The document outlines a plan to perform data flow testing on a banking system using WinRunner. Key steps include developing test cases to validate inputs like login credentials and transaction details, and outputs like reports. Test execution involves recording the VB project in WinRunner, running the tests, and analyzing results to ensure all input conditions are satisfied. The goal is to test the system efficiently and avoid manual testing of transaction details.
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Data flowtesting doc
It is aimed to perform Data flow testing using win runner.
1. Test strategy
Scope of testing
Scope of banking system to avoid manual work and to test whether
the transaction details are working efficiently.
Test deliverables
Input: Login details
Customer details
Transaction details
Out put: Report details
Tools used
VB& win-runner
2. Test plan
It is a document to say what to test, when to test, how to test, who to test
What to test VB project
When to test After the execution of the project
How to test Using win-runner tool
Who to test Developer/ tester
3. Test bed
It is the environment in which we test
Here the test Bed is VB& win runner, MS Access
Test cases
i. Input
Login user name, password.
Customer detailsacc no, customer name, address, occupation,
D.O.B, acc type.
Transaction detailsTrans-no, trans date, acc no, narration,
debit, credit, balance, transaction type.
ii. Output
Report details, Customer detail, Transaction detail.
iii. Condition
To satisfy all the input conditions
Step1: Initialize the win runner
Start programs win runner win runner
Step2: Create a new VB Project to be tested and save it
Step3: In win runner create a new task
Step4: Click on record button and open the saved VB Project
Step5: Then click on stop button the file will be recorded automatically
Step6: Then click on the button Run from top,
This will automatically give the test result as
Pass: If executed with out errors
Fail: If executed with some errors
And the execution time will also be displayed
Step7: Then go to Tools GUI Map Editor
And save the file at some location say for example desktop.