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Welcome to
Minor Data Driven Business Lab & Minor IMS
I am Dries van den Enden
Minor Coordinator Data Driven Business Lab
This Presentation
General Introduction DDBL
End Qualifications &
Genral Setup of the Program
second third
This week
Day-by-Day overview.
Important Dates &
Weekly Routine
General introduction
Lets get this party started!
We Love to
I Wonder wat the lab brings this time...
Lots of choices!

 10 things that require zero talent
1. Being on time
2. Work Ethic
3. Effort
4. Energy
5. Body Language
6. Passion
7. Doing Extra
8. Being Prepared
9. Being Coachable
 Guest Lectures in this building, often open to anyone!
 You can be in charge
 Cross-Over Projects with other Minors / SEAL Labs!
 Leisure & Event Management
 Go visit expositions, seminars, workshops and hackathons!
Lets start our
The Program of DDBL
study for
knowledge instead
of exams
Being respectful to
each other gets you
very far
You can learn from
Take ownership and
keep pushing
yourself 15
~40 students
Minor DDBL
This Presentation
General Introduction DDBL
End Qualifications &
Genral Setup of the Program
second third
This week
Day-by-Day overview.
Important Dates &
Weekly Routine
End Qualificaions & General Setup of the Program
Learning goals DDBL
 Explain how data is flowing through an organization and which applications
support the business processes and can show this within a project.
 Explain how KPI's and data visualization effect the business processes and
can show KPI's and data visualizations within a project.
 Explain the general Big Data Concepts, and is able to apply those principles
within a project.
 Talk about internal and external information, which has an impact on a
company and can use this (open) data within a project.
 Analyze a dataset by applying basic descriptive statistics techniques.
 Show resilience, responsibility and innovation within a given project.
Data Flow
The student will be able to explain how data is flowing through an
organization and which application support the business processes and
can show this within a project.
 Make a process description, visually and supported with text. This includes all the
information streams.
 Analyze and map business processes.
 Map bottlenecks of a non-automated process vs. an automated process.
 Acknowledge organizational and company structures.
 Give examples why an organization is organized in specific way, per organization type
including the best strategy for each goal.
 Investigate audit tools and can test them.
 Understands in which way applications support the business processes
KPI & Data Visualization
The student will be able to explain how KPI's and data visualization effect
the business processes and can show KPI's and data visualizations within
a project.
 Create KPIs with the organizations targets as goal;
 Understand & Explain how a business dashboard should function;
 Applied the dashboard knowledge (building) in a projects in Power BI
 Applied the dashboard knowledge (building) in a projects in Tableau
 Applied the dashboard knowledge (building) in a projects in Qlik
 Created a interactive Infographic and can Interpret shown visualizations
BI, Big Data, Blockchain
The student can explain the general BI & Big Data and/or Concepts, and is
able to apply those principles within a project.
 The student can name the main properties of Big Data and/or Blockchain.
 Describe the use and practical application of Big Data.
 Name the most important technical concepts and can describe the typical infrastructure.
 Explain the different types of Business Analytics and the use of visualization.
 Explain the use and necessity of people in a new climate and describe new Big Data and
or Blockchain approaches.
 Explain the property and differences between privacy and ethics. Can explain the
concepts of Business Intelligence.
 Can implement the concepts of Business Intelligence. Understand the pros and cons of
setting up a Data Warehouse with a company context.
Internal, External and Open data
The student can talk about internal en external information, which has an
impact on a company and can use this (open) data within a project.
 The student can realize an infographic/ data visualization by applying appropriate
visualization techniques.
 Can gather knowledge in how many different ways information in an infografic / data
visualization can be visualized.
 Applies research to make responsible choices in visualization techniques.
Basic Descriptive Statistics
The student can analyse a dataset by applying basic descriptive statistics
 Can prepare and modify a dataset for data analysis.
 Can use basic R (or Python) for data analysis and basic descriptive statistics.
 Can conduct and present a reproducible data analysis.
 Knows how to make simple, time based predictions using regression analysis . Learn how
to set up a (dimensional) reporting model.
 Learn how to apply basic extraction, transformation and load (ETL) skills.
 Learn how to set up user defined measures to implement performance indicators.
