This document contains random words and phrases that do not seem to form a coherent story or provide meaningful information. It includes the terms "Data art", "", "Background Layer", "Analysis groupings", "Result", "Happy food", "Neon tree", and "Ninja Showdown" but there are no connections between these terms to understand the overall topic or purpose.
This picture shows no textual or numerical information from the input data or analysisHowever it is still produced through and is the output of the data analysis toolsThis is the main goal of data artTo create something that is fun to use and look atSo users want to use it and hopefully share it with their friends
The above image shows the different elements that make up data artThe man on the right is the final result, the hero (the goal of the process, if there is one)The men on the left are the groupings in the data, or the contributing factors to the resultTo understand the image, we have to view it from the hero’s perspectiveHe is fallen in this picture, because he is facing very strong enemies (e.g. he has an unhealthy lifestyle)So in this case the weakerthe enemy the better it is for the hero (i.e. theweaker the enemies = the healthier the lifestyle)This picture shows the result is bad, because the contributing factors are bad Because the values are different in different analyses, the pictures are never exactly the sameMaking each one unique to that user
Data art is a design that allows us to build many different themed artworksMaking it a very flexible componentThe images presented above and in subsequent slides are just some of the current themes that we have so farWe could also base themes on special events and holidays such as Halloween or ChristmasIf we have the right we could also base themes on current popular mediasSuch as Harry Potter, Transformers and so on.There are a lot of things we can do with this component
There are also many ways to expand data art in the futureOne of these is to allow animated themesThis will hopefully create even more interesting and varied themesAnother area we have been looking at is to make themes more randomisedThis allows for more variation from the same theme and helps the theme to be more reusableWe will alsoopen our tools to the publicSo they can create their own themesAllowing them to present data in their own way