This document presents 10 "facts" intended to argue that Darwin's theory of evolution is technically impossible. It claims that evolution violates the first law of thermodynamics by increasing order from disorder. It argues that complex biological structures like the bombardier beetle's defense system and bacterial flagellum could not have evolved gradually. It also argues that the lack of transitional fossils, the age of the earth and moon based on dust accumulation, and the existence of irreducibly complex biological structures disprove evolution. The document concludes by questioning whether scientists are willing to face these supposed facts.
This document discusses several examples of alleged evidence for evolution that were later shown to be fraudulent or misrepresented, including:
1. The Miller experiment, which claimed to show abiogenesis but ignored the actual primordial atmosphere composition.
2. The Archaeoraptor fossil, which was revealed to be a hoax cobbled together from multiple specimens.
3. Claims about the Coelacanth being a transitional form, disproven when living specimens were discovered.
4. Misrepresentations of Neanderthals as primitive ancestors and the mistreatment of Ota Benga, exhibited as a supposed "missing link."
5. Reconstructions of hypothetical transitional forms, which are based on imagination
The document is about the origins of life on Earth. It discusses several scientific theories for how life began, such as the primordial soup theory, hydrothermal vents theory, and the endosymbiotic theory of how eukaryotic cells formed. It describes evidence that supports these theories, like the Miller-Urey experiment demonstrating formation of organic molecules from early Earth conditions, and mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA resembling bacteria. The essential question asks if life could arise from nonlife today based on scientists explaining life arose from nonlife billions of years ago through abiogenesis.
Evrimin Cokusu( ≡釈п釈 求-=) the collapse of evolution- The Orig...babylonboss
This document discusses the theory of evolution and the origin of life. It argues that life is too complex to have originated through natural processes alone and must have had an intelligent creator. It summarizes key points in the development of evolutionary theory from Darwin to modern times, noting that scientists have been unable to explain how the first living cell could have emerged from non-living matter through natural causes. The complex structures of cells and DNA are presented as evidence that life was designed and could not have arisen through random chance alone.
The document discusses several theories on the origin of life on Earth:
1) Spontaneous generation theory proposed that life arose from non-living matter, such as frogs arising from muddy soil. This was disproven by experiments showing flies only emerged from rotting meat, not sterile materials.
2) Miller experiment in 1953 showed organic compounds like amino acids could form from simple gases like methane, ammonia, and water with electricity.
3) Further experiments synthesized protein-like molecules from amino acids, suggesting life could have originated from self-replicating proteins before nucleic acids.
4) Current leading theory is that RNA arose first and could store and replicate genetic information (RNA world hypothesis), eventually leading
The document summarizes what science says about the origins of the universe and life. It states that according to the Big Bang theory, the universe began approximately 13 billion years ago from a small, dense particle that exploded. Over time, the elements condensed to form stars and planets. Evidence for the Big Bang includes the red shift of distant stars and the background radiation detected by radio telescopes. While some scientists believe the universe will eventually collapse in a Big Crunch, others argue for a steady-state theory where the universe has always and will always exist. However, science does not explain what started the Big Bang or how it ultimately led to life, leaving open the question of whether there is any greater purpose.
This document provides an overview of the history and development of the theory of biological evolution. It describes early religious and philosophical explanations for life's diversity before discussing scientific theories. It outlines disproofs of spontaneous generation and early evolutionary thinkers like Lamarck. It then focuses on Charles Darwin and the key elements of his theory of evolution by natural selection, which he developed based on observations from his voyage on the HMS Beagle. Darwin proposed that life arises through descent with modification from common ancestors, and that natural selection acts on inherited variation between individuals in a population to drive adaptive evolution over many generations.
The document appears to be a quiz about plants, animals and mites with 50 questions. It includes questions about animals like tigers, owls, and ducks. It also asks about plants like datura and cinchona. Some questions refer to movies, songs, and scientific concepts regarding topics like evolution, genetics, and physiology. The questions range from identifying animals and plants to explaining behaviors and scientific phenomena.
The document discusses several historical theories about the origins of life:
1) Special creation theory proposes that all life was supernaturally created by God within a short period.
2) Spontaneous generation theory proposed that life could arise spontaneously from non-living matter, an idea that was disproven by experiments in the 17th-19th centuries.
3) Panspermia theory suggests that life originated elsewhere in the universe and was seeded on Earth via meteors or cosmic dust, but this does not fully explain the first origins of life.
This is a slideshow (with notes) of the Creation-Evolution Controversy presented to Calvary Coastal Fellowship in Auckland.
DISCLAIMER: Appropriate acknowledgement of copyright material has been made. However, information to rectify any oversight is welcomed.
