Intershow verzorgt het exclusief management van presentatoren, acteurs en sporters.
Deze personalities kunt u inzetten bij evenementen of projecten. Neem gerust contact op met 035 - 58 27 635 is een zakelijk netwerk van informatieve sites rondom het thema duurzame energie. Doelgroepen zijn voor het MKB, overhden, de vastgoedsector en de energiebusiness.
Intershow verzorgt het exclusief management van presentatoren, acteurs en sporters.
Deze personalities kunt u inzetten bij evenementen of projecten. Neem gerust contact op met 035 - 58 27 635 is een zakelijk netwerk van informatieve sites rondom het thema duurzame energie. Doelgroepen zijn voor het MKB, overhden, de vastgoedsector en de energiebusiness.
Semantic Pingback allows for interlinking between the document web and data web through a backwards compatible extension of the existing pingback mechanism. It supports RDFa-enhanced documents and typed links to enable propagation of semantic annotations without modifications. The approach defines requirements for pingback clients to detect pingback servers within semantic documents and communicate with them. Pingback servers are responsible for backlinking, provenance tracking, and spam prevention when processing requests. The technology has been implemented within the OntoWiki and Triplify systems and the server.
ROI of marketing on social media in Europe (France, United Kingdom, Nordics)Mickael Bentz
The document summarizes the results of a survey conducted by Neolane of over 700 marketers on social media ROI. Key findings include:
1) Marketers' top KPIs for social media include brand awareness, website traffic, and acquisition of new customers.
2) Over 65% of marketers have invested less than $50,000 in social media.
3) Only about 17% of marketers believe they have achieved a monetary ROI from social media.
4) Most marketers do not personalize content on their Facebook pages and provide the same content to all.
5) Marketers believe 2012 will focus on integrating social and customer data as well as providing valuable content
Analyse de 150 pages avec Facebook Login (ex Facebook Connect)Mickael Bentz
The document analyzes 150 websites that use Facebook Login buttons. It finds that form filling and simple login are the most common uses of Facebook Login. Media websites are the most frequent users of Facebook Login. The analysis also examines the types of user information requested, monthly active users per site, and other details about how Facebook Login is implemented on different types of websites.
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7. T鱈voli mi丹b脱 Kaupmannahafnar er t鱈voligar丹ur sem hefur veri丹 opinn fr叩 1843Fyrir flesta Dani er 綻a丹 nau丹synlegur hluti af sumrinu a丹 fara 鱈 t鱈voliFyrir j坦lin eru s旦lumarka丹ir og 綻叩 er gar丹urinn l箪stur upp og skreyttur
11. H.C.AndersenRith旦fundurinn H.C.Andersen f脱ddist 叩ri丹 1805 鱈 坦丹insv辿umOg margar af s旦gum hans hafa veri丹 綻箪ddar 叩 鱈slensku eins og: Hans klaufi, Prinsessan 叩 bauninni, Litlu st炭lkuna me丹 eldsp箪turnar, N箪ju f旦tin keisarans
12. LegoLegokubbana 綻ekkja l鱈klega flest b旦rn 鱈 hinum vestr脱na heimiLegofyrirt脱ki丹 var stofna丹 1932 sem danski Ole Kirk Christensen fann upp Nafni丹 lego er dregi丹 af d旦nsku or丹unum,,leg godt sem 綻箪丹ir a丹 leika s辿r fallega