This document outlines a unit on dangers to the environment. It includes 10 tips for learning success such as developing thinking skills, reading texts, using strategies to understand information, and assessing work. Students will work on explicit, implicit and reflective questions about topics like pollution, the greenhouse effect, and global warming. They will also complete a group project creating a PowerPoint presentation about an endangered animal and present their findings to the class. The unit aims to teach students how human activities and the environment affect each other.
This document outlines an in-class activity where students will participate in a mock town hall debate about fracking. It begins with announcements and an introduction to fracking, explaining both its benefits and controversies. It then describes a role-playing activity where students will be assigned to argue for or against fracking from the perspective of different stakeholders. They will prepare arguments, present their views, and ask/answer questions. Finally, a nominated mayor will decide whether or not to allow fracking based on the debate. The goal is for students to practice summarizing, engaging in academic discussion, and using persuasive language.
This document provides instructions for a learning activity where students will work collaboratively to invent an ecosystem. They will create a poster and rap song to describe the ecosystem. The instructions guide students through planning the ecosystem, designing the poster, writing the rap song, and presenting their work. Students are provided with assessment rubrics to evaluate their own work and their peers' work. The goal is for students to demonstrate their understanding of ecosystems by inventing one and communicating it through different mediums.
This document discusses behavioral-based safety (BBS). It provides a history of BBS, defining key concepts like behavior and attitudes. BBS focuses on observing and analyzing worker behaviors to understand why unsafe behaviors occur and apply interventions. The ABC model is discussed as identifying antecedents, behaviors, and consequences. Factors affecting behaviors are described. BBS aims to create a safety partnership through continual focus on behaviors and applying research-supported strategies to improve safety.
This document provides an overview of market segmentation. It defines a market and consumer market, explaining that a market is where goods and services are bought and sold. Market segmentation is dividing a large market into identifiable segments with similar characteristics. The key market segments are geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral. Demographic variables that can be used for segmentation include age, gender, income level, and more. The document also distinguishes between geographic, demographic, and behavioral variables.
Business Brief Presentation - Jolen GroupJolen Group
Presentazione Aziendale in sintesi di #JolenGroup un'azienda che lavora per il #B2B specializzata nella vendita ed assistenza al cliente per il settore #Energia e #Telecomunicazioni
This document provides information on pre-construction planning for the installation of BubbleDeck, a structural voided flat slab system. It discusses the planning process, including issuing construction plans to BubbleDeck, preparing engineering designs and general arrangement plans, obtaining approvals, and developing a program for drawings, manufacturing, and delivery. A key part of planning is confirming the sequence that BubbleDeck elements will be erected on site to ensure proper manufacturing of element edges and loading for transport. Formal sign off of production drawings is required before BubbleDeck can begin manufacturing and delivering prefabricated elements.
This document provides details about a lesson plan for a 6th grade class on environmental issues. The lesson aims to raise awareness about human impact on the environment and develop students' listening, speaking, reading and vocabulary skills related to topics like pollution, sustainability and global warming. Students will play a bingo game to review vocabulary, watch a video about global warming, discuss its causes in groups and complete a reading comprehension activity about the greenhouse effect.
This document provides teaching activities and guidance for an English teacher support unit on accidents and safety:
- The unit focuses on tapping students' experiences with accidents to help them learn English through role plays, discussions, and writing about accident situations and safety precautions.
- Sample activities include having students write dialogs for accident scenarios, listing dangerous items in the home and related safety measures, and discussing difficulties people may face in winter in the Kulu Valley of India.
- The document advises connecting such activities to textbook lessons and modifying activities as needed based on students' responses to encourage active participation and language learning.
ENGLISH 5 PPT Q3 W9 Day 1-5 - Identifying Point of View, Proper Expressions, ...LYNDONBADILLO
This document discusses identifying the point of view in stories. It begins by explaining that today's lesson will focus on identifying the point of view. It then provides an example story about magnets and asks students to listen carefully and identify the importance of what they heard. Finally, it explains that another story will be played and students will need to identify the point of view expressed in that story. The document provides guidance on how to analyze stories and identify their point of view.