This document summarizes several theories on the origin of life on Earth, including the RNA world hypothesis, chemosynthetic theory, and possibility of extraterrestrial origins. The RNA world hypothesis proposes that RNA was the first self-replicating molecule, though it has weaknesses. The chemosynthetic theory implies that life developed wherever physical/chemical conditions allowed and that all life shares a common ancestor. Evidence from comets supports the delivery of organic molecules to early Earth by comets or the possibility of life originating elsewhere and being delivered. However, questions remain about how self-replication first emerged.
Darwin said, "If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.
Darwin, C. (1872) Origin of Species, 6th ed. (1988), New York University Press, New York, p. 154.
180 years later, his theory has broken down according to his own criteria! There is ABSOLUTELY NOT ONE TRANSITIONAL FOSSIL BETWEEN KINDS OF ANIMALS. DARWIN'S THEORY IS WRONG!
And his ideas have promoted racism and white supremacy more than any other single person worldwide for the past 150 years! Darwin needs to be Dethroned in our scientific and educational systems.
The panspermia theory proposes that life originated outside of Earth and was transported here by meteorites or spaceships. It suggests that bacterial and microbial spores could have survived harsh space conditions like heat, cold, and radiation during travel and "seeded" life on Earth. While some meteorites contain amino acids similar to those produced in early Earth experiments, this theory does not fully explain how life originated either on Earth or elsewhere in the universe. It only describes how life may have appeared on Earth but not how it began.
The document discusses the origin of life from both scientific and Islamic perspectives. Scientifically, it is believed that comets bombarding Earth between 4.5-3.8 billion years ago brought water and organic molecules necessary for life. Experiments have shown amino acids and other organic molecules can form naturally in certain atmospheric conditions. While scientists have identified the basic building blocks of life, how these assembled into the first living cell remains unknown. The Quran states that mankind was created from a single soul and their mate, contradicting the biblical story of Eve being created from Adam's rib.
Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection proposes that organisms gradually change over generations through a "descent with modification" process where favorable inherited traits become more common in a population. Evidence from fields such as paleontology, genetics and developmental biology support this theory. Scientists have found fossils that show whales evolved from land mammals, starting as four-legged creatures that walked both on land and swam in water, gradually becoming fully aquatic and losing legs over millions of years. While controversial for some, evolution is well-established scientific fact that explains the diversity of life.
- Early theories proposed that life arose spontaneously from non-living matter, but experiments disproved this. Miller and Urey's experiment showed that amino acids could form from simple gases on the early Earth. Sidney Fox produced early cell-like structures called protocells and microspheres in experiments. Endosymbiotic theory proposes that mitochondria and chloroplasts originated as internalized prokaryotes. Early life on Earth was likely anaerobic prokaryotic heterotrophs that evolved into autotrophs as organic compounds became scarce. Archaebacteria and cyanobacteria-like organisms were early photosynthetic life forms.
Catastrophism through the Ages, and a Cosmic Catastrophe at the Origin of Civ...CrimsonPublishersAAOA
Catastrophism through the Ages, and a Cosmic Catastrophe at the Origin of Civilization by Martin B Sweatman* in AAOA
Developments in the Earth Sciences over the last decade point towards a great cosmic catastrophe at the onset of the Younger Dryas period, towards the end of the Paleolithic. It has been suggested this event was caused by a collision with a swarm of comet fragments, consistent with the theory of Coherent Catastrophism. Earlier this year, it was shown how symbols at the ancient archaeological site of G旦bekli Tepe can be interpreted as supporting this view. This convergence of geochemical, astronomical and archaeological evidence has potentially profound consequences for our understanding of the emergence of civilization and ancient history.
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For more articles in open access Archaeology journals please click on link:
This document summarizes several theories on the origin of life on Earth, including the Big Bang theory, creationism, the extraterrestrial origin theory, and biochemical evolution. It provides background on the formation of the Earth and the earliest evidence of life. The most detailed discussion is of the biochemical evolution theory, noting early Earth conditions and Miller and Urey's 1953 experiment that produced organic compounds from inorganic precursors, supporting this theory. In conclusion, the document states that biochemical evolution is the most scientifically supported theory, but the origin of life remains mysterious with ongoing research.
- Microraptor was a small, feathered dinosaur discovered in China that had wings on both its arms and legs, making it a four-winged dinosaur.
- Analysis of Microraptor's skeleton and testing of life-size models in wind tunnels suggested it was capable of gliding from trees rather than running, indicating gliding may have evolved before flapping flight in dinosaurs.
