This document discusses challenges and new directions in acquiring small data sets for library collections. It outlines key questions about who purchases data sets and how they are stored and accessed on campuses. The rest of the document details the authors' experiences piloting a data set collection, including establishing relationships with vendors, specifying data needs, negotiating purchases and agreements, and making data available through metadata and storage. Next steps involve greater librarian involvement in research through consultation and more funding to expand data set collections.
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Dataset journeys hogenboom wiley charleston 2011
1. Data Set Journeys
New Directions and Challenges in
Acquiring Data for Library Collections
Karen Hogenboom, Numeric and Spatial Data Librarian
Lynn Wiley, Head of Acquisitions
2. Questions for everyone
Who is buying small data sets on your
Where are data sets stored on your campus?
How do researchers on campus know what
has been purchased and where it is stored?
3. What We Are Not Talking About
Data management plans required for federal
Research data generated on campus
Subscription databases of downloadable data
hosted on vendors servers
4. What We Are Talking About
Building a collection of downloadable small
data sets
User-driven collection development for data
Our experiences acquiring and managing data
Your experiences acquiring and managing data
5. Library Literature Review: sampling
Mark P. Newton, C. C. Miller & Marianne Stowell
Bracke (2010): Librarian Roles in Institutional
Repository Data Set Collecting: Collection
Management, 36:1, 53-67
Florance, Patrick. 2006. GIS collection development
within an academic library. Library Trends 55(2): 222
6. Literature Review sampling
Davis and Vickery (2007 Datasets, a Shift in
the Currency of Scholarly Communication:
Implications for Library Collections and
Acquisitions. Serials Review, 33(1), 2632
7. Why take this journey?
Increase campus access to data sets
Embed librarians in research process
Create data collection with confidence in
usefulness to campus researchers
Develop skills in buying, storing and providing
access to data sets
Develop relationships with vendors for this
8. First Step: Pilot Project
Call for proposals
Communication with potential applicants
Data Services Committee review
Brainstorm buying process internally
?License terms
?Delivery format and then storage
?Payment method
Ordering the data and its receipt
9. Now How Do We Get There?
Checking in with the vendor: relationships
Where are they and Who
Have they sold to libraries before
Are they in our database
Do they understand our requirements
Are they open to using our agreement language
Do they require an agreement be signed
10. BUYING contd
What to Buy
Exact set: dates: geographic regions, subsets
Format: excel, ascii, raw data vs.
categorized, conversion issues
Options for add ons or updating with new data
Date created updated and by whom Copyright
Lineage/ Origin
Unique identifier for description and ordering
11. Buying continued
HOW to buy
Outright Purchase
Subscription (how updated, frequency)
Privacy issues
Agreement enforcement or authentication of
Costs (# of users, maintenance fees)
Pay for: invoiced, credit card one time vs.
Have a standard data use agreement for access
12. Work around
Communication problems
Payment problems
Delivery problems
Sales to individuals
Follow up, follow up follow up
13. So We Know Where Were Going
What we identified from pilot project
Relationships critical
Start small
Need time to negotiate it all
Revenue issue for vendors 13
noncommercial yet needed income
Data needs very specific
14. And How Do We Make It Available?
One researcher no problem public need better
Load locally
Web links to Datasets
Catalog record
Small data sets
Corporate entry
16. Next Steps on the Journey: Metadata
NISO Standards
FGDC metadata / ISO 19115
Data Documentation Initiative (DDI)
MARC records
17. Next Steps:
Use and Storage of Datasets
Deposit issues: Technical, IRB
Cleaning data prior to deposit
Consultation on field values
Set up of data
Indexing or guides
18. More Next Steps
Specific ways to involve librarians in research
Rolling application period
Increase the funds available!
Spread the word
19. Discussion
Who is buying small data sets on your
Where are data sets stored on your campus?
How do researchers on campus know what
has been purchased and where it is stored?
20. Contact us:
Karen Hogenboom, Numeric and Spatial Data
Lynn Wiley, Head of Acquisitions:
23. Morris, Steven P. 2006. Geospatial Web services and
geoarchiving: New opportunities and challenges in
geographic information service. Library Trends
Available at:
Editor's Notes
#3: Want to know about your lessons learnedEspecially want to know about your vendors and their questionsCan you put your data up for public accessHow do you catalog them or make them accessible?What do researchers want on your campus
#4: Different ballgame federal grants specific requirements, PI privacy, tracking not publicAgain proprietary, confidential, ownershipThose seen as lease/purchase and as long straight forward OK, vendors know IP ranges etc. license issues st
#5: Making them useful to othersMeeting user needsFinding out about vendorsFinding our about researchBetter connections to campus
#6: While not talking about IR and curating local data the article from Purdue cover the new roles libns have in identifying., collecting, curating preserving and administering data sets. Described unique role libns have in describing material i.e. metadata and preserving it but also how well suited they are to broker acquisitions translate to researchers the value of consistent access, the provenance and context of the data, standards and long term preservation of data. Argue for broad access to share promote interdisciplinary research Similar in approaching vendors broad access needed to share data for best research.
#7: researchers continue to produce and request access to data for their work. While data are being produced at exponential rates, it is not a trivial matter for researchers to discover, access, and repurpose data sets. Lyman and Varian9 report that in 2002 alone more than five exabytes of information were created. That equates to 37,000 times the size of the Library of Congress. With advances in computing power and technology, it is easier than ever to mine and manipulate large data sets as long as they are mounted online.10,11 The problem for researchers and librarians, however, is that many of these data sets are scattered amongst individual researchers desktops; there exists no truly organized system for discovering, accessing, and repurposing data sets. MODELSIRSerial continuationsOne time paymentTransitional or the ad hoc model where anything may go
#8: LOTS of research going onGrants to buy data What wantedBy whomHow much costsIs it purchasable By vendorBy campusCan we license
#13: Translater of library termsNo business staff credit card Who sends it and howVsorganiaztion