Energy is a property that can change objects, animals, people and everything in the universe. It can be transformed, transferred, stored, and transported from one form or place to another. The document discusses different types of energy sources and sounds, as well as the importance of conserving energy and reducing noise pollution.
Science Research Papers. Science Fair Research PaWinstina Kennedy
The document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a request form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, with a refund option for plagiarized content.
This document is a learning guide about the environment for a 3rd year English class. The objective is to develop reading skills and strengthen social abilities by having students work in groups of 4. It contains a reading passage about pollution and threats to wildlife, forests, and endangered species. Students are instructed to read the passage, define unknown words, and answer comprehension questions. They are asked to consider what can be done to protect the environment.
Lesson plan about global warming. Subject: English. Spanish teammospetelos
The document discusses how students can learn that they can make a difference in addressing environmental issues. It outlines two lesson plans aimed at raising awareness of environmental problems caused by pollution and encouraging students to agree or disagree on topics through class activities, videos, and readings. The lessons teach vocabulary related to climate change and the environment, and review conditional sentences. Students are assessed based on their participation, use of class time, and the attractiveness and accuracy of any posters they create.
This document provides an answer key for a listening and speaking skills test at the Skillful Level 2. It includes answers for sections on global listening, close listening, vocabulary, grammar and speaking skills for Units 1-3 of the Skillful Level 2 coursebook. The document also provides a transcript for a listening passage on the topic of defensible space in design.
This document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions until satisfied, with the option of a full refund for plagiarized work. The service uses a bidding system matching requests to qualified writers.
English language book Libro de ingles para estudiantes demvelozo
Libro de ingles para estudiantes de septimo basico. Libro de ingles para estudiantes de septimo basico vLibro de ingles para estudiantes de septimo basicoLibro de ingles para estudiantes de septimo basico
The document provides instructions for creating an account, submitting a writing request, and receiving a paper from the writing service. It notes that the registration process is quick, the order form requests instructions and sources, and writers bid on requests while maintaining feedback and qualifications. Customers can request revisions until satisfied with the final paper.
This document provides guidance on how to write an effective paragraph. It explains that a paragraph should have one main idea introduced in the topic sentence. Supporting sentences then provide details and examples to develop and support the main idea. When writing, one should ask questions to generate ideas and collect relevant facts to include as supporting evidence. The conclusion should tie back to the main point. Proper organization, grammar, and spelling are also important to ensure the paragraph is cohesive and easy to understand.
Webquest lost at sea. survivng a watery graveamanduxi
A group went sailing but their yacht caught fire, leaving them stranded at sea with limited supplies. They must rank 16 salvaged items in order of importance for survival and also research survival skills like finding food and water while lost at sea. Students will complete tasks individually researching survival psychology or writing a diary of attempts to survive 10 days with no provisions.
Business Brief Presentation - Jolen GroupJolen Group
Presentazione Aziendale in sintesi di #JolenGroup un'azienda che lavora per il #B2B specializzata nella vendita ed assistenza al cliente per il settore #Energia e #Telecomunicazioni
This document provides information on pre-construction planning for the installation of BubbleDeck, a structural voided flat slab system. It discusses the planning process, including issuing construction plans to BubbleDeck, preparing engineering designs and general arrangement plans, obtaining approvals, and developing a program for drawings, manufacturing, and delivery. A key part of planning is confirming the sequence that BubbleDeck elements will be erected on site to ensure proper manufacturing of element edges and loading for transport. Formal sign off of production drawings is required before BubbleDeck can begin manufacturing and delivering prefabricated elements.
This document provides details about a lesson plan for a 6th grade class on environmental issues. The lesson aims to raise awareness about human impact on the environment and develop students' listening, speaking, reading and vocabulary skills related to topics like pollution, sustainability and global warming. Students will play a bingo game to review vocabulary, watch a video about global warming, discuss its causes in groups and complete a reading comprehension activity about the greenhouse effect.
This document provides teaching activities and guidance for an English teacher support unit on accidents and safety:
- The unit focuses on tapping students' experiences with accidents to help them learn English through role plays, discussions, and writing about accident situations and safety precautions.