 Learn how to assess usability of different end user bi tool
The student is able to show resilience, responsibility and innovation within a
given project.
 The student has often gathered feedback from coaches and experts to validate the work
 Work done is clearly traceable to the student and handled with integrity, meaning the
student has a critical self-reflection
 In retrospective the content has high substantive value and show the innovative elements
and complexity of the work done.
 The attitude shown by the student has been valued as professional by the coach, expert
and external company
 The originality of the solution has been valued high by the external company
Internal Engagement
Defined by You !
External Engagement
Defined by Others !
Diamond of Ownership
Define Ask
You are supported by
coaches, experts and
They support your
learning journey. They will
be coach during the
company meetings,
project meetings and
peer review meetings.
When you have a
question regarding
learning content, these
are the people to go to.
They will help in the
circles of expertise.
Your end-customers and
product owners. They
know what they want or
which direction the
project should go. A
reliable information
You are supported by
coaches, experts and
They support your
learning process. They
will be coach during the
company meetings,
project meetings and
peer review meetings.
When you have a
question regarding
learning content, these
are the people to go to.
Your end-customers and
product owners. They
know what they want or
which direction the
project should go. A
reliable information
Your assessment is 18 weeks long
You will set your personal learning goals (and a couple are mandatory)
- Tasks you perform are allocated to a learning goal (called fact)
- Tasks will be evaluated by your projectmembers
- Weekly progress review with you coach
Your succes is defined by your own efforts!
Details will follow next week, because then it becomes important
No real lessons?
 Projects are the carrier for reaching learning goals!
 You decide what and when and with who you need to learn
 You arrange lessons / workshops / guestlectures
 Ofcourse we will help you and coach you!
Use Peerview to track your progress
Use MS Teams as
communication platform
You are now ~40 students
with loads of different skills!
Total of ~40 Students
You will work in Companies
Company Company
~22 ~22 Students
Projects will be the main carrier
Company Company
~20 ~20 Students
coach coach
Projects will require different skills
ProjectPython / SQL
Statistics / R
Company Setup
 The company consists out of ~20 students
 The company is as diverse as possible / already set up
 All pitches projects will be divided between the companies
 The company will have 1 own defined project
 A company will have a dedicated coach
Company Details
 All companies need to be measurable via KPIs
 Based on Balanced Score Card
 Coaches can (and will) help if needed
 A Company has an identity
 This week: Name & Philosophy
 End of week 2: Logo
 Every student is end-responsible for the Company
Here is where The
Magic happens
 Working Days : Monday-Friday from 9  16
 Your company (and coach) always know where you are
within these times.
 Freedom with commitments!
Need coffee?
Or shall we continue..
This Presentation
General Introduction DDBL
End Qualifications &
Genral Setup of the Program
Important Dates &
Weekly Routine
This week
Day-by-Day overview.
Important dates & the
weekly routine
Probably missing a lot, but it is to give general direction ;)
Before Week 5
Expert Validated (!)
Delivery Project Plan & InfoGraphic
Week 18
End Event, One Big Showcase!
Week 11
Mid Term Review (focus on output)
Week 6
Poster Presentation Event
Lets review the week
- Weekly Company stand-up
- Weekly Peerview meeting
- Daily Project Stand-up
- Update scrumboard .
- Daily Project Stand-up
- Prepare for Workshop
- Have an expert review work
- Update scrumboard
- Daily Project Stand-up
- Work on product
- Review work
- Update scrumboard
- Daily Project Stand-up
- Visit the product owner
- Write requirements
- Update scrumboard
- Daily Project Stand-up
- Give a workshop
- Extra coaching sessions
- Update scrumboard
Outside school time
Visit Exibitions
Join a Hackthon
Visit Experts
Lets review the week
- Weekly Company stand-up
- Weekly Peerview meeting
- Daily Project Stand-up
- Update scrumboard .
