This technical data sheet summarizes the properties of Robaflow® S, a high stiffness plastic with excellent chemical resistance. It has a density of 1.06 g/cm3, is flame resistant, and absorbs minimal moisture. Its mechanical properties include a yield stress of 30 MPa, elongation over 50%, and tensile modulus of 1500 MPa. Thermally, it has a coefficient of linear thermal expansion of 70-90 x 10-6/K and a Vicat softening temperature of 115°C. Electrically, it has a dielectric constant of 2.7 and high volume and surface resistivity. Robaflow® S is suitable for applications like headbox vanes in the paper industry due
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Datasheet Robaflow s_en
1. Technical Data Sheet
Product characteristics Product applications
High stiffness
Excellent chemical resistance
Paper industry / headbox vanes
Test method Unit Guideline Value
General properties
Density DIN EN ISO 1183-1 g / cm3
Flammability UL 94 HB
Moisture Absorption (23°C, 50% RH) DIN EN ISO 62 % 0,06
Mechanical properties
Yield stress DIN EN ISO 527 MPa 30
Elongation at break DIN EN ISO 527 % >50
Tensile modulus of elasticity DIN EN ISO 527 MPa 1500
Notched impact strength ISO 179-1/1eA kJ / m2
Shore hardness DIN EN ISO 868 scale D 78
Ball indentation hardness (H358/30) DIN EN ISO 2039-1 MPa 70
Thermal properties
Coefficient of linear thermal expansion DIN 53752 10-6
/ K 70 - 90
Vicat softening temperature DIN EN ISO 306, Vicat B °C 115
Electrical properties
Dielectric constant IEC 60250 2,7
Volume resistivity DIN EN 62631-3-1 Ω * cm 1015
Surface resistivity DIN EN 62631-3-2 Ω >1015
The data stated above are average values ascertained by statistical tests on a regular basis. They are in accordance with DIN EN 15860. The data above are provided purely for
information and shall not be regarded as binding unless expressly agreed in a contract of sale.
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Date: 28/04/2020 Version: 2.0.0
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