- Sample activities include having students write dialogs for accident scenarios, listing dangerous items in the home and related safety measures, and discussing difficulties people may face in winter in the Kulu Valley of India.
- The document advises connecting such activities to textbook lessons and modifying activities as needed based on students' responses to encourage active participation and language learning.
ENGLISH 5 PPT Q3 W9 Day 1-5 - Identifying Point of View, Proper Expressions, ...LYNDONBADILLO
This document discusses identifying the point of view in stories. It begins by explaining that today's lesson will focus on identifying the point of view. It then provides an example story about magnets and asks students to listen carefully and identify the importance of what they heard. Finally, it explains that another story will be played and students will need to identify the point of view expressed in that story. The document provides guidance on how to analyze stories and identify their point of view.
Energy is a property that can change objects, animals, people and everything in the universe. It can be transformed, transferred, stored, and transported from one form or place to another. The document discusses different types of energy sources and sounds, as well as the importance of conserving energy and reducing noise pollution.
Science Research Papers. Science Fair Research PaWinstina Kennedy
The document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a request form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, with a refund option for plagiarized content.
This document is a learning guide about the environment for a 3rd year English class. The objective is to develop reading skills and strengthen social abilities by having students work in groups of 4. It contains a reading passage about pollution and threats to wildlife, forests, and endangered species. Students are instructed to read the passage, define unknown words, and answer comprehension questions. They are asked to consider what can be done to protect the environment.
Lesson plan about global warming. Subject: English. Spanish teammospetelos
The document discusses how students can learn that they can make a difference in addressing environmental issues. It outlines two lesson plans aimed at raising awareness of environmental problems caused by pollution and encouraging students to agree or disagree on topics through class activities, videos, and readings. The lessons teach vocabulary related to climate change and the environment, and review conditional sentences. Students are assessed based on their participation, use of class time, and the attractiveness and accuracy of any posters they create.
This document provides an answer key for a listening and speaking skills test at the Skillful Level 2. It includes answers for sections on global listening, close listening, vocabulary, grammar and speaking skills for Units 1-3 of the Skillful Level 2 coursebook. The document also provides a transcript for a listening passage on the topic of defensible space in design.
This document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions until satisfied, with the option of a full refund for plagiarized work. The service uses a bidding system matching requests to qualified writers.
English language book Libro de ingles para estudiantes demvelozo
Libro de ingles para estudiantes de septimo basico. Libro de ingles para estudiantes de septimo basico vLibro de ingles para estudiantes de septimo basicoLibro de ingles para estudiantes de septimo basico
The document provides instructions for creating an account, submitting a writing request, and receiving a paper from the writing service. It notes that the registration process is quick, the order form requests instructions and sources, and writers bid on requests while maintaining feedback and qualifications. Customers can request revisions until satisfied with the final paper.
This document provides guidance on how to write an effective paragraph. It explains that a paragraph should have one main idea introduced in the topic sentence. Supporting sentences then provide details and examples to develop and support the main idea. When writing, one should ask questions to generate ideas and collect relevant facts to include as supporting evidence. The conclusion should tie back to the main point. Proper organization, grammar, and spelling are also important to ensure the paragraph is cohesive and easy to understand.
Webquest lost at sea. survivng a watery graveamanduxi
A group went sailing but their yacht caught fire, leaving them stranded at sea with limited supplies. They must rank 16 salvaged items in order of importance for survival and also research survival skills like finding food and water while lost at sea. Students will complete tasks individually researching survival psychology or writing a diary of attempts to survive 10 days with no provisions.
This document is a lesson plan about environmental pollution that is designed to be completed in one to three class periods. It discusses how industrialization and population growth have led to pollution of rivers, extinction of species, and destruction of rainforests. Students consider the consequences of pollution, discuss causes and solutions, and write an essay about how to save the planet for future generations. The lesson emphasizes the importance of individual actions in reducing pollution through voting, consumer choices, and involvement in initiatives like recycling.
