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daniel lam                     48 Corby Road
                                                                                                        Ontario L3R 8L7
                                                                                                        Phone: 905.940.0349 [ Home ]
                                                                                                                  416.721.8009 [ Mobile ]
                                                                                                        E-mail : orangecurvedesign@hotmail.com

objectives       Seeking a challenging senior fashion/graphic designer/ leader position , which will maximize both
                 my recent working experiences and my strong creative designing credentials to strategically assist
                 your firm and clients to move into the new and competitive economy.

work              Aug 10 - Recent      West 49 Inc., Burlington Toronto.
  experiences                          ( Senior Graphic Designer )
                                          Part of the trend research and development team.
                                          Marketing/design team for off the wall clothing retail store & Billabong billboard signage.
                                          Specialized on special project presentations/ private labels brandings development.
                                          Part of the Merchandising/ Store Layout team

                  Aug 07 - Aug 10      Globe-Link Sourcing Inc., Toronto
                                       ( Graphic Designer )
                                          Team lead responsible in Ladies, Girls, Boys, Infant & Toddler Boys. Also supporting Mens wear.
                                          Assisted creative directors in development of design rationale.
                                          Designed graphics concepts for in-store displays such as store signage, P.O.P., hangtags & labels.
                                          Team lead for  Fashion Bulletin newsletter (monthly) for Walmart buyer.
                                          Team lead for in-house re-branding project.
                                          Responsible for creating theme boards, trends update board for the buyer.
                                          Coached & trained junior designer in various design & concepts, and setting up standard graphic
                                           tech pack for consistency.
                                       CLIENT/BRAND: Walmart, Canada ( 725 & B.U.M Equipment )

                  Nov 05 - Aug 07      Amerella Canada Inc., Toronto
                                       ( Senior Graphic Designer )
                                        Team lead designer for Ladies Wear, Kidswear & Outerwear.
                                        Assisted the brand team to develop new brands to approach new clients by creating new brands
                                         & marketing presentation.
                                        Experience with technical sketching and trend boards for presentation.
                                        Team lead designer for special project which included story/ trend boards and exhibition
                                         planning,design & development.
                                       CLIENT/BRAND: Walmart, Canada (B.U.M Equipment, Atheletic Works, Penmans & Foursome Golf )
                                                     Zellers, Canada ( Weekenders, Wilson Sports, Asics Sports, Weekenders )

                March 03 - Sept 05     Self Employed
                                       ( Creative Graphic / Web Designer )
                                        Assisted creative directors in developing graphics and corporate sales website & brochures.
                                        Experienced with technical sketching for bags & accessories.
                                        Designed graphics for Ladies seasonal screen tees.
                                        Branding strategy, corporate identity and print design.
                                        Web interactive design - www.tatsuaki.com.
                                       CLIENT/BRAND: Roots Canda (Roots Wholesale Department , Special Project Team)
                                                     Levi Strauss & Co, Canada, c3d Design Inc, Gio Tan Design Inc.

                July 01 - March 03     E-SYNCDESIGN INC., Toronto
                                       ( Full Time Web Interactive and Graphic Designer )
                                        Responsible to re-design different corporate website, both html & Interactive Design.
                                        Branding strategy, corporate identity and print design.
                                        Packaging design for interior design firm.
                                        Designed brochures, illustrations and annual reports for corporations.
                                        Team lead designer for exhibition design and planning.
                                       CLIENT/BRAND: TDSB ( Toronto District School Board ), Alusion (www.alusion.com), BELL Canada Sales Intranet Design,
                                                     CMHA (Canadian Mental Health Association), HKETO (Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office),
                                                     Ford Canada ...etc.

                   May 00 - Feb 01     Dominion Print Tech Inc., Toronto
                                       ( New Media and Graphic Designer for the Asianetel Division Team )
                                        Responsible for planning and designing the new brand for both printing and website.
                                        Offset printing preparation.

technical            Experienced and demonstrated ability in areas of designing fashion graphic
            skills   Excellent visualization, drawing and quick sketch skills
                     Familiar with packaging production process and random proofs
                     Applied knowledge of digital photographic process and retouch
                     Advanced proficiency in the following design software

                               Adobe Illustrator
                               Adobe Photoshop
                               Adobe Acrobat Professional
                               Quark Xpress
                               Microsoft Office

                     Work well with both Mac or PC environment
                     Experienced with Chinese typing & translation

education            1999 - 2000       George Brown College, Toronto
                                           Majored in Digital Media Post Diploma with Honors
                     1996 - 1999       George Brown College, Toronto
                                           Majored in Graphic Design Program
                     1992 - 1996       Unionville High School, Markham
                                           Ontario Secondary School Diploma ( OSSHD )

extra                Vision Youth Leadership Program
                     (Duke of Edinburgh's Award (DEA) Program)
                      5 Years volunteering experience as an instructor & committee member

                     Lees Badminton Training Centre
                      5 Years experience in coaching/training for both junior and adult class

                     Chinese Painting
                      10 Years experience traditional Chinese painting

                      Speak fluent English, Chinese & Mandarin

references            Wendy Miyasaki                         Joanne Fanfara                      Smar Psarros