- While Microraptor provided new evidence linking dinosaurs and birds, debate still continues on the exact origins of flight as more fossils are needed to make definitive conclusions.
The document discusses arguments for and against the origins of life from a naturalistic perspective versus special creation. It covers topics like the Miller-Urey experiment on the formation of amino acids, objections to the conclusions drawn from that experiment, the improbability of life arising from random processes, and experiments by Redi and Pasteur disproving the theory of spontaneous generation. The overall discussion centers around whether life could reasonably be explained through natural processes and evolution or requires an intelligent cause.
1) The document questions the principles of evolution and argues that life is too complex to have originated through natural processes alone.
2) It argues that the first cell could not have formed by chance and notes that the origin of protein and DNA is not explained by evolution.
3) The document also argues against common mechanisms of evolution like natural selection and mutation, noting a lack of transitional fossils between major animal groups.
This document discusses how modern scientific findings align with the biblical account of creation in Genesis. It notes that the universe is around 15 billion years old, and Earth around 4.5 billion years old, consistent with Genesis. On the first day of creation, plasma in the form of water and amino acids formed, along with matter and energy - this aligns with scientific findings that asteroids may have delivered these building blocks to early Earth. The document argues this supports that Genesis is consistent with established scientific laws like Einstein's equation E=mc2 relating to mass, energy and the speed of light.
1) The document discusses the origin and evolution of life on Earth, including theories for how life began like spontaneous origin from inanimate matter or panspermia.
2) It explores early life forms like prokaryotes and how the evolution of oxygen-producing photosynthesis led to the diversification of eukaryotes through endosymbiosis forming organelles.
3) Mass extinctions like the K-T boundary impact are discussed alongside gradual climate changes as pulses that drove evolutionary diversification over geological time.
IB Biology Option D.3: Human evolutionJason de Nys
This document provides an overview of topics related to human evolution, including:
- Methods for radioactive dating of rocks and fossils using carbon-14 and potassium-40 isotopes.
- Key anatomical features that define humans as primates, such as grasping limbs and binocular vision.
- Major trends seen in hominid fossils like Ardipithecus, Australopithecus, and Homo species showing brain size increase and facial shortening over time.
- Potential for multiple hominid species to coexist and uncertainties due to an incomplete fossil record.
- Relationship between increased brain size and diet change in hominids, correlated with meat consumption.
- Distinction between genetic evolution through natural selection
Origin of life-where did life come fromArosek Padhi
this chapter prompts you to wonder where did life as we know it came from. this is a presentation from Dr.Tithi Parija (asst professor) from KIIT school of biotechnology including different theories from different thinkers and scientists biotech i bls u 1.2 theories of origin of lifeRai University
The document discusses several theories regarding the origin of life on Earth:
1) Special creation theory proposes that life was created by a supernatural power.
2) Early experiments provided evidence that simple organic molecules could form from inorganic compounds.
3) Later, more complex organic molecules like amino acids were found to arise spontaneously from simpler precursors.
4) Modern hypotheses suggest life began through gradual chemical evolution, with self-replicating molecules like RNA emerging and eventually becoming enclosed in cell membranes.
1. Evolutionary biology studies the history of life forms on Earth and how they have changed over time through processes like evolution and natural selection.
2. The origin of life is thought to have begun around 4 billion years ago on the early Earth through chemical evolution. Early Earth conditions allowed simple organic molecules like amino acids and RNA to form.
3. Over millions of years, through gradual processes like mutation, genetic drift, and natural selection, early life forms evolved into diverse organisms, including the first humans which emerged in Africa around 200,000 years ago.
This document discusses fossils and how they relate to Darwin's theory of evolution. It notes that while fossils provide information about past life, the fossil record does not show the gradual transitions between species that evolution predicts. Instead, species appear abruptly in the fossil record fully formed. It argues this contradicts Darwin's theory and supports the idea that species were created as distinct types. It provides examples of "living fossils" - species that have remained virtually unchanged for hundreds of millions of years - as further evidence against evolution.
Occams Razor is a scientific and philosophical rule that entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily which is interpreted as requiring that the simplest of competing theories be preferred to the more complex or that explanations of unknown phenomena be sought first in terms of known quantity. [1] Merriam Webster Dictionary, in other words, Occams razor says that, of two explanations that account for all the facts, the simpler one is more likely to be correct. The greatest disorder of the intellect is to believe things because one wishes they were so [2] Louis Pasteur, 1875. Supposing a man finds a watch. Deliberately or by accident the man smashes the watch to smithereens.
The document discusses several historical theories about the origins of life:
1) Special creation theory proposes that all life was supernaturally created by God within a short period.
