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Dancing with the Freeborn County Stars
 A special thank you to our sponsors and supporters!
            Accents                Jody Newman Sunset Photography
            Culligan                 Joyce Matthies Dance Centre
      Dance Yourself Silly                  K & K Bakery
    Expressions Salon & Spa                  KATE Radio
     Four Seasons Coffee                      Leutholds
         Home Depot                           Power 96
          Jaime Hauer                     School District 241

                         Thank you!
          To Roberta Grahn and Joyce Matthies,
thank you for donating your time and talent to this project.
         We couldnt have done it without you.

  To our dancers, Angie, Bev, Dawn, Sally, Dana,
  George, Mark and Mike  thank you for all the
  hours you put into this event working with our
     stars and helping to get the word out!

 And a big THANK YOU to our Stars for your
 support of the Red Cross by sharing your time
     and talent with all of us this evening.
                You are GREAT!

                                                  Program design by
                                                  Chelsea Olchefske
Dancing with the Freeborn County Stars                                                            Bronze Sponsors $50
                                                                               A-Best Sewing Machine and Vacuum Center              Hart Bros. Weaponry
               March 20, 2010                                                         Alamco Wood Products, LLC
                                                                                                                             Hill, Larson, Walth & Benda, P.A.
                                                                                               Aurora Dental                              Hunters Bar
                                                                                           Bernau & Sons, Inc.                         Jean Pestorious
Welcome!                                                                                 Blakes Body Shop, Inc.                 Korner Marts of Albert Lea
  Presented by Imogene Opdahl and Master of Ceremonies, Jason Howland.                 Bonnerup Funeral Services                          Lance Skov
                                                                                                  Bridon                               Lerbergs Foods
East Coast Swing                                                                               Calico Hutch                       Matt and Heather Benda
 featuring Jennifer Levisen and Dana Nelson, Footloose                                     China Restaurant                             Mrs. Gerrys
Waltz                                                                                 Clarence and Janan Beenken
                                                                                           Conger Meat Market
                                                                                                                                    Nicks Meat & Grocery
                                                                                                                                      Northland Karate
 featuring Martin Bernau and Sally Walker, Nocturne
                                                                                      Donna Nelson Insurance, Inc.      Northwestern Mutual Shannon Steensma
Hustle                                                                                   Dr. Stephen N. Schwartz       Panzer, Koch & Assoc. of Ameriprise Financial
 featuring John Kluever and Bev Rothmeier, You Make Me Feel Like Dancing         Dr. Steven and Patti Elwood, D.V.M.                    Pro Trucking
Country Two-Step                                                                              Dream Dresses
                                                                                       Edward D Jones (Troy Irvine)
                                                                                                                                  Quilt and SMore Retreat
                                                                                                                                     Security Insurance
 featuring Ebenezer Howe III and Angie Stadheim, Fishin in the Dark
                                                                                              Electric Beach                      Stephen L. & Sara Swails
Foxtrot                                                                                    Farmers State Bank                             Sugar Chic
 featuring Dr. Mike Funk and Dawn Thompson, Havent Met You Yet                          Fast Income Tax, Inc.                     Thompson Electric
Cha Cha                                                                                      Fishers Jewelers
                                                                                               Frames R Us
                                                                                                                                          Tim Lenhart
                                                                                                                                  Touchworks Chiropractic
 featuring Emily Bernau and Mike Walker, Black & Gold
                                                                                        Freeborn Construction, Inc.                 Touchworks Massage
Tango                                                                                 Freeborns Pride Builders, Inc       Trades & Labor Federal Credit Union
 featuring Sindy Dickey and Mark Thompson, Mercy                                            G & G Heating                            Tri-State Tax, Inc.
                                                                                         Gary and Karen Ohlmann                             US Bank
Rumba                                                                              Genos Plumbing and Heating, LLC                  Wells Federal Bank
 featuring Kim Nelson and George Rothmeier, Fallin for You
                                                                                         George Lundstrom, DDS                          Wendy Walker
Intermission                                                                         Goldman, Sturtz and Halvorsen         You & Me/Cravings, Dips & Desserts
 Vote for your favorite dancers by putting money and your ticket stub in the            Granicrete Minnesota LLC
 couples fish bowl! Your votes will be combined with the judges scores
 to determine the top three couples. Your ticket stubs will determine the
 audience choice award.
This is the Red Cross                                                                                         Other Sponsors
 Learn about the organization you are supporting tonight.                                    Casa Zamora                       M & S Outdoor Equipment
                                                                                              Cinema 7                     Perkins Family Restaurant & Bakery
Waltz                                                                               Citizens State Bank Glenville               Raleighs Ace Hardware
 featuring Roberta and Tim Grahn, Weekend in New England by Barry Manilow             David and Lois Nelson                     Randy and Ellen Kehr
                                                                                         Eco Water Systems                          Sherwin Williams
Dances Performed by Joyce Matthies Dancers                                                George Wichmann                         Sorenson Appliance
Presentation of Awards                                                                   Hanson Tire Service
                                                                                           Hardware Hank
                                                                                                                                        Taco John
                                                                                                                                  Western Rental, Inc.
                                                                                             Kristi Jordahl                            Wok N Roll
John Kluever & Bev Rothmeier                Ebenezer Howe III & Angie Stadheim      Dr. Mike Funk & Dawn Thompson                 Emily Bernau & Mike Walker

