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Daniel Camarillo
McKinney, TX 75070 Email: dan.camarillo@yahoo.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dan-camarillo-43496b8
Phone: (214) 641-9536
Operations Client Service, Manager
Successful Assistant Vice President with JPMorgan Chase interested in expanding my business
experience to other industries or fields. Over 10 years of experience in operations and client service in
global custody and 5 years of management. Especially effective at developing and nurturing business
relationships. process improvement. Strong skills in risk management, crisis management and staff
development. Proficient at project management. Earned a reputation for diffusing upset clients and
coordinating solution oriented projects. Characterized as possessing a clear focus on relationship
building. Received awards for providing outstanding client experience. Areas of expertise span a broad
range of skills, including:
Staff Management Risk Management Staff Development
Project Management Detailed Oriented Effective Communicator
Internal/External Clients Lean & 6 Thinking Hats
Strategic Planning
JPMorgan Investor Services, Dallas, TX 2005 to Dec 2015
Assistant Vice President (2011-Dec 2015)
 Managed the Global Custody Trade and Asset Services segments of client accounts. The team
consisted of two supervisors and a staff of 10, responsible for several premier clients (Franklin
Templeton, Goldman Sachs, Capital Research, Oppenheimer, MFS and more) with billions of
dollars under custody. Provided performance reviews, training and coaching.
 Trade management is responsible for the processing and settlement of client trades including but
not limited to collateral, options, repo/reverse repo. Work with DTC and the Fed to avoid failure.
 Conduct periodic off-site client service reviews, monthly client service calls where I presented
inquiry and processing metrics, detailed observations and updates on partnership initiatives.
 Process Improvements/Projects managed reduced exception and manual processing.
o Partner with clients to improve the quality of their electronic instructions via Trade
Straight Through Processing (STP) Initiative: Analyzed client SWIFT messaging to
identify opportunities for enhancement (SWIFT subject matter expert). Train clients and
internal trade processing department to exceeded target increase by 3.5%
o Inquiry Reduction: reducing inquiries by 12.5% by training internal/external partners.
 Active partner in change management with Product, Risk Management, Processing, Client
Service, Sub Custodians to design, test and implement new products and operational support
models for our clients new trade activities/strategies.
 Use Excel to organize raw data (VLookup, Pivot tables) for STP, client inquiries, trade failure in
order to identify trends, root cause and supply tactic and strategic solutions via PowerPoint or
Excel to seniors.
Daniel Camarillo Page 2 of 2
Supervisor (2009-2010), Officer (2010-2011)
 Supervised a staff of up to 15 responsible for ensuring client inquiries were resolved and trades
were processes and settled efficiently providing approvals as needed.
 Served as the Point of Contact for escalations for our premium clients.
 Investigated and resolved asset and position breaks; Monitored risk report ensuring staff updated
risk items for sign-off; facilitate audit (internal and external auditors)
 Presented Business Analysis of US and non US settlements at monthly risk meetings.
 Participate in Process Improvement projects contributing to Change Management processes.
Senior Client Service Specialist (2005-2009)
 Resolved inquiries ensuring timely settlement of client trades.
 Completed projects delegated by management successfully.