2) Spontaneous generation theory proposed that life could arise spontaneously from non-living matter, an idea that was disproven by experiments in the 17th-19th centuries.
3) Panspermia theory suggests that life originated elsewhere in the universe and was seeded on Earth via meteors or cosmic dust, but this does not fully explain the first origins of life.
This is a slideshow (with notes) of the Creation-Evolution Controversy presented to Calvary Coastal Fellowship in Auckland.
DISCLAIMER: Appropriate acknowledgement of copyright material has been made. However, information to rectify any oversight is welcomed.
This document summarizes several theories on the origin of life on Earth, including the RNA world hypothesis, chemosynthetic theory, and possibility of extraterrestrial origins. The RNA world hypothesis proposes that RNA was the first self-replicating molecule, though it has weaknesses. The chemosynthetic theory implies that life developed wherever physical/chemical conditions allowed and that all life shares a common ancestor. Evidence from comets supports the delivery of organic molecules to early Earth by comets or the possibility of life originating elsewhere and being delivered. However, questions remain about how self-replication first emerged.
Darwin said, "If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.
Darwin, C. (1872) Origin of Species, 6th ed. (1988), New York University Press, New York, p. 154.
180 years later, his theory has broken down according to his own criteria! There is ABSOLUTELY NOT ONE TRANSITIONAL FOSSIL BETWEEN KINDS OF ANIMALS. DARWIN'S THEORY IS WRONG!
And his ideas have promoted racism and white supremacy more than any other single person worldwide for the past 150 years! Darwin needs to be Dethroned in our scientific and educational systems.
The panspermia theory proposes that life originated outside of Earth and was transported here by meteorites or spaceships. It suggests that bacterial and microbial spores could have survived harsh space conditions like heat, cold, and radiation during travel and "seeded" life on Earth. While some meteorites contain amino acids similar to those produced in early Earth experiments, this theory does not fully explain how life originated either on Earth or elsewhere in the universe. It only describes how life may have appeared on Earth but not how it began.
The document discusses the origin of life from both scientific and Islamic perspectives. Scientifically, it is believed that comets bombarding Earth between 4.5-3.8 billion years ago brought water and organic molecules necessary for life. Experiments have shown amino acids and other organic molecules can form naturally in certain atmospheric conditions. While scientists have identified the basic building blocks of life, how these assembled into the first living cell remains unknown. The Quran states that mankind was created from a single soul and their mate, contradicting the biblical story of Eve being created from Adam's rib.
Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection proposes that organisms gradually change over generations through a "descent with modification" process where favorable inherited traits become more common in a population. Evidence from fields such as paleontology, genetics and developmental biology support this theory. Scientists have found fossils that show whales evolved from land mammals, starting as four-legged creatures that walked both on land and swam in water, gradually becoming fully aquatic and losing legs over millions of years. While controversial for some, evolution is well-established scientific fact that explains the diversity of life.
- Early theories proposed that life arose spontaneously from non-living matter, but experiments disproved this. Miller and Urey's experiment showed that amino acids could form from simple gases on the early Earth. Sidney Fox produced early cell-like structures called protocells and microspheres in experiments. Endosymbiotic theory proposes that mitochondria and chloroplasts originated as internalized prokaryotes. Early life on Earth was likely anaerobic prokaryotic heterotrophs that evolved into autotrophs as organic compounds became scarce. Archaebacteria and cyanobacteria-like organisms were early photosynthetic life forms.
Catastrophism through the Ages, and a Cosmic Catastrophe at the Origin of Civ...CrimsonPublishersAAOA
Catastrophism through the Ages, and a Cosmic Catastrophe at the Origin of Civilization by Martin B Sweatman* in AAOA
Developments in the Earth Sciences over the last decade point towards a great cosmic catastrophe at the onset of the Younger Dryas period, towards the end of the Paleolithic. It has been suggested this event was caused by a collision with a swarm of comet fragments, consistent with the theory of Coherent Catastrophism. Earlier this year, it was shown how symbols at the ancient archaeological site of G旦bekli Tepe can be interpreted as supporting this view. This convergence of geochemical, astronomical and archaeological evidence has potentially profound consequences for our understanding of the emergence of civilization and ancient history.
For more open access journals in Crimson Publishers please click on link:
For more articles in open access Archaeology journals please click on link:
This document summarizes several theories on the origin of life on Earth, including the Big Bang theory, creationism, the extraterrestrial origin theory, and biochemical evolution. It provides background on the formation of the Earth and the earliest evidence of life. The most detailed discussion is of the biochemical evolution theory, noting early Earth conditions and Miller and Urey's 1953 experiment that produced organic compounds from inorganic precursors, supporting this theory. In conclusion, the document states that biochemical evolution is the most scientifically supported theory, but the origin of life remains mysterious with ongoing research.