- An oil spill in the Philippines destroyed 200 miles of coastline, coral reefs, and marine reserves, endangering aquatic life and damaging the ecosystem.
- Students were tasked with researching oil spills and their environmental impacts, collecting data on organism fatalities from past spills, and proposing solutions to the townspeople for cleaning up and restoring the damaged area.
- Working in groups as characters from the ecosystem (organisms, oil, environmentalist), the students created a presentation with a powerpoint, data spreadsheet, and proposal letter to educate others on the oil spill and how to address it.
The document describes a web quest activity for students to research the effects of an oil spill in the Philippines. Students are assigned roles like animal, oil, or environmentalist and must research impacts. They then create a PowerPoint, spreadsheet of organism deaths, and letter to locals. Finally, groups give presentations combining their research. The goal is for students to understand oil spill impacts and solutions through collaborative, multimedia projects.
The document provides information about preparing for and taking the IELTS exam. It discusses the different parts of the exam including Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. It provides exam strategies and tips for each section. Sample questions, passages and tasks are presented to demonstrate the exam format. Key vocabulary and useful phrases for the exam are also defined.
This document provides information about listening, speaking, reading and writing activities related to caring for the environment from an English textbook. It includes exercises to practice expressing requests, relief, pain and pleasure. It also contains a reading passage about the importance of rainforests and their role in producing oxygen, absorbing carbon dioxide and influencing climate. Students are asked questions to check their comprehension of the text and identify whether statements about rainforests are true or false.
The document contains a prayer asking God to bless the work done in the classroom and give students wisdom, courage, and perseverance. It also lists several classroom rules including being on time, following directions, and having a good attitude. Finally, it provides statements to identify as facts or opinions and discusses generalizations that can be factual or based on opinions.
How to Configure Proforma Invoice in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
ITI Turner Question Paper MCQ E-Book Free DownloadSONU HEETSON
ITI Turner Question Paper MCQ Book PDF Free Download. All Questions collected from NIMI Mock Test, CTS Bharat Skills Question Bank, Previous Exam papers. Helpful for CTS Trade Theory 1st & 2nd Year CBT Exam,油Apprentice test, AITT, ISRO, DRDO, NAVY, ARMY, Naval Dockyard, Tradesman, Training Officer, Instructor, RRB ALP CBT 2,油Railway Technician, CEPTAM, BRO, PWD, PHED, Air India, BHEL, BARC, IPSC, CISF, CTI, HSFC, GSRTC, GAIL, PSC, Viva, Tests, Quiz油& all other technical competitive exams.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
Effective Product Variant Management in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide well discuss on the effective product variant management in Odoo 18. Odoo concentrates on managing product variations and offers a distinct area for doing so. Product variants provide unique characteristics like size and color to single products, which can be managed at the product template level for all attributes and variants or at the variant level for individual variants.
2. 10 tips for learning success
In this unit you will:
1. Do activities that develop thinking skills.
2. Read authentic texts in English.
3. Use different strategies to help you understand text information.
4. Share information to help you and others understand text knowledges better.
5. Demonstrate explicit, implicit and referential understanding of the texts.
6. Work collaboratively in pairs or groups.
7. Reflect on your own learning.
8. Assess your own work and that of others
9. Work in a safe learning environment.
10. Learn autonomously.
4. Explicit questions:
Which human activities can be dangerous for the environment?
Whats pollution?
Whats the greenhouse effect?
Whats the global warming?
Implicit questions:
What things do we use every day that produce carbon dioxide?
Whats happen if heat can not get out from the atmosphere?
What would happen if food chains be broken?
Reflective/ Evaluative questions:
Do you think it is important make people aware of the importance of preserve the
environment? Why?
Think and write a slogan to make people aware of the importance of preserve the
Ex: Be cool = Love nature!!!!
Write a mind map about dangers to the environment.
Work in pairs.
Are the sentences from the text dangers to the environment true or false?
People and environment affect each other.
Agriculture, construction and hunting arent harmful to the environment.
Contamination of air and soil causes pollution.
Rivers and oceans can be polluted by combustion of oil or coal.
The combustion of fossil fuels helps to stop the Earths temperature from increasing.
