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                            Microsoft Solution for Hosted Exchange 2003
Access to business e-mail   The Microsoft速 Solution for Hosted Exchange         and can be easily bundled with broadband or
on the go through Windows   2003 enables mobile operators to offer flexible     wireless service to help you differentiate your
Mobile-based Pocket PCs    and scalable rich e-mail, messaging, and            service offerings.
and Smartphones.            collaboration services to small and medium-sized
                                                                                The following benefits help make Hosted
                            businesses (SMBs) and consumers. Hosted
                                                                                Exchange a compelling solution for
                            Exchange is a tested, preengineered solution
                                                                                mobile operators:
                            based on Microsoft server products; it includes
                            management tools that help to ensure rapid
                                                                                Integrated Multiservice Platform
                            time-to-market and superior service levels
                            to end users.                                       Increase revenue and customer satisfaction
                                                                                with value-added services. Hosted Exchange
                            Hosted Exchange offers scalability to meet the      2003 is built on an integrated multiservice
                            changing needs of you and your customers,           platform. Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 and
                            accommodating from 30,000 to several million        Active Directory速 service, part of the Microsoft
                            mailboxes. When you want to address the SMB         Windows ServerTM 2003 operating system,
                            market, the solution offers flexible business       provide the foundation for a range
                            modeling and tools to quickly deploy value-added    of messaging servicesincluding basic
                            services with minimal cost. Each service added     e-mail, collaboration applications, Web hosting,
                            basic e-mail, additional storage, vanity domains,   calendaring, shared contacts, storage, custom
                            second-level domains, calendaring features,         domains, and mobile device synchronization.
                            wireless access, and messaging serviceshelps       The Hosted Exchange architecture can address
                            you to improve total cost of ownership (TCO).       multiple market segments: small and medium-
                            Your users can access services like basic           sized businesses, small office or home office
                            e-mail, calendaring, and delegation using the       users, consumers, and some enterprise
                            Microsoft Office Outlook速 2003 messaging            organizations. With only one platform to
                            and collaboration client as well as Outlook         maintain and update, your administration
                            Web Access, providing them with flexibility.        efforts are consolidated, thereby reducing
                            The solution also includes the ability to           the overall cost of the solution and your
                            provide Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)        operational costs.
                            domains and mobile device synchronization,

ABOUT WINDOWS               Windows Mobile puts the power of Windows速 software into a single Pocket PC or Smartphone device,
MOBILE SOFT WAR E     損     helping you do more with the people and things that matter. The simple interface, distinctive icons
                            and powerful software keep the experience consistent, easy and effective. And, depending on the
                            Windows Mobile-based device or additional products and services selected, you can send e-mails,
                            instant message and access the Web or corporate network virtually anywhere.
                            An extensible software platform for the development and delivery of mobile solutions, Windows Mobile
                            software helps mobile operators increase average revenue per user and subscriber loyalty, while offer-
                            ing customers a personal and powerful mobile experience.
Hosted Exchange uses Active Directory to store key user                                              solid statistics, you have information to help improve capacity
information. This directory-based central management                                                 planning and validate system performance. You can identify
facilitates adding new services and helps to maximize                                                performance deviations as they occur, rather than after the
profitability. Competitive solutions require additional                                              fact. In this way, you have more control over performance and
engineering resources to consolidate the same type of                                                can help prevent problems.
services, incurring supplementary costs and straining your
internal resources.                                                                                  Service Disruption Monitoring
Every wireless operator is different and every customer is                                           Microsoft Operations Manager proactively monitors key metrics
different. With Hosted Exchange, you can flexibly address                                            such as the number of messages sent per second for each
different customer needs and ensure that you can provide                                             service. You can configure Hosted Exchange to send alerts to
differentiated service offerings today and in the future.                                            necessary parties or generate automatic responses to critical
For example, using Outlook Web Access, you can develop                                               issues. In this way, you are better equipped to resolve problems
a customized Web client with your own branding. Hosted                                               when a failure occurs. Hosted Exchange offers sample scenarios,
Exchange also includes wireless mobile device synchronization,                                       proposed performance metrics, and a guide to implementing
which enables users to stay current with their calendar,                                             alerts that trigger when performance metrics are not met.
contacts, and e-mail using Windows MobileTMbased devices
like Pocket PC, Pocket PC Phone Edition, and Smartphone.                                             Customizable Knowledge Base
                                                                                                     Hosted Exchange offers you a way to manage knowledge and
Provisioning Automation                                                                              expertise related to system operations. The customizable
Lower support costs with centralized management. Hosted                                              knowledge base captures information in a central location. You
Exchange employs Active Directory to offer centralized                                               can rely on the knowledge base for assistance with problem
management, which enables you to manage all users and                                                identification and root-cause analysis; you are equipped with the
services from a single point. Centralized management reduces                                         information to improve turnaround and fix potential problems.
redundancy and improves accuracy because you manage                                                  The knowledge base also offers an innovative, efficient way to
groups of objects, rather than each object individually.                                             train new operators. The customizable knowledge base means
                                                                                                     that you have information to help improve system operations,
Hosted Exchange includes an automated provisioning tool that                                         resulting in lower operating costs, increased uptime, and
enables you to delegate administration tasks to customers                                            improved user experiences.
or resellers, reducing the demand on your customer support
resources. Using the provisioning component, you can provision                                       Low-Cost Deployment
multiple users on multiple service plans at the same time.