- Microraptor was a small, feathered dinosaur discovered in China that had wings on both its arms and legs, making it a four-winged dinosaur.
- Analysis of Microraptor's skeleton and testing of life-size models in wind tunnels suggested it was capable of gliding from trees rather than running, indicating gliding may have evolved before flapping flight in dinosaurs.
- While Microraptor provided new evidence linking dinosaurs and birds, debate still continues on the exact origins of flight as more fossils are needed to make definitive conclusions.
The document discusses arguments for and against the origins of life from a naturalistic perspective versus special creation. It covers topics like the Miller-Urey experiment on the formation of amino acids, objections to the conclusions drawn from that experiment, the improbability of life arising from random processes, and experiments by Redi and Pasteur disproving the theory of spontaneous generation. The overall discussion centers around whether life could reasonably be explained through natural processes and evolution or requires an intelligent cause.
1) The document questions the principles of evolution and argues that life is too complex to have originated through natural processes alone.
2) It argues that the first cell could not have formed by chance and notes that the origin of protein and DNA is not explained by evolution.
3) The document also argues against common mechanisms of evolution like natural selection and mutation, noting a lack of transitional fossils between major animal groups.
This document discusses how modern scientific findings align with the biblical account of creation in Genesis. It notes that the universe is around 15 billion years old, and Earth around 4.5 billion years old, consistent with Genesis. On the first day of creation, plasma in the form of water and amino acids formed, along with matter and energy - this aligns with scientific findings that asteroids may have delivered these building blocks to early Earth. The document argues this supports that Genesis is consistent with established scientific laws like Einstein's equation E=mc2 relating to mass, energy and the speed of light.
1) The document discusses the origin and evolution of life on Earth, including theories for how life began like spontaneous origin from inanimate matter or panspermia.
2) It explores early life forms like prokaryotes and how the evolution of oxygen-producing photosynthesis led to the diversification of eukaryotes through endosymbiosis forming organelles.
3) Mass extinctions like the K-T boundary impact are discussed alongside gradual climate changes as pulses that drove evolutionary diversification over geological time.
IB Biology Option D.3: Human evolutionJason de Nys
This document provides an overview of topics related to human evolution, including:
- Methods for radioactive dating of rocks and fossils using carbon-14 and potassium-40 isotopes.
- Key anatomical features that define humans as primates, such as grasping limbs and binocular vision.
- Major trends seen in hominid fossils like Ardipithecus, Australopithecus, and Homo species showing brain size increase and facial shortening over time.
- Potential for multiple hominid species to coexist and uncertainties due to an incomplete fossil record.
- Relationship between increased brain size and diet change in hominids, correlated with meat consumption.
- Distinction between genetic evolution through natural selection
Origin of life-where did life come fromArosek Padhi
this chapter prompts you to wonder where did life as we know it came from. this is a presentation from Dr.Tithi Parija (asst professor) from KIIT school of biotechnology including different theories from different thinkers and scientists biotech i bls u 1.2 theories of origin of lifeRai University
The document discusses several theories regarding the origin of life on Earth:
1) Special creation theory proposes that life was created by a supernatural power.
2) Early experiments provided evidence that simple organic molecules could form from inorganic compounds.
3) Later, more complex organic molecules like amino acids were found to arise spontaneously from simpler precursors.
4) Modern hypotheses suggest life began through gradual chemical evolution, with self-replicating molecules like RNA emerging and eventually becoming enclosed in cell membranes.
1. Evolutionary biology studies the history of life forms on Earth and how they have changed over time through processes like evolution and natural selection.
2. The origin of life is thought to have begun around 4 billion years ago on the early Earth through chemical evolution. Early Earth conditions allowed simple organic molecules like amino acids and RNA to form.
3. Over millions of years, through gradual processes like mutation, genetic drift, and natural selection, early life forms evolved into diverse organisms, including the first humans which emerged in Africa around 200,000 years ago.
This document discusses fossils and how they relate to Darwin's theory of evolution. It notes that while fossils provide information about past life, the fossil record does not show the gradual transitions between species that evolution predicts. Instead, species appear abruptly in the fossil record fully formed. It argues this contradicts Darwin's theory and supports the idea that species were created as distinct types. It provides examples of "living fossils" - species that have remained virtually unchanged for hundreds of millions of years - as further evidence against evolution.
