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By: Maeve de Bordons, Paula
Elorza and Paula Gurucharri.

-Interesting Facts
-Other theories
-News on Dark matter-How close are
we to finding dark matter?
• Dark matter is a type of matter hypothesized
in astronomy and cosmology to account for a
large part of the mass that appears to be
missing from the universe.
• Dark matter cannot be seen directly with
telescopes; evidently it neither emits nor
absorbs light or other electromagnetic
radiation at any significant level.
Interesting facts:
• When the universe was still young clumps of dark
matter have likely attracted gas, which then
coalesced into stars that eventually assembled the
today's galaxies.
• Black holes absorb dark matter, and over the
billions of years since galaxies were first formed,
this absorption of dark matter in black holes has
very likely altered the population of galaxies from
what we can observe today.
• Despite the recent improvement in astronomy, there
is still a great deal of unknown about origin,
properties and distribution of dark matter in the
• Dark matter is an misterious energy that
contains most of the Universe's mass. This
concept was used for the first time by Fritz
Zwicky in 1933.
• The density of the dark matter in a galaxy
has its maximum in the center and it
gradually decreases as it gets to the
outermost part, but the same process
significantly increases the total size of the
• Determining the nature of dark matter is one
one of the most important challenges in
cosmology that attracts many scientists.
• Dark matter makes up roughly 85 percent of
the matter in the universe.
• Methods for detecting dark matter include
direct and indirect detection methods, which
cannot be directly observed since it does not
emit radiation.
• Direct methods: simultaneous light and heat
detection, simultaneous heat and ionization
detection, and simultaneous light and
ionization detection, such as research into
distinctive signals (the most famous being
the search for an annual modulation in the
dark matter signal caused by the orbiting of
the Earth). Indirect detection methods: do not
directly seek the dark matter particles but
researchers try to identify other particles,
(neutrinos, photons, etc.), produced when
the Universe's dark matter particles are
• Some Researchers in Chile believe that dark matter
isn´t existent based on studies they have done, they
believe the fact that galaxies ( like the milky way)
move is because of another form of gravitation.

• Empty Space Filled With "Virtual" Particles
theory by Hajdukovic
• The quantum vacuum is the name physicists give to what
we see as empty space.
• Antimatter particles are mirror opposites of normal matter
particles. For example, an antiproton is a negatively
charged version of the positively charged proton, one of
the basic constituents of the atom.
• When matter and antimatter collide, they clash in a flash of
energy. The virtual particles spontaneously created in the
quantum vacuum appear and then disappear so quickly
that they can't be directly observed.
• In yhis new mathematical model they investigate what
would happen if virtual matter and virtual antimatter were
not only electrical opposites but also gravitational
opposites—an idea some physicists previously proposed.
• "Mainstream physics assumes that there is only one
gravitational charge, while I have assumed that there are
two gravitational charges," Hajdukovic said.
• That would mean matter and antimatter are gravitationally
repulsive, so that an object made of antimatter would "fall
up" in the gravitational field of Earth, which is composed
of normal matter.
How close are we to finding
dark matter?
• Dark matter makes up about a quarter
of the cosmos, but we still don't know
what it is. As part of a two-part series
called Light & Dark on BBC Four,
physicist Jim Al-Khalili pondered how
close we are to understanding the
mysterious "dark stuff".
• Dark matter is one of the greatest mysteries in
the cosmos , an invisible substance thought to
make up five-sixths of all matter in the universe.
The scientific consensus right now is that dark
matter is composed of a new type of particle,
one that interacts very weakly at best with all the
known forces of the universe, except gravity. As
such, dark matter is invisible and nearly
completely intangible, mostly only detectable via
the gravitational pull it exerts.
• Given all the progress made in modern physics
over the past century, you may be forgiven for
thinking that physicists are approaching a
complete understanding of what makes up
everything in our Universe.
• For example, all the publicity surrounding the
discovery of the Higgs boson last year seemed
to be suggesting that this was one of the final
pieces of the jigsaw :that all the fundamental
building blocks of reality were now known.
• So it might come as something of a shock to
many people to hear that we still don't know
what 95% of the Universe is made of.
• The problem with dark matter is that, whatever it
is made of, it seems to interact very weakly with
normal matter. This makes it very hard to catch like trying to catch a shadow
• There are three different ways we can try to find
out what dark matter is made of. We can look
out into space and see the results of collisions of
dark matter particles by trying to detect the
normal matter particles created in the debris of
these collisions; or we can try to catch dark
matter particles directly as they stream through
the Earth; or we make them ourselves in particle
accelerators like the Large Hadron Collider at
Dark matter