 Conducted training and managed multiple email boxes for premier clients
 Research and conducted presentations to small and large (50+) audiences
University of Texas at Dallas, Dallas, TX 2005
Bachelor of Arts and Performance
2014-2015 Anti-Money Laundering Program, JPMorgan Chase 2015
Reg W for CIB, JPMorgan Chase 2015
Control Functions Speaker Series: Regulatory Practices: Keys Process, JPMorgan Chase 2015
ERISA: Account Coding, Alternative Asset, Potential Prohibited Transactions, Required
Documentation, JPMorgan Chase 2015
Control Functions Speaker Series: Regulatory Practices: Keys Process, JPMorgan Chase 2015
Advanced Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook)
Core Custody Systems: (JPM: TITAN, COSMIC)
Client Reporting Tools: JPM: Access/Views Portfolio Reporting
Depositories: DTC, Fed
SWIFT Messaging

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  • 1. Daniel Camarillo McKinney, TX 75070 Email: dan.camarillo@yahoo.com LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dan-camarillo-43496b8 Phone: (214) 641-9536 Operations Client Service, Manager Successful Assistant Vice President with JPMorgan Chase interested in expanding my business experience to other industries or fields. Over 10 years of experience in operations and client service in global custody and 5 years of management. Especially effective at developing and nurturing business relationships. process improvement. Strong skills in risk management, crisis management and staff development. Proficient at project management. Earned a reputation for diffusing upset clients and coordinating solution oriented projects. Characterized as possessing a clear focus on relationship building. Received awards for providing outstanding client experience. Areas of expertise span a broad range of skills, including: Staff Management Risk Management Staff Development Project Management Detailed Oriented Effective Communicator Internal/External Clients Lean & 6 Thinking Hats Methodologies Strategic Planning PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE JPMorgan Investor Services, Dallas, TX 2005 to Dec 2015 Assistant Vice President (2011-Dec 2015) Managed the Global Custody Trade and Asset Services segments of client accounts. The team consisted of two supervisors and a staff of 10, responsible for several premier clients (Franklin Templeton, Goldman Sachs, Capital Research, Oppenheimer, MFS and more) with billions of dollars under custody. Provided performance reviews, training and coaching. Trade management is responsible for the processing and settlement of client trades including but not limited to collateral, options, repo/reverse repo. Work with DTC and the Fed to avoid failure. Conduct periodic off-site client service reviews, monthly client service calls where I presented inquiry and processing metrics, detailed observations and updates on partnership initiatives. Process Improvements/Projects managed reduced exception and manual processing. o Partner with clients to improve the quality of their electronic instructions via Trade Straight Through Processing (STP) Initiative: Analyzed client SWIFT messaging to identify opportunities for enhancement (SWIFT subject matter expert). Train clients and internal trade processing department to exceeded target increase by 3.5% o Inquiry Reduction: reducing inquiries by 12.5% by training internal/external partners. Active partner in change management with Product, Risk Management, Processing, Client Service, Sub Custodians to design, test and implement new products and operational support models for our clients new trade activities/strategies. Use Excel to organize raw data (VLookup, Pivot tables) for STP, client inquiries, trade failure in order to identify trends, root cause and supply tactic and strategic solutions via PowerPoint or Excel to seniors.
  • 2. Daniel Camarillo Page 2 of 2 Supervisor (2009-2010), Officer (2010-2011) Supervised a staff of up to 15 responsible for ensuring client inquiries were resolved and trades were processes and settled efficiently providing approvals as needed. Served as the Point of Contact for escalations for our premium clients. Investigated and resolved asset and position breaks; Monitored risk report ensuring staff updated risk items for sign-off; facilitate audit (internal and external auditors) Presented Business Analysis of US and non US settlements at monthly risk meetings. Participate in Process Improvement projects contributing to Change Management processes. Senior Client Service Specialist (2005-2009) Resolved inquiries ensuring timely settlement of client trades. Completed projects delegated by management successfully. Conducted training and managed multiple email boxes for premier clients Research and conducted presentations to small and large (50+) audiences EDUCATION University of Texas at Dallas, Dallas, TX 2005 Bachelor of Arts and Performance PROFESSIONAL TRAINING 2014-2015 Anti-Money Laundering Program, JPMorgan Chase 2015 Reg W for CIB, JPMorgan Chase 2015 Control Functions Speaker Series: Regulatory Practices: Keys Process, JPMorgan Chase 2015 ERISA: Account Coding, Alternative Asset, Potential Prohibited Transactions, Required Documentation, JPMorgan Chase 2015 Control Functions Speaker Series: Regulatory Practices: Keys Process, JPMorgan Chase 2015 SOFTWARE/SYSTEMS Advanced Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook) Core Custody Systems: (JPM: TITAN, COSMIC) Client Reporting Tools: JPM: Access/Views Portfolio Reporting Depositories: DTC, Fed SWIFT Messaging