Occams Razor is a scientific and philosophical rule that entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily which is interpreted as requiring that the simplest of competing theories be preferred to the more complex or that explanations of unknown phenomena be sought first in terms of known quantity. [1] Merriam Webster Dictionary, in other words, Occams razor says that, of two explanations that account for all the facts, the simpler one is more likely to be correct. The greatest disorder of the intellect is to believe things because one wishes they were so [2] Louis Pasteur, 1875. Supposing a man finds a watch. Deliberately or by accident the man smashes the watch to smithereens.
Charles Darwin developed the theory of evolution by natural selection after observing variations in species during his voyage on the HMS Beagle. The document discusses the key points of Darwin's theory, including that 1) organisms produce more offspring than can survive, 2) individuals vary, 3) those best adapted to the environment survive and pass on their traits, leading populations to become better adapted over time. It also describes Darwin's observations of finches on the Galapagos Islands which provided evidence for his theory of evolution.
The document discusses the topic of creationism versus evolution and provides arguments against evolution and in favor of creationism. It references biblical passages and quotes from scientists to support the position that the earth is only thousands of years old according to the biblical account of creation, rather than billions of years old as proposed by evolution. It also questions evidence used to support evolution such as fossils, carbon dating, and theories of common descent.
The document discusses the topic of creationism versus evolution and provides arguments against evolution and in favor of creationism. It references biblical passages and quotes from scientists to support the view that the complexity of life requires an intelligent designer rather than having evolved through natural processes alone over billions of years. The document questions some of the assumptions and evidence used to support evolutionary theory.
The document discusses the topic of creationism versus evolution and provides arguments against evolution and in favor of creationism. It references biblical passages and quotes from scientists to support the view that the complexity of life requires an intelligent designer rather than having evolved through natural processes alone over billions of years. The document aims to inform others about this perspective and help believers strengthen their faith.
The Theory of Evolution and its limitsRemy Taupier
The laws of Natural Selection explain the adaptation of a species (why we have dogs, or horses or tortoise of different colors, shapes and sizes) but not the evolution of a species into another species. To this day no scientific fact can prove the Theory of Evolution to be true. Evolutionists live with the hope that one day Science will prove them right. It's just a belief.
Discusses the Cycle of Air, the three squares from the Step Diagram that apply to AirInvertebrates, Vertebrates, Man. The Evolutionary Timeline. Extinction Events. Darwins Theory. Ecosystem Roles. Natures Eccentricity and Conundrums. Evolution by Ecosystem. Emotions and the Body Kesdjan
The document provides evidence from multiple lines of evidence that support the theory of evolution, including the fossil record, comparative anatomy, vestigial structures, convergent evolution, embryological development, and molecular comparisons. It discusses examples for each type of evidence and explains how they all point to life evolving over time from common ancestors.
- Evolution is defined as the gradual development of simple matters into more complex forms over time. Darwin was the first to put together evidence to explain evolution through his theory of natural selection.
- Primary claims of evolution include that the Earth is over 4 billion years old, life emerged around 3.8 billion years ago, extinction is a major feature of biological evolution, and humans evolved from pre-existing species.
- Major claims of evolutionary theory include that natural selection is the main mechanism of evolution, whereby individuals with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on those traits; all living organisms share a common ancestry; and DNA evidence provides powerful support for the interrelatedness of all life.
The Cause Of The Dinosaur Extinction EssayPatty Buckley
The document discusses three major theories for the extinction of dinosaurs: 1) A massive meteor impact that caused widespread environmental changes, 2) A series of volcanic eruptions that caused acid rain and blocked sunlight, and 3) Rapid climate change that dinosaurs could not adapt to. The most accepted theory is that around 65 million years ago, a large meteor hit Earth and launched debris that blocked the sun for years, cooling the planet and devastating the food chain that dinosaurs depended on.
This document discusses arguments for and against evolution and creationism. It presents summaries of scientific studies and quotes from scientists on both sides of the debate. The main questions raised are how life originated, how diversity arose, and whether evolution is a scientifically proven theory or a philosophical belief. Criticisms of the fossil record and dating of DNA are mentioned. Overall the document aims to critically examine evidence for both evolution and intelligent design.
The document discusses several theories for the origin of life, including the primordial soup hypothesis proposed by Alexander Oparin, the iron-sulfur world hypothesis proposed by Gunter Wachtersh辰user, and the hypothesis that life began around hydrothermal vents. It notes that while the primordial soup hypothesis involves chemicals combining in an ocean or pond, the iron-sulfur world and hydrothermal vent hypotheses propose that life began in environments near hydrothermal vents, where chemical reactions could have been driven by thermal energy.
