The document provides information about different metrics and terminology used to evaluate student progress and performance. It includes definitions of terms like average points score, average predicted grade, average target grade, and ALPS (Average GCSE point score linked to expected outcome). It also defines levels of attainment (lower, middle, higher tiers) and how to interpret UMS, UCAS, and SCATT scores. The key information is how to use the data - look for underperformance, trends, compare classes, consider residuals and prediction quality, and use it as a signpost for differentiation and sharing best practices rather than an end in itself.
4. Quick Glossary
Average Points
Score (APS)
Predicted Grade
Average Target
34 = D grade 40 = C grade
46 = B grade 52 = A grade
6 points = 1 grade
Average difference between
what was predicted and what 6 points = 1 grade
was achieved.
Average difference between
what the target grade was
and what was achieved.
6 points = 1 grade
5. Quick Glossary
Low Attainers
Lower Tier
Finished Year 6 below
level 4
Middle Tier
Finished Year 6 at level 4
Middle Attainers
Higher Tier
Finished Year 6 above level 4
Higher Attainers
8. Quick Glossary
Performance compared to other subjects
Predicted ALPS v Achieved ALPS
UCAS = University Points
SCATT = Government Points
Agreed in discussion with student
9. Less Quick Glossary
UMS = Uniform Mark Scale
UCAS = University Points
SCATT = Government Points
UMS A2 (Out of 600)
A*= AS 80%+ A2 90%
480 UMS = A (80%)
420 UMS = B (70%)
360 UMS = C (60%)
300 UMS = D (50%)
Can it get more complicated?
A - 39/62 (63%) - 80/100 UMS
B - 33/62 (53%) - 70/100 UMS
C - 27/62 (44%) - 60/100 UMS
D - 22/62 (35%) - 50/100 UMS
E - 17/62 (27%) - 40/100 UMS
A*= 140
A = 120
B = 100
C = 80
D = 60
12. How to use data?
Look for underperformance first
Look for trends next - bands, FSM, SEN, EAL
Compare classes
Take note of residuals
Consider quality of predictions
13. Data Ideas?
Talk about it with the student...
Use for RAG rating i.e. seating plans, PLCs etc
Think about differentiation
Think about sharing good practice
REMEMBER...It is a signpost not an end in itself!