Dolphin Data Lab has established an international network of data recovery engineers and plans to open localized data recovery centers in countries around the world, including Benin. Before reviewing data recovery in Benin specifically, some basic facts about the country are provided, such as its official languages, currency, population, and internet usage statistics. Common data recovery tools used in Benin include disk imaging utilities, firmware repair tools, hot-air rework stations, command cables, adapters, programmers, and multimeters.
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Data recovery benin
1. Data Recovery Benin
Dolphin Data Lab has set up the international data recovery engineers and technology
network and we are going to set up localized data recovery service center in each country
and help our users in each country in offering the most qualified data recovery services
with our professional data recovery tools and support.
Before we enter the review of the data recovery in Benin, there are some important basic
information we should learn which will help to understand more about the Benin data recovery
situations including the data recovery companies, data recovery tools used there and the data
recovery cost in Benin. Benin Country Code 229 Telephone Country Code: 229 ISO Country
Code, 2 Digit: BJ ISO Country Code, 3 Digit: BEN Benin Languages French (official), Fon
and Yoruba (most common vernaculars in south), tribal languages (at least six major ones in
north) Benin Currency: Franc de la Communau (XAF) Benin, officially the Republic of Benin,
is a country in Western Africa, formerly known as Dahomey (until 1975) or Dahomania. It has a
small coast line with the Bight of Benin in the south, borders Togo in the west, Nigeria in the
east, and Burkina Faso and Niger in the north. The capital is Porto Novo, but the seat of
government is Cotonou. Latest
Population Estimate: 8,791,832 population for 2009, according to Census Bureau. Internet
Usage Statistics: 160,000 Internet users as of June/09, 1.8% of the population, according to ITU.
Benin Electrical Outlet: 220 V,50 Hz Plug/socket/Electrical