The document discusses the geologic time scale and the emergence of early life on Earth. It summarizes that the geologic time scale is divided into eons such as the Phanerozoic and Proterozoic. Early theories estimated the age of the Earth, while radioactive dating methods later revealed the Earth to be billions of years old. Stromatolites are among the earliest fossils, dating back over 3 billion years ago, and provided evidence that life began on the early Earth.
Charles Darwin (1809-1882) was a British naturalist and biologist best known for his theory of evolution by natural selection. His theory proposed that all species of life have evolved over time from common ancestors through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce. Darwin argued that complex organs and systems could evolve step-by-step through numerous, successive, slight modifications over many generations from a simpler ancestral form. His theory revolutionized scientific thought and remains the foundation of modern biology.
1. The document discusses creationism and evolutionism as theories for the origin of living things. Creationism believes species were created as they are now, while evolutionism believes species evolve over time from ancestral forms.
2. Key figures discussed include Linnaeus, Cuvier, Lamarck, Darwin, and Wallace. Lamarck proposed a theory of evolution through inheritance of acquired characteristics and use/disuse of organs. Darwin and Wallace jointly developed the theory of evolution by natural selection.
3. The theory of natural selection proposes that species evolve through genetic variation, a struggle for survival, and the survival and reproduction of individuals best adapted to the environment, leading to the emergence of new species over generations.
This summary provides the key details from the document in 3 sentences or less:
The document discusses various nature and science-related trivia questions and their answers, covering topics like marine biology, mythology, astronomy, history of science, and more. Multiple choice and open-ended questions are presented along with their explanations. Readers must identify scientific concepts, experiments, historical figures, and stories based on the clues and context provided.
3. Neither does this presentation explain how life on Earth originated. It does, however, clearly show that evolution is technically impossible. And cannot, therefore, have taken place.
4. Demonstrating that evolution is technically impossible. That is not the problem. The problem is that most scientists are unwilling to face the facts.
5. Facts can be annoying. They force us to admit were wrong. And make us change our minds! Here are four famous examples:
6. Example 1 In 1633 Galilei Galileo (1564-1642) was imprisoned in Rome. The reason? He claimed that the Earth was round.
7. Example 2 In 1348 a certain doctor Balavignus discovered that rats an mice transferred the plague to humans. That was and is entirely correct. But the Strasbourg city council would not listen. By way of gratitude, the doctor was cruelly tortured.
8. Example 3 In 1944 the English General Montgomery knew that two German tank divisions were located near the city of Arnhem (Netherlands). Tanks are much too strong for paratroopers. He nevertheless dispatched 30,000 paratroopers! Operation Market Garden was a great fiasco. Thousands died.
9. Example 4 In 1844 doctor Semmelweiz discovered that many more patients survived an operation if doctors . washed their hands. And what did his colleagues do? They ridiculed him. The hospital dismissed the doctor as quickly as possible.
10. Are you prepared to face the acts objectively? Even if they prove that Darwin was not right? Are you sure? Then read the following 10 facts which show why evolution is technically impossible. First the Darwins theory of evolution:
11. The Theory of Evolution : With a big bang the universe came into existence. On Earth a chance event gave rise to a single-cell organism . Over billions of years, this developed into all forms of life.
12. FACT 1 The Law of Thermodynamics A cast iron law of physics. There are no exceptions. Every scientist recognises this law. It states: All systems left to themselves tend towards disorder and randomness . (In other words, order cannot arise from disorder)
13. Examples Gas, once escaped, cannot flow back into the gas tap. Mix water at 10 and 90 degrees. The resulting mixture can never be separated back into water at 10 and 90 degrees. An egg white and an egg yoke can never be scrambled back into the original egg.
14. Darwin stated: The very first cell was formed from dead material. This would mean that order was created from disorder. That is like scrambling egg white and egg yoke back into an egg. Impossible. Without that first cell, there can have been no evolution. The Law of Thermodynamics is quite clear. Evolution can never have happened.
15. FACT 2 A chemistry lab inside a beetle The Bombardier beetle is not rare. But it does have a unique form of defence. It fires a liquid into the air. This changes into a noxious cloud. Which enables it to escape from its predators.
16. For this purpose it has an ingenious system: 1. Glands which produce four complex chemicals. 2. Reservoir and combustion chambers. 3. Muscles, aiming tubes and an aiming instinct. Darwin stated: The beetle developed this system itself, taking millions of years to do so.
17. But without this defence, it would have been devoured. So how could it have survived millions of years of evolution? And how did the beetle get the idea and the knowledge for that toxic cloud? And how could it develop everything simultaneously? The beetle cannot, therefore, be the product of evolution. But there are thousands of these little animals. Evolution never took place.
