The document provides a curriculum vitae for David Arroyo Guarde単o, including his educational background in telecommunications engineering and physics of complex systems, work experience studying chaos-based cryptosystems and nonlinear ultrasonic devices, and record of publications in international journals and conferences on topics related to chaos theory, cryptography, and image processing.
Este documento trata sobre grupos, anillos y cuerpos finitos. Introduce conceptos b叩sicos como grupos abelianos, subgrupos y grupos c鱈clicos. Luego explica propiedades de anillos como isomorfismos, anillos de polinomios, extensiones algebraicas y cuerpos de descomposici坦n. Finalmente, cubre temas relacionados con cuerpos finitos como caracteres de grupos, extensiones normales y la construcci坦n de un cuerpo finito de 16 elementos.
The document provides an introduction to applied symbolic dynamics of unimodal maps. It discusses patterns, maximal shift sequences (MSS), and Gray codes. For patterns, it defines order and legal inverse paths. For MSS, it discusses observations and theorems about sequences generated by unimodal maps. It then introduces Gray ordering numbers (GON) and their application to visualize sequences generated by maps like the logistic map and Mandelbrot map.
Este documento presenta la transformada wavelet discreta (DWT) mediante el esquema de lifting utilizado en JPEG2000. Explica los aspectos te坦ricos de la DWT, c坦mo el esquema de lifting implementa la DWT de forma m叩s eficiente que el filtrado FIR cl叩sico procesando las muestras, y detalla la implementaci坦n en C++ de la DWT unidimensional, bidimensional y multinivel para las wavelets CDF5/3 y CDF9/7.
Este documento describe el an叩lisis tiempo-frecuencia de secuencias ca坦ticas mediante wavelets. Introduce conceptos como wavelets anal鱈ticas, resoluci坦n tiempo-frecuencia, escalogramas y crestas wavelet. Explica c坦mo las crestas wavelets pueden usarse para detectar comportamiento ca坦tico en una secuencia. Tambi辿n resume propuestas para usar la transformada wavelet para analizar la entrop鱈a de sistemas, incluyendo entrop鱈a multiresoluci坦n y entrop鱈a multiresoluci坦n continua.
Fundamentos del criptoan叩lisis diferencialdarg0001
El documento describe el algoritmo de cifrado DES y los fundamentos del criptoan叩lisis diferencial. DES es un cifrado sim辿trico por bloques que utiliza 16 rondas de una funci坦n de confusi坦n y difusi坦n (F) que opera sobre subclaves generadas a partir de una clave maestra. El criptoan叩lisis diferencial analiza c坦mo se propagan las diferencias entre pares de textos claros a trav辿s de las rondas F para deducir informaci坦n sobre las subclaves.
Este documento describe dos m辿todos para la identificaci坦n del canal de comunicaci坦n: el algoritmo LMS y el algoritmo DBD. El algoritmo LMS usa codificaci坦n ca坦tica de se単ales de voz para mejorar su rendimiento en la identificaci坦n del canal. El algoritmo DBD permite identificar el canal sin conocer la se単al original, realizando una identificaci坦n "ciega". El documento tambi辿n introduce filtros de Wiener y analiza la formulaci坦n y convergencia del algoritmo LMS.
Este documento propone un esquema para comprimir datos hist坦ricos anal坦gicos mediante la transformada wavelet y el algoritmo SPIHT. La transformada wavelet descompone los datos en componentes de diferentes resoluciones, concentr叩ndose la energ鱈a en pocos coeficientes. El algoritmo SPIHT codifica eficientemente estos coeficientes, logrando una alta compresi坦n sin p辿rdida de calidad en la reconstrucci坦n. El esquema propuesto permite navegar los datos desde detalles hasta tendencias generales.
Aplicaciones de la transformada de fourier para deteccion de da単osJavier Gonzales
1) La transformada ond鱈cula es una herramienta matem叩tica que descompone se単ales en componentes localizadas en el tiempo y la frecuencia. Esto permite un an叩lisis m叩s detallado de se単ales no estacionarias que la transformada de Fourier.
2) El documento presenta dos aplicaciones de la transformada ond鱈cula en ingenier鱈a: la detecci坦n de componentes de diferentes frecuencias en una se単al, y la detecci坦n de da単os estructurales mediante peque単os cambios en la rigidez.
3) La transformada ond
International Journal on Cryptography and Information Security (IJCIS)ijcisjournal
International Journal on Cryptography and Information Security (IJCIS) is an open access peer
reviewed journal that focuses on cutting-edge results in applied cryptography and Information
security. It aims to bring together scientists, researchers and students to exchange novel ideas and
results in all aspects of cryptography, coding and Information security
June 2024 -TOP_10_CITED_PAPERS_FOR_CRYPTOGRAPHY_AND.pdfijcisjournal
International Journal on Cryptography and Information Security (IJCIS) is an open access peer reviewed journal that focuses on cutting-edge results in applied cryptography and Information security. It aims to bring together scientists, researchers and students to exchange novel ideas and results in all aspects of cryptography, coding and Information security.
October 2022: Top 10 Read Articles in Signal & Image Processingsipij
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal intended for researchers from academia and industry, who are active in the multidisciplinary field of signal & image processing. The scope of the journal covers all theoretical and practical aspects of the Digital Signal Processing & Image processing, from basic research to development of application.
