8 Page, 4/c magazine designed by Robbie Reddy. Includes original Adobe PhotoShop Art. Produced in Adobe InDesign. Accepting graphic design assignments. Please contact Robbie for more information at robbie@reddyart.com.
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Dana Point Magazine, 8 Page Magazine Design by Robbie Reddy
1. dropping into solid 12-foot
a wave Killer
Dana was. beasts an survival for
While early
tales from The unofficial guide to Dana Point
Issue 31 August 2009
the spot
had the old-tim-
ers dropping into Go. Do. See.
Guilde to Local Events
beasts an When the Ritz is too Ritzy
Camp at Doheny Beach
Local Food & Drink
or the Restaurant Guide
Young Guns boardshort series by Quicksilver. Only at Killer Dana.
2. When the Ritz is tooRitzy
Dana Point in August.
Note from the Publisher
Were not sure who dubbed the coast of
Dana Point the California Rivera. Tiuajana Dogs - Rock & Pop
4pm Are you looking for something fun
to do? Want to get away? Well
Sure, its home to many who reside in Bob Eller live music at Beachfire look no further than your own
4pm back yard.
McMansions and drive leased Bs or Ms
or Ls. And the weather is near perfect. Sunday
It is a great tourist-marketing ploy.
But really, this aint no Monaco, nor
Dana Point Concerts The Park
Tiuajana Dogs - Rock & Pop
21 Friday
Hennesseys Happy Hour
Call the post office put your mail
on hold. Set your TIVO so you
dont miss Judge Judy. Pack up
Cannes, or even Antibes. There are no the Camaro and the kids, yes
Dana Point Movies in the Park bring the kids. Leave the ipod and
world class casinos, no international film Blue Whale Safari Pirates of the Carribbean
Whale watching and underwater 8:00 cell phone at home. Stock up on
naturalist. Dana Harbor water and all those books and
8am and 1pm Green Natives live at the Salt Creek Grille. magazines you have been putting
9pm off reading.
6 6 Dana Point Concerts The Park
Tiuajana Dogs - Rock & Pop
4pm 23
Chihuahaua Races
5th Annual races for fastest Chihuahua in
Sonic Park live at Goodys Tavern 2pm
Dana Point Concerts The Park
Sunday Tiuajana Dogs - Rock & Pop
69 Surface View ocean, marine life,
photography and art surfboards.
festivals, or night-lit 16th century castle
estates. No Rue du Prada, Avenue de
Versace, Boulevard Bughatti.
August 23 at Casa Romantica
10am -10pm daily
Dana Point Concerts The Park
28 Saturday
Dana Point Farmers Market
Fresh produce, baked goods, flowers.
Bubba & the Bad Dogs 7-11am
Not that we dont love the Rivera. Its Dana Point Shakespear in the Park Drive down to Doheny Beach
just not the spirit of this place we call Friday 2:00 and camp out under the stars
home, Dana Point.
14 Hennesseys Happy Hour
Steve Miller Band at the Coach House
(the ones you can see at least.)
Whether you are a first time
camper or an experienced
The real Dana Point, the one most of us enthusiast, youll find that this
Dana Point Concerts in the Park
live in, is about the simple things. And Wild Child - Doors Tribute California State Park offers qual-
4:30 Sunday
a few offbeat things. The beach, good ity camping facilities in beautiful
surfing and good tacos, great seafood (if Dana Point Shakespear in the Park surroundings. Most state park
Jimmy Van Zant at the Coach House 2:00
you know where to look.) And whales, 8pm campgrounds are open year-
round, and some offer discounts
a whole season of whales. Live music, Classical Film Sunday
for off-season camping.
dog-watching at the harbor, and dolphin-
watching at the Doheny. Where do you
go to get the best omelet in town? How
16 Sunday
Dana Point Concerts The Park
Jim Curry
Fight Club- 4th in the film series.
Doheny State Beach is two
parks in one - with camping in
about vintage garb or a great tattoo?
Wanna learn to fish, or play the guitar?
Frame of Mind
Contemporary Reggae and Rock
30 Jazz Brunch featurng Tome Morey
at Salt Creek Grill
the southern area (with some
campsites only steps away
from the beach) and day use in
Or just find the perfect cliff lookout and 7pm the northern area, where there
soak in the views. Its all here.
Concerts The Park
3. Not to be missed! The Butterfy Garden.
Located at the entrance to the park, native
is a five-acre lawn with picnic
Surfing is popular, but is restrict-
butterfly species are a delight to watch.
facilities and volleyball courts.
ed to the north end of the beach.
