舒亰仂于亠 舒亠亳仗 磦仍ム 亳仂仆亳从仂仄 从仂仍仂舒仍仆仂亶 仆亠亞亳亳, 从仂亶 于 仗仂亟仂亰仆舒仆亳亳 亠仍仂于亠从舒. 亅舒 仆亠亞亳 仗仂仂弍仆舒 仗仂磦仍 亳 于 仆亠亞舒亳于仆仂仄 仆舒仗舒于仍亠仆亳亳, 仗亳舒 仗仂仂从亳 仂于亠仄亠仆仆仂亞仂 仄亳舒. Basic archetypes are a source of enormous energy latent in the unconscious man. This energy can manifest itself in a negative direction, feeding the vices of the modern world.