                                     束Jennifer Levisen                             束Dr. Mike Funk
                                     Community Relations and Marketing             Superintendent of School District 241
                                     Specialist, Albert Lea Medical Center           Dawn Thompson
                                       Dana Nelson                                 HR Director at Good Samaritan Society
                                     Substation Technician for Alliant Energy;
                                     Owner of Northland Karate                     束Emily Bernau
                                                                                   Senior Accountant at Hormel Foods
                                     束Martin Bernau                                  Mike Walker
                                     Owner of Bernau and Sons, Inc.                Manager at Specialty Products and
 Martin Bernau & Sally Walker           Sally Walker                               Technology                                    Sindy Dickey & Mark Thompson
                                     Clerical worker for Albert Lea Tree Service
                                     Plus                                          束Sindy Dickey
                                                                                   Manager at Anytime Fitness
                                     束John Kluever                                    Mark Thompson
                                     County Administrator for Freeborn County      Electrician at Thompson Electric and
                                       Bev Rothmeier                               Certified Nursing Assistant at Good
                                     Pharmacy Technician at ShopKo                 Samaritan Society

                                     束Ebenezer Howe III                            束Kim Nelson
                                     Maintenance at Kerry, Blue Earth; Board       Executive Director of The Childrens
                                     Chair for Freeborn County Red Cross           Center
                                        Angie Stadheim                                George Rothmeier
Jennifer Levisen & Dana Nelson                                                                                                   Kim Nelson & George Rothmeier
                                     Licensed Practical Nurse at Albert Lea        Freeborn County Property Appraiser
                                     Medical Center

  Roberta Grahn                  Joyce Matthies            Jason Howland             Heidi Shophammer             Rory Mattson              Allison Ciota
    Dance Coach                   Dance Coach            Master of Ceremonies               Judge                     Judge                     Judge
Thank you to our generous sponsors!                                      The Dances
   Diamond Lea Medical Center
              Sponsors $1,000               East Coast Swing - is a social partner dance which is primarily derived
                                            from the Foxtrot or its leaping version known as the Shag. Swing is typi-
                                            cally done in a table top area with relatively no movement around the
        Ebenezer and Marsha Howe III        floor. Jennifer Levisen and Dana Nelson will be dancing to Footloose from
                                            Footloose soundtrack, Kenny Loggins.
     Platinum Sponsors $500
            Alliant Energy
                                            Waltz - characterized by rise and fall which gives a smooth, graceful move-
                                            ment around the dance floor. Waltz music has a very distinctive one-two-
                ITC Midwest LLC             three tempo. Martin Bernau and Sally Walker will be dancing to Nocturne,
         Kerry Ingredients and Flavours     Secret Garden Soundtrack.