When heat cannot escape from the atmosphere we are talking about the green house
Pollution on the Earth can cause some species to be in danger of extinction.
5. Extension
Work in pairs and complete the sentences using the text about dangers to the environment.
We think
People can affect the environment because
The pollution on our planet can be cause for several reasons like
We need carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to
We need heat if we want to
The greenhouse effect is produced when
When the Earths temperature is increasing it can produce
... because
That some species be in danger of extinction is caused by...
If all food chains be broken human beings will be .
1. First we are going to see a video: Together we can make a difference!
2. In pairs and using the information you have seen and heard from the video and the list
of words below complete the text.
Hang - bags- climate- twenty- working together- fifty- wind- books- electrical- food-
leftover- compost- paper- cans- plant a tree- grow- to dry- jars- 鱈tems- energy- solar.
3. Finally we are going to see the video again and you can check your answers.
. changes produce by hurricaines,floods and droughts
could destroy our planet.In .. years our planet would be
under . centimetres of water. We can prevent
this.. . . Panels,
6. .. farms and underwater turbines are used to produce
renewable .. . These resources can be used again and
again. There are lot of things to do!!! Things that you and your family
can do!!! You can reduce the amount of waste to produce, recycle many
. In your home as example ..,
, ., . goods and
. You can . In the
garden, make. with your .
food and new food, reuse , bottles,
and when the weather is nice . your clothes out ...
7. Name and surname:__________________________ Date:____________
Topic (What is the experiment about?):
PROBLEM TO SOLVE OR EXPERIMENT (What we want to notice?)
We want to solve________________________________________
- - -
- - -
- - -
HYPOTHESIS (what do you think is going to solve the problem?)
My hyphothesis is _____________________________________
PROCEDURE (steps to follow)
Steps Picture
Pair work
Starts work immediately and concentrates on
Contributes to conversations with your
Prepares quality work.
Cooperates with your partner.
Helps your partner.
Finishes your work on time.
Pollution and global warming can cause species to become extinct. Today many species are
Here you can see a list of animals endangered.
Polar bear.
Siberian tiger.
Killer whale
Great White shark.
1. In groups of four you must research and create a short Power Point presentation about one
of the animals from the list.
We are going to hold a raffle to give an animal to each group.
2.Use the next web page to find out information about your animal.
3.Look for the information and create your presentation following next advices:
Place where your animal live.
Three interesting facts about your animal.
Why this animal is endangered?
What can people do to help it?
Add photos to illustrate or exemplify your presentation.
Start work immediately and concentrate on task.
Contribute to conversations with the members of the group.
Prepare quality work.
Cooperate with the group.
Help the members of the group.
Finish your work on time.
5 points The group is well prepared and organised.
Confident speaking without reading.
Interesting content explained so the children can understand.
Impressive Power Point without to much text and good exemplified by images.
4 points The group is prepared and organised.
Mostly confident and clear speaking.
Members might read so the children cant understand so well.
Very good Power Point and good exemplified by images but they might have so much text to read on the slides.
油 11
3 points The Power Point is well.
Speaking Ok but they need more preparation/ practice.
Interesting content but the children have problems to understand
2 points Presentation not finished and speaking unprepared.
1-0 points Insufficient work.
At the end of this unit I can
Objectives. So well Well OK
Read a text about Dangers to the environment to answer implicit and explicit
Communicate key points from my reading text to other peers.
Understand the video Together we can make a difference to complet a text.
Work with my group to cr辿ate a Power Point presentation.
Speak to the class to explain my part of the presentation.
Evaluate my group and my peers groups identifying strengths and areas for
Be honest about my learning, strengths and areas for improvement
12. In this unit you have learnt
o Do activities that develop thinking skills.
o Read authentic texts in English.
o Use different strategies to help you understand text information.
o Share information to help you and others understand text knowledges better.
o Demonstrate explicit, implicit and referential understanding of the texts.
o Work collaboratively in pairs or groups.
o Reflect on your own learning.
o Assess your own work and that of others
o Work in a safe learning environment.
o Learn autonomously.