Theres a heap of outdoors recre-
ation available in the vicinity such
as hiking, swimming, playing golf,
and fishing, So running out of fun
things to do wont happen.
Playing golf is lots of fun at Black
Gold Golf Club. Camping out
positively is a great thing to do,
and Doheny State Park in Cali-
fornia is the outdoors at its most Doheny is the best beach to
excellent. learn how to surf at in
Every August Brings the
The warmest time of the year
brings highs in the 80s to Doheny Whitey Harrison Outrigger The waves are slow paced
and lows in the 60s. Canoe Classic. with people of all ages from
4 to 80 surfing together. The
Speaking of the 60s there is Come and cheer over 1,000 wave provides you the perfect
a great trail, called the Joplin paddlers from California as formula that enables you to
trail. No pun, well actually there they compete in this long- stand up and have long excit-
was. ing rides on the very first day
distance outrigger canoe
you surf.
Location The beach is on Del
paddle from Dana Point to
Laguna Beach. Doheny is one of the best
Obispo/Dana Harbor Drive, waves for beginning surfers
approximately one mile north of in California. Very slow and
I-5 and about three miles from sloping, it has been a hogs
San Juan Capistrano Mission. hotbed since the earliest days
Well first you better make a Some serious and not-so-serious moments of the sport. Today you can
reservation because others have during the Whitney Harrison Outrigger find the same arching style
already thought of this, believe it Canoe Classic. popular back in the 1930s be-
or not! There is a whole world out ing performed at Doheny. The
there untouched by many. wave refracts off of a dry rock,
then reels right and left to a
Before you make a reservation, sandy beach. Best at about
you will need to have the following four feet on a consistent
info. south swell, it doesnt break
in the winter because it lies
Park selections in the shadow of Dana Point
Date you wish to start camping to the north. When the river
Type and size of camping mouth is flowing (to the south
equipment of the main peak), you can
Number of people that will occupy get fast tubes once youve
the campsite been properly immunized
Number of nights you wish to against hepatitis and cholera.
Alternative park and camping date The site of a historic surfing
choices break, it is not unlikely to
Your phone number see salty-faced octogenarians
Method of payment sharing rides with younger
Mailing address surfers on languid summer
What are you waiting for, pick up
that phone!
4. Local Food & Drink
Beach Cities Pizza
We Deliver! 949-647-3522
Pick of the week & why we love it!
Brio Tuscany Grill 24050 Camino Del Avion
I am breaking out of this economic slump and going out for
dinner! Our perpetually beautiful days, clear cool nights and
949.466.3685 briorestaurant.com
knock-out sunsets deserve to be toasted amongst friends. Casanova Ristorante 33585 Del Obispo
Beachfire is just the place to meet for its cool artsy beach atmo- 949.563.2154 casinovaristorante.com
sphere and crowd pleasing menu.
Those of us who didnt qualify for Chronic Tacos 34255 Pacific Coast Highway
any federal cashola will love thenew 949.495.9564 tchronictacos.com
Bailout Menu.
Dana Kai 24050 Camino Del Avion
For $12.95 you may choose from
949.489.5877 danakai.com
coconut crusted tilapia, lobster tacos,
or my fave- the plate lunch of skewered skirt steak and skewered
shrimp, each grilled to perfection, alongside sticky rice and mixed Gemmellis 34471 Golden Lantern
greens and served with a yummy teriyaki sauce (ask for some of 949.234.5878 gemmellisrestaurant.com
the house-made ponzu sauce too!) Call for an
For dessert we loved the Beachfire Smores a huge, blistered, Hennesseys Tavern 34111 La Plaza today!
house-made marshmallow over a crisp graham cracker, drizzled 949.488.0120 hennesseystavern.com 949.496.3315
with a delicious dark choloate sauce. Between bites we enjoyed
the d辿cor, the walls are filled with original art for sale by local
Lucianas 24312 Del Prado
artists(even the floors are decorated with the mosaics designed by
949.661.1799 lucianas.com The best prices in
local students.) Check out their website for fun daily specials (kids
eat free on Tuesday) and live music to help you get your groove on! town!Our hours are
8am until the last
Marios By The Sea 32454 Golden Lantern dog leaves.
Beachfire Restaurant 25001 Dana Drive 949.240.1976 mariosbythesea.com
646.496.7310 beachfirecafe.com
3045 Pacific Coast
Hwy #112
Proud Marys 34698 Golden Lantern Dana Point, CA
949.388.7581 proudmaryrestaurant.com 92629
Before After
Salt Creek Grille 32802 Pacific Coast Highway
949.661.7799 saltcreekgrill.com before after