                                            Hustle - The couple dance form of hustle is usually called New York Hustle
         Gold Sponsors $250                 or Latin Hustle. It has some resemblance to, and steps in common with,
                                            swing and salsa dancing. As in the Latin dances, couples tend to move
          Church Offset Printing
     Commodity Marketing Company, Inc.      within a spot on the dance floor. John Kluever and Bev Rothmeier will be
          Dan Glazier Construction          dancing to You Make Me Feel Like Dancing by Leo Sayer.
             Daybreakers Kiwanis            Country Two-Step - The Two-Step is a simple dance that moves counter
            Linda and John Barron           clockwise around the dance floor; the Two Step is characterized by lots of
    Manchester Hartland Telephone Company   fun turns and spins for the man and the lady. Ebenezer Howe III and Angie
      Specialty Products and Technology     Stadheim will be dancing to Fishin in the Dark, by the Nitty Gritty Dirt
               Skyline Jewelers             Band.
                                            Foxtrot - the basics of Foxtrot is jovial dance with a bounce, thus the name.
                                            The entire dance floor is used both in a closed frame as well as side-by-
         Silver Sponsors $100               side patterns. Dr. Mike Funk and Dawn Thompson will be dancing to
          Albert Lea Electric Company       Havent Met You Yet  by Michael Buble.
               Albert Lea Steel, Inc.
                      Al Larson             Cha Cha - This famous Latin dance with its sexy hip movements is often
                    Anonymous               danced to upbeat top 40 music. Cha Cha is typically done with a 1-2-3-4&
                 Curts Pharmacy            count. Emily Bernau and Mike Walker will be dancing to Black & Gold
            Dr. E. K. and Dipika Karan      from the new Fame soundtrack, Sam Sparro.
                 Epland Brothers            Tango - Rico Savvy must appear in this dance. It is the most passionate of
       Dr. John and Amanda Grzybowski       all the styles. Its a love/hate relationship with the gentleman pursuing the
                     Innovance              lady until she submits to his advances. Sindy Dickey and Mark Thompson
       Jim & Dudes Plumbing & Heating      will be dancing to Mercy by Duffy.
        Minnesota Corrugated Box, Inc.
                   Moose Club               Rumba - most consider this dance to be one of sensual and erotic move-
               Motor Inn Company            ments. Done to most love songs in a quick, quick, slow rhythm. Kim Nelson
      Nancy Vanderwaerdt State Farm Ins.    and George Rothmeier will be dancing to Fallin for You by Colbie Caillat.
             Sanderson Auto Repair
                Dr. Wayne Sletten
              Steven and Kim Zenk
           Dr. Brian and Deanne Zogg

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Dancing With The Stars 2010 Program

