Calcium is a silvery metallic element that must be extracted through electrolysis from calcium chloride. Once produced, it rapidly forms an oxide coating when exposed to air and burns brightly when lit. Calcium-40 is created in large, hot stars through the process of silicon burning and the fusion of argon and helium atoms. Calcium is essential for animal and plant nutrition and participates in biochemical reactions like building skeletal systems. The recommended adequate daily intake of calcium varies depending on age.
3. In chemical terms, calcium is reactive and
soft for a metal . It is a silvery metallic
element that must be extracted by
electrolysis from a fused salt like calcium
chloride. Once produced, it rapidly forms a
gray-white oxide and nitride coating when
exposed to air. In bulk-form , the metal is
somewhat dif鍖cult to ignite, more so even
than magnesium chips; but, when lit, the
metal burns in air with a brilliant high-
intensity orange-red light.
Number of Energy Levels: 4
First Energy Level: 2
Second Energy Level: 8
Third Energy Level: 8
Fourth Energy Level: 2
5. Nucleosynthesis
Calcium-40 is created in extremely large and hot (over 2.5 109
K) stars, as part of the silicon-burning process in which alpha
particles are added to silicon atoms. The process fuses an atom
of argon and an atom of helium:
36Ar + 4He = 40Ca
6. Recommended adequate intake for calcium:
Age Calcium (mg/day)
06 months
712 months
13 years
48 years
918 years
1950 years
5170 years (male)
5170 years (female)
71+ years
7. Six facts about calcium
1.Calcium isn't found free in nature, but it can be puri鍖ed into a soft silvery-white alkaline
earth metal.
2.Calcium is the 5th most abundant element in the Earth's crust, present at a level of about
3% in the oceans and soil.
3.The element is essential for animal and plant nutrition. Calcium participates in many biochemical
reactions, including building skeletal systems and moderating muscle action.
4.Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption by the human body. Vitamin D is converted to a
hormone which causes intestinal proteins responsible for calcium absorption to be produced.
5.While calcium and its compounds are not considered to be toxic, ingesting too many calcium
carbonate dietary supplements or antacids can cause milk-alkali syndrome, which is
associated with hypercalcemia sometimes leading to fatal renal failure. Excessive consumption
would be on the order of 10 g calcium carbonate/day, though symptoms have been reported
upon ingesting as little as 2.5 g calcium carbonate daily.
6.The element name "calcium" comes from the Latin word "calcis" meaning "lime".
8. Name Origin: Latin calx, ancient name for lime
Type: Alkaline Earth Metal
Neutrons: 20
Discovered: 1808
Discoverers: Isolated and identi鍖ed by Sir Humphry Davy (UK).
9. Basic Information
Name: Calcium
Symbol: Ca
Atomic Number: 20
Atomic Mass: 40.078 amu
Melting Point: 839.0 属C (1112.15 K, 1542.2 属F)
Boiling Point: 1484.0 属C (1757.15 K, 2703.2 属F)
Number of Protons/Electrons: 20
Number of Neutrons: 20
Classi鍖cation: Alkaline Earth
Crystal Structure: Cubic
Density @ 293 K: 1.55 g/cm3