A brief history of the framework for iOS and practical advice on how to create your own native framework for iOS. My talk during Appsterdam TalkLab 03/20/2014
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Dark side of Xcode: iOS Framework
1. Dark side of Xcode:
A Rebel solution against the rigidity of Apple (maybe).
2. Library Vs Framework
a hierarchical directory that encapsulates shared
resources, such as a dynamic shared library, nib 鍖les,
image 鍖les, localized strings, header 鍖les, and
reference documentation in a single package.
3. Framework: the only way to
distribute (easily) a static
library with resources
5. An open source solution:
iOS Universal Framework
An Xcode project template
7. Embedded Universal Framework
Stable version: M7
Remember to refactoring of open source libraries or sources in your framework
to avoid con鍖icts with third-part applications.
9. A new open source
way: iOS-Framework
How to create, develop, and distribute iOS Static
Frameworks quickly and ef鍖ciently
10. iOS-Framework
Fast iterative compilation times
Easy distribution and packaging
No modi鍖cations to Xcode
No trickery with fake bundle targets
Works with the latest version of Xcode (5.1)
11. How to debug?
The only way is to use a project that implement the framework,
cause a crash in the project and then put brake points.
To debug the framework you need to use it in other
application, but break points in the framework code, dosent