  • 1. Dancing with the Freeborn County Stars A special thank you to our sponsors and supporters! Accents Jody Newman Sunset Photography Culligan Joyce Matthies Dance Centre Dance Yourself Silly K & K Bakery Expressions Salon & Spa KATE Radio Four Seasons Coffee Leutholds Home Depot Power 96 Jaime Hauer School District 241 Thank you! To Roberta Grahn and Joyce Matthies, thank you for donating your time and talent to this project. We couldnt have done it without you. To our dancers, Angie, Bev, Dawn, Sally, Dana, George, Mark and Mike thank you for all the hours you put into this event working with our stars and helping to get the word out! And a big THANK YOU to our Stars for your support of the Red Cross by sharing your time and talent with all of us this evening. You are GREAT! Program design by 2010 Chelsea Olchefske
  • 2. Dancing with the Freeborn County Stars Bronze Sponsors $50 A-Best Sewing Machine and Vacuum Center Hart Bros. Weaponry March 20, 2010 Alamco Wood Products, LLC Applebees Herbergers Hill, Larson, Walth & Benda, P.A. Aurora Dental Hunters Bar Bernau & Sons, Inc. Jean Pestorious Welcome! Blakes Body Shop, Inc. Korner Marts of Albert Lea Presented by Imogene Opdahl and Master of Ceremonies, Jason Howland. Bonnerup Funeral Services Lance Skov Bridon Lerbergs Foods East Coast Swing Calico Hutch Matt and Heather Benda featuring Jennifer Levisen and Dana Nelson, Footloose China Restaurant Mrs. Gerrys Waltz Clarence and Janan Beenken Conger Meat Market Nicks Meat & Grocery Northland Karate featuring Martin Bernau and Sally Walker, Nocturne Donna Nelson Insurance, Inc. Northwestern Mutual Shannon Steensma Hustle Dr. Stephen N. Schwartz Panzer, Koch & Assoc. of Ameriprise Financial featuring John Kluever and Bev Rothmeier, You Make Me Feel Like Dancing Dr. Steven and Patti Elwood, D.V.M. Pro Trucking Country Two-Step Dream Dresses Edward D Jones (Troy Irvine) Quilt and SMore Retreat Security Insurance featuring Ebenezer Howe III and Angie Stadheim, Fishin in the Dark Electric Beach Stephen L. & Sara Swails Foxtrot Farmers State Bank Sugar Chic featuring Dr. Mike Funk and Dawn Thompson, Havent Met You Yet Fast Income Tax, Inc. Thompson Electric Cha Cha Fishers Jewelers Frames R Us Tim Lenhart Touchworks Chiropractic featuring Emily Bernau and Mike Walker, Black & Gold Freeborn Construction, Inc. Touchworks Massage Tango Freeborns Pride Builders, Inc Trades & Labor Federal Credit Union featuring Sindy Dickey and Mark Thompson, Mercy G & G Heating Tri-State Tax, Inc. Gary and Karen Ohlmann US Bank Rumba Genos Plumbing and Heating, LLC Wells Federal Bank featuring Kim Nelson and George Rothmeier, Fallin for You George Lundstrom, DDS Wendy Walker Intermission Goldman, Sturtz and Halvorsen You & Me/Cravings, Dips & Desserts Vote for your favorite dancers by putting money and your ticket stub in the Granicrete Minnesota LLC couples fish bowl! Your votes will be combined with the judges scores to determine the top three couples. Your ticket stubs will determine the audience choice award. This is the Red Cross Other Sponsors Learn about the organization you are supporting tonight. Casa Zamora M & S Outdoor Equipment Cinema 7 Perkins Family Restaurant & Bakery Waltz Citizens State Bank Glenville Raleighs Ace Hardware featuring Roberta and Tim Grahn, Weekend in New England by Barry Manilow David and Lois Nelson Randy and Ellen Kehr Eco Water Systems Sherwin Williams Dances Performed by Joyce Matthies Dancers George Wichmann Sorenson Appliance Presentation of Awards Hanson Tire Service Hardware Hank Taco John Western Rental, Inc. Kristi Jordahl Wok N Roll
