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July 24, 2014
To Whom It May Concern:
It is my pleasure to recommend Mr. Darin OToole to you and your organization. It is rare to encounter
an individual who possesses intelligence, a diverse skill set, loyalty, and an incredible work ethic. Darin
possesses all of these traits, as well as many others to serve his employer.
Darin was employed with dishNET Wireline (formerly known as Multi-Link Communications and
Liberty-Bell Telecom) from 1996 to 2014. I had the good fortune to work with him for fourteen years.
As indicated by the name changes, the Company also underwent many changes throughout the years.
Darin held multiple positions during his tenure - based on what the organization needed as it changed
and evolved. He held positions as an individual contributor and a manager.
As a manager, Darin was able to successfully develop the individuals that worked for him. He took the
time to show each employee not only how to do a task, but why it needed to be done a certain way.
Although this sounds like an obscure difference, it is not. When employees understand why they are
doing something, they are more apt to make sound decisions based on that knowledge base going
forward. Additionally, Darin and his team were often given projects that needed to be completed
quickly and accurately (customer acquisitions, system migrations, etc.). He was able to form a team,
train them, and complete the project under tight deadlines.
Darin is very detail-oriented, and easily grasps complex, technical concepts and practices. In the
telecommunications and operational systems used by the Company, he possessed the knowledge and
skills to resolve customer or operational issues at a systemic versus surface level.
Regardless of the various positions he has held, Darin practiced the whatever it takes philosophy to
contribute to the success of the Companys goals. He is not an 8 to 5 employee  he works when
there is work to be done, and continues until the work is completed.
I am confident that Darin OToole will personally succeed in his next position, as well as contribute to
the success of the company he chooses for the next phase of his career. Please feel free to contact me
if you have additional questions. I can be reached at 303-881-9454.
Christina Neher
(Former Chief Operating Officer  Liberty Bell Telecom)

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Darin OToole Recmdtn Ltr 7.2014

  • 1. July 24, 2014 RE: LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION: MR. DARIN OTOOLE To Whom It May Concern: It is my pleasure to recommend Mr. Darin OToole to you and your organization. It is rare to encounter an individual who possesses intelligence, a diverse skill set, loyalty, and an incredible work ethic. Darin possesses all of these traits, as well as many others to serve his employer. Darin was employed with dishNET Wireline (formerly known as Multi-Link Communications and Liberty-Bell Telecom) from 1996 to 2014. I had the good fortune to work with him for fourteen years. As indicated by the name changes, the Company also underwent many changes throughout the years. Darin held multiple positions during his tenure - based on what the organization needed as it changed and evolved. He held positions as an individual contributor and a manager. As a manager, Darin was able to successfully develop the individuals that worked for him. He took the time to show each employee not only how to do a task, but why it needed to be done a certain way. Although this sounds like an obscure difference, it is not. When employees understand why they are doing something, they are more apt to make sound decisions based on that knowledge base going forward. Additionally, Darin and his team were often given projects that needed to be completed quickly and accurately (customer acquisitions, system migrations, etc.). He was able to form a team, train them, and complete the project under tight deadlines. Darin is very detail-oriented, and easily grasps complex, technical concepts and practices. In the telecommunications and operational systems used by the Company, he possessed the knowledge and skills to resolve customer or operational issues at a systemic versus surface level. Regardless of the various positions he has held, Darin practiced the whatever it takes philosophy to contribute to the success of the Companys goals. He is not an 8 to 5 employee he works when there is work to be done, and continues until the work is completed. I am confident that Darin OToole will personally succeed in his next position, as well as contribute to the success of the company he chooses for the next phase of his career. Please feel free to contact me if you have additional questions. I can be reached at 303-881-9454. Respectfully, Christina Neher (Former Chief Operating Officer Liberty Bell Telecom)