- Daily Project Stand-up
- Prepare for Workshop
- Have an expert review work
- Update scrumboard
- Daily Project Stand-up
- Work on product
- Review work
- Update scrumboard
- Daily Project Stand-up
- Visit the product owner
- Write requirements
- Update scrumboard
- Daily Project Stand-up
- Give a workshop
- Extra coaching sessions
- Update scrumboard
Outside school time
Visit Exibitions
Join a Hackthon
Visit Experts
Experts Dilemma
 Some start at ground zero
 Some have vast experience
 Not knowing whats out there
 We dont know what you know
 So a kind of Personalized learning
 Very time consuming
This Presentation
General Introduction DDBL
End Qualifications &
Genral Setup of the Program
Important Dates &
Weekly Routine
This week
Day-by-Day overview.
This week
Uh-oh, you almost need to start doing stuff!
Embrace a bit of Chaos
Lets review this week
- Kick-off
- Company & Coaches
- Timelines
- Circles of Expertise
- First Pitch
- Setup your Game plan
- Division of Projects
- Timeline
- Marshmallow Challenge
- SEAL (Didactic Model)
- Tools & Talent Scan
- Pitch Preparation
- Pitch round 1
- Personal Timeline
- Communicate with
- Present your Company
- Setup your Game plan
- Division of Projects
- Timeline
- Pitch round 2
Gotten all your information?
 Then it will become time to start!
 Prepare (!!) your company for the pitches
 Rank the pitches for yourself
 BE INVOLVED: Ask Questions & Take notes
 First pitch @15h
 Check-out with your Company before you leave!
Thanks!Any questions?

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Data Driven Business Lab Feb2019

  • 1. Welcome to STRIJP TQ Minor Data Driven Business Lab & Minor IMS Kick-Off
  • 2. Hello! I am Dries van den Enden Minor Coordinator Data Driven Business Lab 2
  • 3. This Presentation 3 first General Introduction DDBL End Qualifications & Genral Setup of the Program second third This week Day-by-Day overview. last DDBL Important Dates & Weekly Routine
  • 4. General introduction Lets get this party started! 1
  • 5. 5 We Love to Experiment! I Wonder wat the lab brings this time...
  • 6. 6
  • 7. 7
  • 9. 9
  • 10. 10 things that require zero talent 10 1. Being on time 2. Work Ethic 3. Effort 4. Energy 5. Body Language 6. Passion 7. Doing Extra 8. Being Prepared 9. Being Coachable 10.Attitude
  • 11. Opportunities Guest Lectures in this building, often open to anyone! You can be in charge Cross-Over Projects with other Minors / SEAL Labs! Journalism Leisure & Event Management Go visit expositions, seminars, workshops and hackathons! 11
  • 12. 12
  • 13. 13
  • 14. Lets start our adventure! The Program of DDBL 14
  • 15. study for knowledge instead of exams Being respectful to each other gets you very far You can learn from anyone Take ownership and keep pushing yourself 15 ~40 students Minor DDBL
  • 16. This Presentation 16 first General Introduction DDBL End Qualifications & Genral Setup of the Program second third This week Day-by-Day overview. last Important Dates & Weekly Routine
  • 17. DDBL End Qualificaions & General Setup of the Program 2
  • 18. 18
  • 19. Learning goals DDBL Explain how data is flowing through an organization and which applications support the business processes and can show this within a project. Explain how KPI's and data visualization effect the business processes and can show KPI's and data visualizations within a project. Explain the general Big Data Concepts, and is able to apply those principles within a project. Talk about internal and external information, which has an impact on a company and can use this (open) data within a project. Analyze a dataset by applying basic descriptive statistics techniques. Show resilience, responsibility and innovation within a given project. 19
  • 20. Data Flow The student will be able to explain how data is flowing through an organization and which application support the business processes and can show this within a project. Make a process description, visually and supported with text. This includes all the information streams. Analyze and map business processes. Map bottlenecks of a non-automated process vs. an automated process. Acknowledge organizational and company structures. Give examples why an organization is organized in specific way, per organization type including the best strategy for each goal. Investigate audit tools and can test them. Understands in which way applications support the business processes 20
  • 21. KPI & Data Visualization The student will be able to explain how KPI's and data visualization effect the business processes and can show KPI's and data visualizations within a project. Create KPIs with the organizations targets as goal; Understand & Explain how a business dashboard should function; Applied the dashboard knowledge (building) in a projects in Power BI Applied the dashboard knowledge (building) in a projects in Tableau Applied the dashboard knowledge (building) in a projects in Qlik Created a interactive Infographic and can Interpret shown visualizations 21