  • 3. John Kluever & Bev Rothmeier Ebenezer Howe III & Angie Stadheim Dr. Mike Funk & Dawn Thompson Emily Bernau & Mike Walker 束Jennifer Levisen 束Dr. Mike Funk Community Relations and Marketing Superintendent of School District 241 Specialist, Albert Lea Medical Center Dawn Thompson Dana Nelson HR Director at Good Samaritan Society Substation Technician for Alliant Energy; Owner of Northland Karate 束Emily Bernau Senior Accountant at Hormel Foods 束Martin Bernau Mike Walker Owner of Bernau and Sons, Inc. Manager at Specialty Products and Martin Bernau & Sally Walker Sally Walker Technology Sindy Dickey & Mark Thompson Clerical worker for Albert Lea Tree Service Plus 束Sindy Dickey Manager at Anytime Fitness 束John Kluever Mark Thompson County Administrator for Freeborn County Electrician at Thompson Electric and Bev Rothmeier Certified Nursing Assistant at Good Pharmacy Technician at ShopKo Samaritan Society 束Ebenezer Howe III 束Kim Nelson Maintenance at Kerry, Blue Earth; Board Executive Director of The Childrens Chair for Freeborn County Red Cross Center Angie Stadheim George Rothmeier Jennifer Levisen & Dana Nelson Kim Nelson & George Rothmeier Licensed Practical Nurse at Albert Lea Freeborn County Property Appraiser Medical Center Roberta Grahn Joyce Matthies Jason Howland Heidi Shophammer Rory Mattson Allison Ciota Dance Coach Dance Coach Master of Ceremonies Judge Judge Judge
  • 4. Thank you to our generous sponsors! The Dances Diamond Lea Medical Center Albert Sponsors $1,000 East Coast Swing - is a social partner dance which is primarily derived from the Foxtrot or its leaping version known as the Shag. Swing is typi- cally done in a table top area with relatively no movement around the Ebenezer and Marsha Howe III floor. Jennifer Levisen and Dana Nelson will be dancing to Footloose from Footloose soundtrack, Kenny Loggins. Platinum Sponsors $500 Alliant Energy Waltz - characterized by rise and fall which gives a smooth, graceful move- ment around the dance floor. Waltz music has a very distinctive one-two- ITC Midwest LLC three tempo. Martin Bernau and Sally Walker will be dancing to Nocturne, Kerry Ingredients and Flavours Secret Garden Soundtrack. Hustle - The couple dance form of hustle is usually called New York Hustle Gold Sponsors $250 or Latin Hustle. It has some resemblance to, and steps in common with, swing and salsa dancing. As in the Latin dances, couples tend to move Church Offset Printing Commodity Marketing Company, Inc. within a spot on the dance floor. John Kluever and Bev Rothmeier will be Dan Glazier Construction dancing to You Make Me Feel Like Dancing by Leo Sayer. Daybreakers Kiwanis Country Two-Step - The Two-Step is a simple dance that moves counter Linda and John Barron clockwise around the dance floor; the Two Step is characterized by lots of Manchester Hartland Telephone Company fun turns and spins for the man and the lady. Ebenezer Howe III and Angie Specialty Products and Technology Stadheim will be dancing to Fishin in the Dark, by the Nitty Gritty Dirt Skyline Jewelers Band. Unicel Foxtrot - the basics of Foxtrot is jovial dance with a bounce, thus the name. The entire dance floor is used both in a closed frame as well as side-by- Silver Sponsors $100 side patterns. Dr. Mike Funk and Dawn Thompson will be dancing to Albert Lea Electric Company Havent Met You Yet by Michael Buble. Albert Lea Steel, Inc. Al Larson Cha Cha - This famous Latin dance with its sexy hip movements is often Anonymous danced to upbeat top 40 music. Cha Cha is typically done with a 1-2-3-4& Curts Pharmacy count. Emily Bernau and Mike Walker will be dancing to Black & Gold Dr. E. K. and Dipika Karan from the new Fame soundtrack, Sam Sparro. Epland Brothers Tango - Rico Savvy must appear in this dance. It is the most passionate of Dr. John and Amanda Grzybowski all the styles. Its a love/hate relationship with the gentleman pursuing the Innovance lady until she submits to his advances. Sindy Dickey and Mark Thompson Jim & Dudes Plumbing & Heating will be dancing to Mercy by Duffy. Minnesota Corrugated Box, Inc. Moose Club Rumba - most consider this dance to be one of sensual and erotic move- Motor Inn Company ments. Done to most love songs in a quick, quick, slow rhythm. Kim Nelson Nancy Vanderwaerdt State Farm Ins. and George Rothmeier will be dancing to Fallin for You by Colbie Caillat. Sanderson Auto Repair Dr. Wayne Sletten Steven and Kim Zenk Dr. Brian and Deanne Zogg