18. FACT 3 Once an ape, always an ape! Darwin stated that humans descended from apes. But imagine that you keep selecting the most intelligent apes and let them breed. Will this ever result in a human ? Each offspring will still be an ape. So no evolution.
19. It is true that skulls have been found of anthropoids. Such as Neanderthals. So it is plain that they existed. The explanation for these anthropoids is simple. They are probably crossbreedings between humans and apes. Not predecessors. Sad descendents of man !
20. Crossbreedings are not so unusual. An example is the cross between a horse and a donkey, the mule! Incidentally, a mule cannot reproduce. Crossbreeding often results in degeneration. So such anthropoids are probably just an unfortunate cross between ape and man. Certainly no proof of evolution.
21. FACT 4 Nothing can make itself. As it would have to have existed before it had been made. That is obviously impossible. Evolution is technically impossible.
22. FACT 5 Darwins missing fossils. Assume that Darwin was right. Then the whole fossil world would consist of the ancestors of todays animals. Billions of fossils have been found all over the world. But never have fossils of these predecessors been found. Not one!
23. But still the search for these ancestors goes on. For many years, a fish - the Coelacanthus - was thought to be a predecessor. But what turned out to be the case? This fish is swimming merrily around in the sea near Madagascar. And is caught and sold in markets in Africa. With so many fossils, the conclusion is inescapable. Darwins evolution never took place.
24. FACT 6 Darwins evolution runs out of time Cosmic dust falls on the Earth and the moon. That is a fact. Many scientists think that the Earth and the moon are 5 billion years old. The conclusion: the moon should be covered with a thick layer of dust. 1969 marked the first manned landing on the moon. The moon lander had large pads to support it. And stop it sinking into that moondust.
26. Can you see the depth of the footprints? Hardly more than a centimetre of moondust. Conclusion: a relatively young moon. How young? Some 0.000001 centimetres of dust falls on the Earth each year. A simple calculation shows that the moon and Earth can be no more than 1 million years old. Darwins evolution took several billion years. So his evolution is short of 4,999,000,000 years.
27. There is more to tell about the moon. It radiates heat and moonquakes sometimes occur. So it must have a liquid core. But it is very small. And so cools off quickly. After 5 billion years it should have cooled down. Clear proof of a young moon and Earth. Possibly younger than 1 million years. No time for evolution.
28. FACT 8 Fossils also prove that the Earth is young. Fossils are only formed if plants or animals are covered very rapidly with an airtight material. Here is an interesting fossil of a fish. Still eating his last meal.
29. Fossilized trees passing through a number of coal seams have been found in many parts of the world. Here is one such tree. This one is even standing upside down!
30. Coal is formed slowly, says Darwin. That cannot be right. It would mean that the part of the tree above the ground would have rotted away. And not have been fossilized. This also applies to large dinosaurs. Dead on the ground they are at least a couple of metres high. If they were buried slowly, such a large animal would have simply rotted away. But we have fossils of these giants.
31. Of course, scientists claim to have found fossil precursors. But these are fully developed animals. Animals that have become extinct. Just like many species. Fossils prove it. The Earths strata were formed rapidly. Proof of a very young Earth. No time for evolution.
32. FACT 9 IRREDUCIBLY COMPLEX STRUCTURES These are organs that are so complicated that: 1. Every single part is vital and indispensible 2. All parts must be present at the same time 3. Everthing must work perfectly straight away
33. Darwin wrote: My theory would break down if such organs were to be discovered. Well, a great many have been discovered. For example: the eye, the birds wing, the chloroplast, the knee joint, the bacterium, the peacocks plumage and many more. We shall take a closer look at the simple bacterium.
34. Bacteria have whip-like flagella. These work like the propeller of a ship propelling it forwards. Each filament passes loosely through the cell wall. Each filament is attached to a bio-electric motor. Below you you can see the extremely complex structure.
35. This minute motor measures just one thirty millionth of a millimetre! And rotates its filament 150 times per second! Such a bacterium is an irreducibly complex structure. It is impossible to explain its origin. Darwin is forced to admit his theory has broken down absolutely.
36. FACT 10 How does evolution fit in? Evolution means gradual development. But the universe started with a bang, says Darwin. A bang is certainly not evolution. Nor does Darwin give an explanation for this bang. Most scientists are in agreement about this bang. Remarkable. But evolution? No, thats something entirely different!
37. Finally So, there you are. Just ten of the many facts that show why evolution is technically impossible. Do you dare face these facts?
38. The scientist I.L.Cohen wrote: The theory of evolution may be the worst mistake made in science . But the big question remains:
39. How did life on Earth originate? The answer: The origin of life on Earth is no less than an incomprehensible mystery. Bearable for one. Unbearable for the other. - THE END -