  • 22. BI, Big Data, Blockchain The student can explain the general BI & Big Data and/or Concepts, and is able to apply those principles within a project. The student can name the main properties of Big Data and/or Blockchain. Describe the use and practical application of Big Data. Name the most important technical concepts and can describe the typical infrastructure. Explain the different types of Business Analytics and the use of visualization. Explain the use and necessity of people in a new climate and describe new Big Data and or Blockchain approaches. Explain the property and differences between privacy and ethics. Can explain the concepts of Business Intelligence. Can implement the concepts of Business Intelligence. Understand the pros and cons of setting up a Data Warehouse with a company context. 22
  • 23. Internal, External and Open data The student can talk about internal en external information, which has an impact on a company and can use this (open) data within a project. The student can realize an infographic/ data visualization by applying appropriate visualization techniques. Can gather knowledge in how many different ways information in an infografic / data visualization can be visualized. Applies research to make responsible choices in visualization techniques. 23
  • 24. Basic Descriptive Statistics The student can analyse a dataset by applying basic descriptive statistics techniques. Can prepare and modify a dataset for data analysis. Can use basic R (or Python) for data analysis and basic descriptive statistics. Can conduct and present a reproducible data analysis. Knows how to make simple, time based predictions using regression analysis . Learn how to set up a (dimensional) reporting model. Learn how to apply basic extraction, transformation and load (ETL) skills. Learn how to set up user defined measures to implement performance indicators. Learn how to assess usability of different end user bi tool 24
  • 25. Ownership The student is able to show resilience, responsibility and innovation within a given project. The student has often gathered feedback from coaches and experts to validate the work Work done is clearly traceable to the student and handled with integrity, meaning the student has a critical self-reflection In retrospective the content has high substantive value and show the innovative elements and complexity of the work done. The attitude shown by the student has been valued as professional by the coach, expert and external company The originality of the solution has been valued high by the external company 25
  • 26. 26 Internal Engagement Defined by You ! External Engagement Defined by Others ! Diamond of Ownership Define Ask
  • 27. You are supported by coaches, experts and oganizations Coaches They support your learning journey. They will be coach during the company meetings, project meetings and peer review meetings. Experts When you have a question regarding learning content, these are the people to go to. They will help in the circles of expertise. Organizations Your end-customers and product owners. They know what they want or which direction the project should go. A reliable information source! 27
  • 28. You are supported by coaches, experts and oganizations Coaches They support your learning process. They will be coach during the company meetings, project meetings and peer review meetings. Experts When you have a question regarding learning content, these are the people to go to. Organizations Your end-customers and product owners. They know what they want or which direction the project should go. A reliable information source! 28
  • 29. Your assessment is 18 weeks long You will set your personal learning goals (and a couple are mandatory) - Tasks you perform are allocated to a learning goal (called fact) - Tasks will be evaluated by your projectmembers - Weekly progress review with you coach Your succes is defined by your own efforts! Details will follow next week, because then it becomes important 29
  • 30. No real lessons? Projects are the carrier for reaching learning goals! REAL APPLIED EXPERIENCE You decide what and when and with who you need to learn You arrange lessons / workshops / guestlectures Ofcourse we will help you and coach you! 30
  • 31. Use Peerview to track your progress 31
  • 32. Use MS Teams as communication platform 32
  • 33. You are now ~40 students with loads of different skills! 33 Total of ~40 Students
  • 34. You will work in Companies 34 Company Company ~22 ~22 Students
  • 35. Projects will be the main carrier 35 Company Company ~20 ~20 Students Proj ect Proj ect Proj ect Proj ect Proj ect Proj ect Proj ect Proj ect Proj ect Proj ect Proj ect Proj ect Proj ect Proj ect coach coach
  • 36. Projects will require different skills 36 Project ProjectProject ProjectPython / SQL Finance ...etc... KPIs Visualisation Statistics / R ...etc...
