ao mesmo tempo, competência fundamental tanto para profissionais quanto para empresas para quem querem vencer (ou pelo menos sobreviver). Nessa apresenta??o você vai conhecer o “kit de sobrevivência” para a reinven??o permanente da forma de planejar e executar marketing na era da revolu??o do conteúdo. Palestra para o
The document discusses various styles of writing that have emerged online, including leetspeak, texting abbreviations, blogs, social media, and more. It provides examples of how language has evolved in different online contexts through abbreviated words, numbers replacing letters, and unique linguistic conventions. The purpose seems to be to illustrate the wide variety of digital communication styles that now exist.
Easy Virtue: a Reconstruction of Plautus' CistellariaSallie Goetsch
This document provides a reconstruction of Plautus' play Cistellaria in 3 acts. It summarizes the interactions between Selenium, Gymnasium and Philaenis, in which Selenium reveals she has fallen in love with a man named Alcesimarchus who is now engaged to another woman. Philaenis warns Selenium against truly falling in love. Selenium departs sadly to her mother's house, while Gymnasium remains behind to care for Selenium's home. In a final monologue, the intoxicated Philaenis reveals details about Selenium's origins, suggesting she may be of high birth. The divine prologue then begins to set up the play's backstory.
Blogging has significantly increased business for many consultants and professionals represented on the panel. Several key benefits of blogging for business mentioned include:
- Blogging grows website traffic and email lists, bringing in many new clients and opportunities.
- Blogs are used as a content marketing strategy to attract clients, get found online, and generate more business than can be handled.
- Consultants build their expertise and stay top of mind through blogging, leading to referrals and opportunities like speaking engagements.
- Clients often find professionals through blog-related Google searches, then hire them after reading their blogs.
This document lists several languages: French, Latvian, Irish, English, Icelandic, Danish, and Portuguese. No other context is provided about the document or the purpose of listing these European languages.
Este documento presenta los resultados históricos del SIMCE y la PSU del New Little College entre los a?os 2002 y 2007. Muestra los puntajes promedio de cuarto y octavo básico en el SIMCE, así como los resultados del SIMCE de segundo medio entre 2001 y 2006. También entrega los puntajes promedio históricos de la Prueba de Aptitud Académica y la PSU entre 2004 y 2007.
The document provides information about Ireland, including its flag, national anthem, traditional dance, music, gastronomy, and places of interest. It notes that the national anthem is "A Soldier's Song" and the traditional dance is riverdance, known for its rapid leg movements. It describes Irish folk music and mentions dishes like Irish stew, bacon and cabbage, and the Irish breakfast. It highlights Dublin as Ireland's capital and cosmopolitan city, and Killarney National Park as a scenic natural space with wildlife.
The document contains recipes for several Greek seafood dishes including:
1) Codfish fillets with leeks and potatoes which involves cooking codfish fillets with sautéed leeks, onions and potatoes.
2) Cuttlefish with rice that has steps to cook cuttlefish pieces with onions and rice in a tomato-based broth.
3) Fish with tomatoes (plaki) that provides directions for making a tomato and herb-based sauce to cook fish in.
Vivemos uma era de mudan?as constantes. Youtubers têm mais audiência que grandes redes. Blogs desafiam jornais, startups desafiam corpora??es. Chatbots atendem com rapidez e eficiência. Algoritmos fazem escolhas. O poder das redes coloca em xeque os modelos tradicionais de publicidade. A economia colaborativa transforma os negócios. Inovar se transformou buzzword mas, ao mesmo tempo, competência fundamental tanto para profissionais quanto para empresas para quem querem vencer (ou pelo menos sobreviver). Nessa apresenta??o você vai conhecer o “kit de sobrevivência” para a reinven??o permanente da forma de planejar e executar marketing na era da revolu??o do conteúdo. Palestra para o
6. 各テクノジーの比较(ザックリと???)
N 階層 マルチ チュー データモデ 開発生産性 将来性 総じて言えば???
