27. Media and performance
Video art
Video installation
Digital art: computer art, digital photography, web art,
interactive digital art, virtual reality
Michael Rush 『New Media in Art』、1999、2005
28. Digital Imaging
Digital Sculpture
Digital Installation and Virtual Reality
Performance, Music and Sound Art
Digital Animation and Video
Software, Database, and Game Art
Net Art
The Future of Digital Art
Bruce Wands『Art of the Digital Age』 、2006
29. Introduction: A short history of technology and art
Digital Technologies as Tool:
Digital imaging, Photography and print, sculpture
Digital Technologies as a Medium:
Forms of digital art, installation, film, video and animation
internet art and nomadic networks, software art,
virtual reality and augmented reality, sound and music
Themes in Digital Art:
Artificial life, Artificial intelligence and intelligent agents,
telepresence, telematics and telerobotics, body and identity,
databases, data visualization and mapping, beyond the book;
text and narrative environments, gaming, tactical media,
activism and hacktivism, technologies of the future
Christiane Paul 『Digital Art』 、2003、2008、2015
30. Motion, duration, illumination
Coded form and electronic production
Charged Environments
Networks, surveillance, culture jamming
Bodies, surrogates, emergent systems
Simulations and simulacra
Exhibitions, institutions, communities, collaborations
Edward A. Shanken『Art and Electronic Media』 2009、2014
32. Metaphorically speaking, art can be described as a tree, and the new media-
computers and so forth- are a new branch that has suddenly sprouted on the
tree. At first it seemed like a strange, even abnormal growth; it wasn’t green,
and it appeared artificial with its flashing neon lights and sounds. But in fact
the new media is just a new branch of the classical tree of art.
At the same time, the new branch as also changed the tree. It no longer looks
like it once did, which is why we can no longer look at an old branch, such as
the art of painting, as we did a century ago.
Peter Weibel interviewed by 藤幡正樹
『Encounters in the 21st Century: Polyphony- Emerging Resonances 』
33. ZKM(Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe)の館長のヴァイベルは