This document presents 10 "facts" intended to argue that Darwin's theory of evolution is technically impossible. It claims that evolution violates the first law of thermodynamics by increasing order from disorder. It argues that complex biological structures like the bombardier beetle's defense system and bacterial flagellum could not have evolved gradually. It also argues that the lack of transitional fossils, the age of the earth and moon based on dust accumulation, and the existence of irreducibly complex biological structures disprove evolution. The document concludes by questioning whether scientists are willing to face these supposed facts.
3. Neither does this presentation explain how life on Earth originated. It does, however, clearly show that evolution is technically impossible. And cannot, therefore, have taken place.
4. Demonstrating that evolution is technically impossible. That is not the problem. The problem is that most scientists are unwilling to face the facts.
5. Facts can be annoying. They force us to admit were wrong. And make us change our minds! Here are four famous examples:
6. Example 1 In 1633 Galilei Galileo (1564-1642) was imprisoned in Rome. The reason? He claimed that the Earth was round.
7. Example 2 In 1348 a certain doctor Balavignus discovered that rats an mice transferred the plague to humans. That was and is entirely correct. But the Strasbourg city council would not listen. By way of gratitude, the doctor was cruelly tortured.
8. Example 3 In 1944 the English General Montgomery knew that two German tank divisions were located near the city of Arnhem (Netherlands). Tanks are much too strong for paratroopers. He nevertheless dispatched 30,000 paratroopers! Operation Market Garden was a great fiasco. Thousands died.
9. Example 4 In 1844 doctor Semmelweiz discovered that many more patients survived an operation if doctors . washed their hands. And what did his colleagues do? They ridiculed him. The hospital dismissed the doctor as quickly as possible.
10. Are you prepared to face the acts objectively? Even if they prove that Darwin was not right? Are you sure? Then read the following 10 facts which show why evolution is technically impossible. First the Darwins theory of evolution:
11. The Theory of Evolution : With a big bang the universe came into existence. On Earth a chance event gave rise to a single-cell organism . Over billions of years, this developed into all forms of life.
12. FACT 1 The Law of Thermodynamics A cast iron law of physics. There are no exceptions. Every scientist recognises this law. It states: All systems left to themselves tend towards disorder and randomness . (In other words, order cannot arise from disorder)
13. Examples Gas, once escaped, cannot flow back into the gas tap. Mix water at 10 and 90 degrees. The resulting mixture can never be separated back into water at 10 and 90 degrees. An egg white and an egg yoke can never be scrambled back into the original egg.
14. Darwin stated: The very first cell was formed from dead material. This would mean that order was created from disorder. That is like scrambling egg white and egg yoke back into an egg. Impossible. Without that first cell, there can have been no evolution. The Law of Thermodynamics is quite clear. Evolution can never have happened.
15. FACT 2 A chemistry lab inside a beetle The Bombardier beetle is not rare. But it does have a unique form of defence. It fires a liquid into the air. This changes into a noxious cloud. Which enables it to escape from its predators.
16. For this purpose it has an ingenious system: 1. Glands which produce four complex chemicals. 2. Reservoir and combustion chambers. 3. Muscles, aiming tubes and an aiming instinct. Darwin stated: The beetle developed this system itself, taking millions of years to do so.
17. But without this defence, it would have been devoured. So how could it have survived millions of years of evolution? And how did the beetle get the idea and the knowledge for that toxic cloud? And how could it develop everything simultaneously? The beetle cannot, therefore, be the product of evolution. But there are thousands of these little animals. Evolution never took place.
18. FACT 3 Once an ape, always an ape! Darwin stated that humans descended from apes. But imagine that you keep selecting the most intelligent apes and let them breed. Will this ever result in a human ? Each offspring will still be an ape. So no evolution.
19. It is true that skulls have been found of anthropoids. Such as Neanderthals. So it is plain that they existed. The explanation for these anthropoids is simple. They are probably crossbreedings between humans and apes. Not predecessors. Sad descendents of man !
20. Crossbreedings are not so unusual. An example is the cross between a horse and a donkey, the mule! Incidentally, a mule cannot reproduce. Crossbreeding often results in degeneration. So such anthropoids are probably just an unfortunate cross between ape and man. Certainly no proof of evolution.