                                                                                                     Hosted Exchange helps to lower the cost of deployment by
Automated provisioning results in lower provisioning
                                                                                                     providing tools to create automatic build verifications. Using
costs and may enable you to reallocate your development
                                                                                                     the automatic build verification feature in Microsoft Operations
resources, which can result in faster time-to-market for other
                                                                                                     Manager, you can double-check a systems setup to ensure that
value-added services.
                                                                                                     all components are installed properly and performing according
By improving server management, you can potentially reduce                                           to planned metrics. By comparing the system with the design
TCO while improving use of your support and IT resources.                                            specifications, you can minimize the risk of potential failures by
                                                                                                     responding to inconsistencies and correcting deviations before
Proactive Monitoring                                                                                 deploying to all systems. Automatic build verification helps to
Decrease cost of operations and reduce service interruptions.                                        ensure consistency and improve the deployment process by
Hosted Exchange includes a proactive monitoring component                                            checking for potential problems before the process is complete.
based on Microsoft Operations Manager, designed to                                                   The result: faster time-to-market.
improve the reliability and scalability of your systems. The
                                                                                                     Tools and Services to Help You Succeed
proactive monitoring tool offers e-mail flow analysis, logon
failure detection, and service disruption monitoring. Once                                           Tested and supported, the Microsoft Solution for Hosted
implemented, these features provide insight into system                                              Exchange equips you with the tools and know-how needed
activities, performance, and thresholds. By proactively                                              to reduce operating costs and develop revenue-generating
monitoring system operations and implementing executable                                             service models. Based on Microsoft server products and
contingency plans for crisis situations, you can create an                                           services, the solution offers a familiar interface with a low
optimal user experience for your customers.                                                          learning curve, which means that you can quickly implement
                                                                                                     components and start benefiting from the results.
E-mail Flow Analysis
                                                                                                     To implement Hosted Exchange or for more information,
By measuring the number of messages per hour for each                                                contact your Microsoft account representative or Microsoft
service, you can have accurate, relevant statistics on e-mail                                        Consulting Services.
activity. E-mail flow analysis creates reports detailing the
number of subscribers and their load on e-mail services. With

M                                                 Learn more, visit: www.microsoft.com/mobileoperators
息 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO
WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY. Microsoft, Active Directory, Outlook, Windows Mobile, and Windows
Server are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

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  • 1. Windows Mobile Software Microsoft Solution for Hosted Exchange 2003 Access to business e-mail The Microsoft速 Solution for Hosted Exchange and can be easily bundled with broadband or on the go through Windows 2003 enables mobile operators to offer flexible wireless service to help you differentiate your Mobile-based Pocket PCs and scalable rich e-mail, messaging, and service offerings. and Smartphones. collaboration services to small and medium-sized The following benefits help make Hosted businesses (SMBs) and consumers. Hosted Exchange a compelling solution for Exchange is a tested, preengineered solution mobile operators: based on Microsoft server products; it includes management tools that help to ensure rapid Integrated Multiservice Platform time-to-market and superior service levels to end users. Increase revenue and customer satisfaction with value-added services. Hosted Exchange Hosted Exchange offers scalability to meet the 2003 is built on an integrated multiservice changing needs of you and your customers, platform. Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 and accommodating from 30,000 to several million Active Directory速 service, part of the Microsoft mailboxes. When you want to address the SMB Windows ServerTM 2003 operating system, market, the solution offers flexible business provide the foundation for a range modeling and tools to quickly deploy value-added of messaging servicesincluding basic services with minimal cost. Each service added e-mail, collaboration applications, Web hosting, basic e-mail, additional storage, vanity domains, calendaring, shared contacts, storage, custom second-level domains, calendaring features, domains, and mobile device synchronization. wireless access, and messaging serviceshelps The Hosted Exchange architecture can address you to improve total cost of ownership (TCO). multiple market segments: small and medium- Your users can access services like basic sized businesses, small office or home office e-mail, calendaring, and delegation using the users, consumers, and some enterprise Microsoft Office Outlook速 2003 messaging organizations. With only one platform to and collaboration client as well as Outlook maintain and update, your administration Web Access, providing them with flexibility. efforts are consolidated, thereby reducing The solution also includes the ability to the overall cost of the solution and your provide Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) operational costs. domains and mobile device synchronization, ABOUT WINDOWS Windows Mobile puts the power of Windows速 software into a single Pocket PC or Smartphone device, MOBILE SOFT WAR E 損 helping you do more with the people and things that matter. The simple interface, distinctive icons and powerful software keep the experience consistent, easy and effective. And, depending on the Windows Mobile-based device or additional products and services selected, you can send e-mails, instant message and access the Web or corporate network virtually anywhere. An extensible software platform for the development and delivery of mobile solutions, Windows Mobile software helps mobile operators increase average revenue per user and subscriber loyalty, while offer- ing customers a personal and powerful mobile experience.