                      1 Roycrest Avenue                      200D Bridgeland Road                7000 Pine Valley Drive
                      Toronto, Ontario                       Toronto, Ontario                    Woodbridge, Ontario
                      M2N 1R1                                M6A 1Z4                             L4L 4Y8
                      (416) 575-4332                         (416) 783-1582 EXT. 239             (905) 850-3555

                      Academy of Design Toronto              Creative Merchandiser               Sales Manager
                      High School Liaison                    725 Mens                            Kidswear


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  • 1. daniel lam 48 Corby Road Unionville, Ontario L3R 8L7 Phone: 905.940.0349 [ Home ] 416.721.8009 [ Mobile ] E-mail : orangecurvedesign@hotmail.com objectives Seeking a challenging senior fashion/graphic designer/ leader position , which will maximize both my recent working experiences and my strong creative designing credentials to strategically assist your firm and clients to move into the new and competitive economy. work Aug 10 - Recent West 49 Inc., Burlington Toronto. experiences ( Senior Graphic Designer ) Part of the trend research and development team. Marketing/design team for off the wall clothing retail store & Billabong billboard signage. Specialized on special project presentations/ private labels brandings development. Part of the Merchandising/ Store Layout team Aug 07 - Aug 10 Globe-Link Sourcing Inc., Toronto ( Graphic Designer ) Team lead responsible in Ladies, Girls, Boys, Infant & Toddler Boys. Also supporting Mens wear. Assisted creative directors in development of design rationale. Designed graphics concepts for in-store displays such as store signage, P.O.P., hangtags & labels. Team lead for Fashion Bulletin newsletter (monthly) for Walmart buyer. Team lead for in-house re-branding project. Responsible for creating theme boards, trends update board for the buyer. Coached & trained junior designer in various design & concepts, and setting up standard graphic tech pack for consistency. CLIENT/BRAND: Walmart, Canada ( 725 & B.U.M Equipment ) Nov 05 - Aug 07 Amerella Canada Inc., Toronto ( Senior Graphic Designer ) Team lead designer for Ladies Wear, Kidswear & Outerwear. Assisted the brand team to develop new brands to approach new clients by creating new brands & marketing presentation. Experience with technical sketching and trend boards for presentation. Team lead designer for special project which included story/ trend boards and exhibition planning,design & development. CLIENT/BRAND: Walmart, Canada (B.U.M Equipment, Atheletic Works, Penmans & Foursome Golf ) Zellers, Canada ( Weekenders, Wilson Sports, Asics Sports, Weekenders ) March 03 - Sept 05 Self Employed ( Creative Graphic / Web Designer ) Assisted creative directors in developing graphics and corporate sales website & brochures. Experienced with technical sketching for bags & accessories. Designed graphics for Ladies seasonal screen tees. Branding strategy, corporate identity and print design. Web interactive design - www.tatsuaki.com. CLIENT/BRAND: Roots Canda (Roots Wholesale Department , Special Project Team) Levi Strauss & Co, Canada, c3d Design Inc, Gio Tan Design Inc. July 01 - March 03 E-SYNCDESIGN INC., Toronto ( Full Time Web Interactive and Graphic Designer ) Responsible to re-design different corporate website, both html & Interactive Design. Branding strategy, corporate identity and print design. Packaging design for interior design firm. Designed brochures, illustrations and annual reports for corporations. Team lead designer for exhibition design and planning. CLIENT/BRAND: TDSB ( Toronto District School Board ), Alusion (www.alusion.com), BELL Canada Sales Intranet Design, CMHA (Canadian Mental Health Association), HKETO (Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office), Ford Canada ...etc. May 00 - Feb 01 Dominion Print Tech Inc., Toronto ( New Media and Graphic Designer for the Asianetel Division Team ) Responsible for planning and designing the new brand for both printing and website. Offset printing preparation. 01
  • 2. technical Experienced and demonstrated ability in areas of designing fashion graphic skills Excellent visualization, drawing and quick sketch skills Familiar with packaging production process and random proofs Applied knowledge of digital photographic process and retouch Advanced proficiency in the following design software Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Adobe Acrobat Professional Quark Xpress Microsoft Office Work well with both Mac or PC environment Experienced with Chinese typing & translation education 1999 - 2000 George Brown College, Toronto Majored in Digital Media Post Diploma with Honors 1996 - 1999 George Brown College, Toronto Majored in Graphic Design Program 1992 - 1996 Unionville High School, Markham Ontario Secondary School Diploma ( OSSHD ) extra Vision Youth Leadership Program (Duke of Edinburgh's Award (DEA) Program) 5 Years volunteering experience as an instructor & committee member Lees Badminton Training Centre 5 Years experience in coaching/training for both junior and adult class Chinese Painting 10 Years experience traditional Chinese painting Languages Speak fluent English, Chinese & Mandarin references Wendy Miyasaki Joanne Fanfara Smar Psarros 1 Roycrest Avenue 200D Bridgeland Road 7000 Pine Valley Drive Toronto, Ontario Toronto, Ontario Woodbridge, Ontario M2N 1R1 M6A 1Z4 L4L 4Y8 (416) 575-4332 (416) 783-1582 EXT. 239 (905) 850-3555 Academy of Design Toronto Creative Merchandiser Sales Manager High School Liaison 725 Mens Kidswear 02