21. FACT 4 Nothing can make itself. As it would have to have existed before it had been made. That is obviously impossible. Evolution is technically impossible.
22. FACT 5 Darwins missing fossils. Assume that Darwin was right. Then the whole fossil world would consist of the ancestors of todays animals. Billions of fossils have been found all over the world. But never have fossils of these predecessors been found. Not one!
23. But still the search for these ancestors goes on. For many years, a fish - the Coelacanthus - was thought to be a predecessor. But what turned out to be the case? This fish is swimming merrily around in the sea near Madagascar. And is caught and sold in markets in Africa. With so many fossils, the conclusion is inescapable. Darwins evolution never took place.
24. FACT 6 Darwins evolution runs out of time Cosmic dust falls on the Earth and the moon. That is a fact. Many scientists think that the Earth and the moon are 5 billion years old. The conclusion: the moon should be covered with a thick layer of dust. 1969 marked the first manned landing on the moon. The moon lander had large pads to support it. And stop it sinking into that moondust.
26. Can you see the depth of the footprints? Hardly more than a centimetre of moondust. Conclusion: a relatively young moon. How young? Some 0.000001 centimetres of dust falls on the Earth each year. A simple calculation shows that the moon and Earth can be no more than 1 million years old. Darwins evolution took several billion years. So his evolution is short of 4,999,000,000 years.
27. There is more to tell about the moon. It radiates heat and moonquakes sometimes occur. So it must have a liquid core. But it is very small. And so cools off quickly. After 5 billion years it should have cooled down. Clear proof of a young moon and Earth. Possibly younger than 1 million years. No time for evolution.
28. FACT 8 Fossils also prove that the Earth is young. Fossils are only formed if plants or animals are covered very rapidly with an airtight material. Here is an interesting fossil of a fish. Still eating his last meal.
29. Fossilized trees passing through a number of coal seams have been found in many parts of the world. Here is one such tree. This one is even standing upside down!
30. Coal is formed slowly, says Darwin. That cannot be right. It would mean that the part of the tree above the ground would have rotted away. And not have been fossilized. This also applies to large dinosaurs. Dead on the ground they are at least a couple of metres high. If they were buried slowly, such a large animal would have simply rotted away. But we have fossils of these giants.
31. Of course, scientists claim to have found fossil precursors. But these are fully developed animals. Animals that have become extinct. Just like many species. Fossils prove it. The Earths strata were formed rapidly. Proof of a very young Earth. No time for evolution.
32. FACT 9 IRREDUCIBLY COMPLEX STRUCTURES These are organs that are so complicated that: 1. Every single part is vital and indispensible 2. All parts must be present at the same time 3. Everthing must work perfectly straight away
33. Darwin wrote: My theory would break down if such organs were to be discovered. Well, a great many have been discovered. For example: the eye, the birds wing, the chloroplast, the knee joint, the bacterium, the peacocks plumage and many more. We shall take a closer look at the simple bacterium.
34. Bacteria have whip-like flagella. These work like the propeller of a ship propelling it forwards. Each filament passes loosely through the cell wall. Each filament is attached to a bio-electric motor. Below you you can see the extremely complex structure.
35. This minute motor measures just one thirty millionth of a millimetre! And rotates its filament 150 times per second! Such a bacterium is an irreducibly complex structure. It is impossible to explain its origin. Darwin is forced to admit his theory has broken down absolutely.
36. FACT 10 How does evolution fit in? Evolution means gradual development. But the universe started with a bang, says Darwin. A bang is certainly not evolution. Nor does Darwin give an explanation for this bang. Most scientists are in agreement about this bang. Remarkable. But evolution? No, thats something entirely different!
37. Finally So, there you are. Just ten of the many facts that show why evolution is technically impossible. Do you dare face these facts?
38. The scientist I.L.Cohen wrote: The theory of evolution may be the worst mistake made in science . But the big question remains:
39. How did life on Earth originate? The answer: The origin of life on Earth is no less than an incomprehensible mystery. Bearable for one. Unbearable for the other. - THE END -