  • 2. Hosted Exchange uses Active Directory to store key user solid statistics, you have information to help improve capacity information. This directory-based central management planning and validate system performance. You can identify facilitates adding new services and helps to maximize performance deviations as they occur, rather than after the profitability. Competitive solutions require additional fact. In this way, you have more control over performance and engineering resources to consolidate the same type of can help prevent problems. services, incurring supplementary costs and straining your internal resources. Service Disruption Monitoring Every wireless operator is different and every customer is Microsoft Operations Manager proactively monitors key metrics different. With Hosted Exchange, you can flexibly address such as the number of messages sent per second for each different customer needs and ensure that you can provide service. You can configure Hosted Exchange to send alerts to differentiated service offerings today and in the future. necessary parties or generate automatic responses to critical For example, using Outlook Web Access, you can develop issues. In this way, you are better equipped to resolve problems a customized Web client with your own branding. Hosted when a failure occurs. Hosted Exchange offers sample scenarios, Exchange also includes wireless mobile device synchronization, proposed performance metrics, and a guide to implementing which enables users to stay current with their calendar, alerts that trigger when performance metrics are not met. contacts, and e-mail using Windows MobileTMbased devices like Pocket PC, Pocket PC Phone Edition, and Smartphone. Customizable Knowledge Base Hosted Exchange offers you a way to manage knowledge and Provisioning Automation expertise related to system operations. The customizable Lower support costs with centralized management. Hosted knowledge base captures information in a central location. You Exchange employs Active Directory to offer centralized can rely on the knowledge base for assistance with problem management, which enables you to manage all users and identification and root-cause analysis; you are equipped with the services from a single point. Centralized management reduces information to improve turnaround and fix potential problems. redundancy and improves accuracy because you manage The knowledge base also offers an innovative, efficient way to groups of objects, rather than each object individually. train new operators. The customizable knowledge base means that you have information to help improve system operations, Hosted Exchange includes an automated provisioning tool that resulting in lower operating costs, increased uptime, and enables you to delegate administration tasks to customers improved user experiences. or resellers, reducing the demand on your customer support resources. Using the provisioning component, you can provision Low-Cost Deployment multiple users on multiple service plans at the same time. Hosted Exchange helps to lower the cost of deployment by Automated provisioning results in lower provisioning providing tools to create automatic build verifications. Using costs and may enable you to reallocate your development the automatic build verification feature in Microsoft Operations resources, which can result in faster time-to-market for other Manager, you can double-check a systems setup to ensure that value-added services. all components are installed properly and performing according By improving server management, you can potentially reduce to planned metrics. By comparing the system with the design TCO while improving use of your support and IT resources. specifications, you can minimize the risk of potential failures by responding to inconsistencies and correcting deviations before Proactive Monitoring deploying to all systems. Automatic build verification helps to Decrease cost of operations and reduce service interruptions. ensure consistency and improve the deployment process by Hosted Exchange includes a proactive monitoring component checking for potential problems before the process is complete. based on Microsoft Operations Manager, designed to The result: faster time-to-market. improve the reliability and scalability of your systems. The Tools and Services to Help You Succeed proactive monitoring tool offers e-mail flow analysis, logon failure detection, and service disruption monitoring. Once Tested and supported, the Microsoft Solution for Hosted implemented, these features provide insight into system Exchange equips you with the tools and know-how needed activities, performance, and thresholds. By proactively to reduce operating costs and develop revenue-generating monitoring system operations and implementing executable service models. Based on Microsoft server products and contingency plans for crisis situations, you can create an services, the solution offers a familiar interface with a low optimal user experience for your customers. learning curve, which means that you can quickly implement components and start benefiting from the results. E-mail Flow Analysis To implement Hosted Exchange or for more information, By measuring the number of messages per hour for each contact your Microsoft account representative or Microsoft service, you can have accurate, relevant statistics on e-mail Consulting Services. activity. E-mail flow analysis creates reports detailing the number of subscribers and their load on e-mail services. With M Learn more, visit: www.microsoft.com/mobileoperators 息 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY. Microsoft, Active Directory, Outlook, Windows Mobile, and Windows Server are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. 0204