システム DB 対応 ニング ルの柔軟性 ?保守性
成熟 機能的にも成熟、情報も豊富。細
○ △ ○ △ △ かいチューニングが必要な業務
T 部まで制御 アプリなどで有効。
DataSet 出来る
大きな進 基本はEFを使えないか検討すべ
△ × △ △ △ 化はなし き。マイグレーションツールもあり。
LINQ to SQL Server 相対的に
SQL に特化 速度は低
○ ○ △ ○ ○ 進化を継 生産性?保守性が高く、アジャイ
EF 概念モデル 相対的に良い 続 ルな開発現場で有効。Webなど
を定義 ことが多い ライトなアプリ開発に便利。
VSUG DAY 2012 Winter 2012.12.15
7. ご参考
EF Supports Multiple Databases -
Oracle Data MySQL Progress
Provider for Devart Connector/NET DataDirect
.NET Connect
VistaDB OpenLink IBM (DB2, Sybase SQL
Software Informix, U2) Anywhere
Sybase Phoenix
Adaptive Software SQL Compact Synergex
Server Solutions
VSUG DAY 2012 Winter 2012.12.15
8. EF の進化
EF 1 EF 4 EF 4.1, 4.2 EF 4.3 EF 5
?Included in.NET 3.5/VS ?Included in .NET 4/VS 2010 ?Out of band release ?Out of band release ?Out of band release
2008 SP1 ?POCO ?Available on NuGet ?Available on NuGet
?Database First ?Available on NuGet
?Lazy Loading ?Builds on .NET 4 ?Builds on .NET 4
?Basic O/RM support ?FKs ?Code First ?Code First Migrations ?Builds on .NET 4
?Testability ?Simplified DbContext API ?Improved Database ?Code First Migrations
?Model First ?Semantic Versioning Generation
?Code First & DbContext bug ?Improved Database
?Customizable T4 Code-Gen
fixes Generation
?Code First & DbContext bug
2008/08 2012/08
VSUG DAY 2012 Winter 2012.12.15
9. EF 1
インピーダンス ミスマッチ問題の解決
? Database First
? 基本的な O/R マッパー ドメイン層
VSUG DAY 2012 Winter 2012.12.15
10. EF 4
ドメイン駆動、N 階層システムの開発を
? Model First
? EDM から DB オブジェクトを生成 EF
? 【概念モデル】-> 【論理モデル】の流れで開発が出来る ドメイン層
? Persistence Ignorance(PI)
? POCO(Plain-Old CLR Object)
? 永続化技術(EFなど)に依存しない実装が可能
? 他の技術への変更が容易になった データ層
? Change Tracking
? 自己追跡エンティティ(DataSet の DiffGram に相当)
? 変更(CUD)履歴をエンティティが管理 RDB
? 階層を跨ったエンティティの CRUD が容易になった
VSUG DAY 2012 Winter 2012.12.15
12. EF 4.1, 4.2
より迅速な開発を意識した機能強化 プレゼンテーション層
? Code First
? コードから DB や DB オブジェクトを生成 EF
? テスト駆動開発やアジャイルな開発、
public partial class Entry
ドメイン層 public virtual int ID
プロトタイプの開発に有効 }
? 特に MVC などライトな Web アプリ開発に有効
? 特徴
? POCO ベースのエンティティ データ層
? CoC(Convention over Configuration)
VSUG DAY 2012 Winter 2012.12.15
20. EF 5
? Enum
? Spatial types (Geography / Geometry)
? デザイナの改善 enum
? Table-Valued Functions
? Automatic query caching for LINQ
? LINQ parameter evaluation optimization ストアドプロシージャと
ハイライトとカラーリング 関数のバッチインポート
? Table-Per-Type query optimization
? Large model improvements
VSUG DAY 2012 Winter 2012.12.15
21. EF 4.0 と比べ 600% 近く性能が向上
Performance in warm execution of query based on key
Time spent
Handcoded EF Raw SQL EF Compiled Query Entity SQL LINQ to Entities LINQ to SQL
.NET 4.0 100% 199% 262% 1518% 2314% 1650%
.NET 4.5 100% 211% 269% 406% 412% 1350%
VSUG DAY 2012 Winter 2012.12.15
32. Entity Framework のバージョンと機能
.NET/VS releases OOB releases
EF 6.0
EF 1.0 EF 4.0 EF 4.1, 4.2 EF 4.3 EF 5.0
Provider Model
MetadataWorkspace .NET 3.5 SP1 .NET 4.0 .NET 4.0 .NET 4.0 .NET 4.5 .NET 4.5
VS 2008
VS 2010 VS 2010 VS 2010 VS2012 VS 2012
Entity Designer SP1
DbContext Template VS Gallery VS Gallery VS Gallery VS Gallery
Code First NuGet NuGet NuGet
※EF 5 will work with Visual Studio 2010
VSUG DAY 2012 Winter 2012.12.15
33. まとめ
? 要件に応じた適切な選択肢を選択
– テクノロジー:EF, ADO.NET DataSet, LINQ to SQL
– 開発手法:DB First, Model First, Code First
? EF は進化を継続
– EF1 → EF4 → EF5 … EF6……
VSUG DAY 2012 Winter 2012.12.15
36. Developer ワークフロー
Designer Centric Code Centric
Model First Code First
? デザイナによるモデル( .edmx )の作 ? コードでモデルを定義
成 ? ランタイムに DB を自動生成
? モデルからクラスの自動生成
? モデルから DB の作成
Database First Code First
? DB からモデルを自動生成 ? コードでモデルを定義
? DB からクラスを自動生成 (Reverse engineer tools available)
VSUG DAY 2012 Winter 2012.12.15