  • 37. 37
  • 38. Company Setup The company consists out of ~20 students The company is as diverse as possible / already set up All pitches projects will be divided between the companies The company will have 1 own defined project A company will have a dedicated coach 38
  • 39. Company Details All companies need to be measurable via KPIs Based on Balanced Score Card Coaches can (and will) help if needed A Company has an identity This week: Name & Philosophy End of week 2: Logo Every student is end-responsible for the Company 39
  • 40. 40
  • 41. Here is where The Magic happens 41 Working Days : Monday-Friday from 9 16 Your company (and coach) always know where you are within these times. Freedom with commitments!
  • 42. Need coffee? Or shall we continue..
  • 43. This Presentation 43 first General Introduction DDBL End Qualifications & Genral Setup of the Program second Important Dates & Weekly Routine third This week Day-by-Day overview. last
  • 44. Important dates & the weekly routine Probably missing a lot, but it is to give general direction ;) 2
  • 45. Before Week 5 Expert Validated (!) Delivery Project Plan & InfoGraphic Week 18 End Event, One Big Showcase! Week 11 Mid Term Review (focus on output) 45 Week 6 Poster Presentation Event
  • 46. Lets review the week Monday - Weekly Company stand-up - Weekly Peerview meeting - Daily Project Stand-up - Update scrumboard . Wednesday - Daily Project Stand-up - Prepare for Workshop - Have an expert review work - Update scrumboard Friday - Daily Project Stand-up - Work on product - Review work - Update scrumboard 46 Thuesday - Daily Project Stand-up - Visit the product owner - Write requirements - Update scrumboard . Thursday - Daily Project Stand-up - Give a workshop - Extra coaching sessions - Update scrumboard Outside school time Visit Exibitions Join a Hackthon Visit Experts
  • 47. Lets review the week Monday - Weekly Company stand-up - Weekly Peerview meeting - Daily Project Stand-up - Update scrumboard . Wednesday - Daily Project Stand-up - Prepare for Workshop - Have an expert review work - Update scrumboard Friday - Daily Project Stand-up - Work on product - Review work - Update scrumboard 47 Thuesday - Daily Project Stand-up - Visit the product owner - Write requirements - Update scrumboard . Thursday - Daily Project Stand-up - Give a workshop - Extra coaching sessions - Update scrumboard Outside school time Visit Exibitions Join a Hackthon Visit Experts
  • 48. Experts Dilemma Some start at ground zero Some have vast experience Not knowing whats out there We dont know what you know So a kind of Personalized learning Very time consuming 48
  • 49. This Presentation 49 first General Introduction DDBL End Qualifications & Genral Setup of the Program second Important Dates & Weekly Routine third This week Day-by-Day overview. last
  • 50. This week Uh-oh, you almost need to start doing stuff! 4
  • 51. Embrace a bit of Chaos 51
  • 52. Lets review this week Monday - Kick-off - Company & Coaches - Timelines - Circles of Expertise - First Pitch Thursday - Setup your Game plan - Division of Projects - Timeline - Marshmallow Challenge 52 Tuesday - SEAL (Didactic Model) - Tools & Talent Scan - Pitch Preparation - Pitch round 1 Friday - Personal Timeline - Communicate with Customers - Present your Company Wednesday - Setup your Game plan - Division of Projects - Timeline - Pitch round 2
  • 53. Gotten all your information? Then it will become time to start! Prepare (!!) your company for the pitches Rank the pitches for yourself BE INVOLVED: Ask Questions & Take notes First pitch @15h Check-out with your Company before you leave! 53

Editor's Notes

  • #3: I am wondering, what I can learn from all of you! Lets get going, crunching data, setting up companies, work hard, play hard!
  • #14: Bear Grylls
  • #34: Consistency of each company can differ, your diversness is your super-power
  • #35: Consistency of each company can differ, your diversness is your super-power
  • #36: Consistency of each company can differ, your diversness is your super-power
  • #37: Map your skills, be open, honest and learn on the gaps.
  • #38: Any questions so far?? Question everything, even if you understand ask again to make sure. You need to do the work for every question you ask, we just show you the door, the portal or a way, probably never a direct answer. Also be prepared the coaches and experts will do the same.
  • #39: More will follow on Tuesday and Wednesday!
  • #40: More will follow on Tuesday and Wednesday!
  • #41: MAGIC!