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Dark matter

  • 1. DARK MATTER By: Maeve de Bordons, Paula Elorza and Paula Gurucharri.
  • 2. • • • • -Definition -Interesting Facts -Other theories -News on Dark matter-How close are we to finding dark matter?
  • 3. Definition: • Dark matter is a type of matter hypothesized in astronomy and cosmology to account for a large part of the mass that appears to be missing from the universe. • Dark matter cannot be seen directly with telescopes; evidently it neither emits nor absorbs light or other electromagnetic radiation at any significant level.
  • 4. Interesting facts: • When the universe was still young clumps of dark matter have likely attracted gas, which then coalesced into stars that eventually assembled the today's galaxies. • Black holes absorb dark matter, and over the billions of years since galaxies were first formed, this absorption of dark matter in black holes has very likely altered the population of galaxies from what we can observe today. • Despite the recent improvement in astronomy, there is still a great deal of unknown about origin, properties and distribution of dark matter in the universe.
  • 5. • Dark matter is an misterious energy that contains most of the Universe's mass. This concept was used for the first time by Fritz Zwicky in 1933. • The density of the dark matter in a galaxy has its maximum in the center and it gradually decreases as it gets to the outermost part, but the same process significantly increases the total size of the galaxy. • Determining the nature of dark matter is one one of the most important challenges in cosmology that attracts many scientists.
  • 6. • Dark matter makes up roughly 85 percent of the matter in the universe. • Methods for detecting dark matter include direct and indirect detection methods, which cannot be directly observed since it does not emit radiation. • Direct methods: simultaneous light and heat detection, simultaneous heat and ionization detection, and simultaneous light and ionization detection, such as research into distinctive signals (the most famous being the search for an annual modulation in the dark matter signal caused by the orbiting of the Earth). Indirect detection methods: do not directly seek the dark matter particles but researchers try to identify other particles, (neutrinos, photons, etc.), produced when the Universe's dark matter particles are destroyed.
  • 7. OTHER THEORIES • Some Researchers in Chile believe that dark matter isn´t existent based on studies they have done, they believe the fact that galaxies ( like the milky way) move is because of another form of gravitation. • Empty Space Filled With "Virtual" Particles theory by Hajdukovic
  • 8. • The quantum vacuum is the name physicists give to what we see as empty space. • Antimatter particles are mirror opposites of normal matter particles. For example, an antiproton is a negatively charged version of the positively charged proton, one of the basic constituents of the atom. • When matter and antimatter collide, they clash in a flash of energy. The virtual particles spontaneously created in the quantum vacuum appear and then disappear so quickly that they can't be directly observed. • In yhis new mathematical model they investigate what would happen if virtual matter and virtual antimatter were not only electrical opposites but also gravitational opposites—an idea some physicists previously proposed. • "Mainstream physics assumes that there is only one gravitational charge, while I have assumed that there are two gravitational charges," Hajdukovic said. • That would mean matter and antimatter are gravitationally repulsive, so that an object made of antimatter would "fall up" in the gravitational field of Earth, which is composed of normal matter.
  • 9. How close are we to finding dark matter? • Dark matter makes up about a quarter of the cosmos, but we still don't know what it is. As part of a two-part series called Light & Dark on BBC Four, physicist Jim Al-Khalili pondered how close we are to understanding the mysterious "dark stuff".
  • 10. • Dark matter is one of the greatest mysteries in the cosmos , an invisible substance thought to make up five-sixths of all matter in the universe. The scientific consensus right now is that dark matter is composed of a new type of particle, one that interacts very weakly at best with all the known forces of the universe, except gravity. As such, dark matter is invisible and nearly completely intangible, mostly only detectable via the gravitational pull it exerts.
  • 11. • Given all the progress made in modern physics over the past century, you may be forgiven for thinking that physicists are approaching a complete understanding of what makes up everything in our Universe. • For example, all the publicity surrounding the discovery of the Higgs boson last year seemed to be suggesting that this was one of the final pieces of the jigsaw :that all the fundamental building blocks of reality were now known. • So it might come as something of a shock to many people to hear that we still don't know what 95% of the Universe is made of.
  • 12. • The problem with dark matter is that, whatever it is made of, it seems to interact very weakly with normal matter. This makes it very hard to catch like trying to catch a shadow • There are three different ways we can try to find out what dark matter is made of. We can look out into space and see the results of collisions of dark matter particles by trying to detect the normal matter particles created in the debris of these collisions; or we can try to catch dark matter particles directly as they stream through the Earth; or we make them ourselves in particle accelerators like the Large Hadron Collider at Cern.