This document discusses databases and compares traditional file-based data storage approaches to database approaches. It provides an example of a human resources database with records for 4 employees. It then contrasts the traditional approach where separate files are used for different applications and data vs the database approach where a database management system stores and provides access to shared data for multiple applications. Key advantages of the database approach include reduced redundancy, improved integrity, easier maintenance and better access controls. Potential disadvantages include increased complexity and cost.
9. Advantages of Database ApproachImproved Strategic Use of Corporate DataReduced Data RedundancyImproved Data IntegrityEasier Modification and UpdatingData and Program IndependenceBetter Access to Data and InformationStandardization of Data AccessA Framework for Program DevelopmentBetter Overall Protection of DataShared Data and Information ResourcesRCD
10. Disadvantages of Database ApproachMore ComplexityMore Difficult to recover from failureMore ExpensiveRCD