Authors are solicited to contribute to the journal by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the areas of Signal & Image processing.
September 2022: Top 10 Read Articles in Signal & Image Processingsipij
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal intended for researchers from academia and industry, who are active in the multidisciplinary field of signal & image processing. The scope of the journal covers all theoretical and practical aspects of the Digital Signal Processing & Image processing, from basic research to development of application.
Authors are solicited to contribute to the journal by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the areas of Signal & Image processing.
May 2022: Top Read Articles in Signal & Image Processingsipij
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal intended for researchers from academia and industry, who are active in the multidisciplinary field of signal & image processing. The scope of the journal covers all theoretical and practical aspects of the Digital Signal Processing & Image processing, from basic research to development of application.
Authors are solicited to contribute to the journal by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the areas of Signal & Image processing.
April 2022: Top Read Articles in Signal & Image Processingsipij
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal intended for researchers from academia and industry, who are active in the multidisciplinary field of signal & image processing. The scope of the journal covers all theoretical and practical aspects of the Digital Signal Processing & Image processing, from basic research to development of application.
Authors are solicited to contribute to the journal by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the areas of Signal & Image processing.
June 2022: Top 10 Read Articles in Signal & Image Processingsipij
This article summarizes two papers published in the journal Signal & Image Processing.
The first paper describes a Gaussian mixture model-based speech recognition system developed using MATLAB. It analyzes the accuracy of GMM for modeling speech and the performance of the overall system.
The second paper proposes two new methods for securing images using cryptography and steganography. The first method encrypts an image into ciphertext using S-DES encryption and hides the text in a second image. The second method directly encrypts an image using a key image as the S-DES key and hides the encrypted data in a second image.
January 2023: Top 10 Read Articles in Signal &Image Processing sipij
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal intended for researchers from academia and industry, who are active in the multidisciplinary field of signal & image processing. The scope of the journal covers all theoretical and practical aspects of the Digital Signal Processing & Image processing, from basic research to development of application.
Authors are solicited to contribute to the journal by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the areas of Signal & Image processing.
August 2022: Top 10 Read Articles in Signal & Image Processingsipij
This document summarizes two papers published in the journal Signal & Image Processing: An International Journal (SIPIJ).
The first paper presents a Gaussian mixture model-based speech recognition system developed using MATLAB. It analyzes the accuracy of Gaussian mixture models for parametric modeling and the performance of the system for recognizing isolated digits 0-9.
The second paper proposes two new methods for secured image steganography that combine cryptography and steganography. The first method encrypts an image into cipher text using S-DES encryption and hides the text in a cover image. The second method directly encrypts an image using a key image as input to S-DES and hides the encrypted data in a cover image.
April 2023: Top 10 Read Articles in Signal & Image Processingsipij
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal intended for researchers from academia and industry, who are active in the multidisciplinary field of signal & image processing. The scope of the journal covers all theoretical and practical aspects of the Digital Signal Processing & Image processing, from basic research to development of application.
Authors are solicited to contribute to the journal by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the areas of Signal & Image processing.
July 2022: Top 10 Read Articles in Signal & Image Processingsipij
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal intended for researchers from academia and industry, who are active in the multidisciplinary field of signal & image processing. The scope of the journal covers all theoretical and practical aspects of the Digital Signal Processing & Image processing, from basic research to development of application.
Authors are solicited to contribute to the journal by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the areas of Signal & Image processing.
This document outlines several courses that are part of a degree program. It provides details for 14 different courses, including information on course credits, instructor, department, topics covered, schedule, and required literature. The courses cover a range of technical subjects within computer science and informatics, such as ad hoc networks, data mining, software engineering, cryptography, and web development. Students would take a combination of obligatory and optional courses over the course of their degree program to earn a total of 120 credits.
This document provides a biography for Jaime Sequel including his educational background, academic appointments, administrative positions, committee service, research grants, and publications. Sequel has a PhD in Mathematics from CUNY and is currently an Acting Dean of Academic Affairs at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez. He has over 50 peer-reviewed publications and has advised over 30 graduate students. Sequel's research interests include bioinformatics, computing theory, and systems.
This curriculum vita summarizes the educational and professional background of Khaled Rasheed. It lists his positions including Associate Professor at the University of Georgia, education including a Ph.D from Rutgers University, research interests in artificial intelligence techniques and applications, honors and awards, grants, publications, and professional activities. The vita provides a concise overview of Rasheed's qualifications and accomplishments.
The document summarizes research on deep randomized neural networks. It provides an overview of the field, discussing key concepts such as accuracy, complexity of models, and comparing deep randomized neural networks to other approaches like linear models and SVMs. It also reviews several papers that study properties of randomized neural networks, such as their intrinsic dimension and generalization capabilities. Various applications of randomized networks are explored, such as in classification and time series prediction tasks.
New Research Articles 2020 June Issue International Journal on Cryptography a...ijcisjournal
International Journal on Cryptography and Information Security ( IJCIS)
ISSN : 1839-8626
New Research Articles 2020 June Issue International Journal on Cryptography and Information Security (IJCIS)
Selective Encryption of Image by Number Maze Technique
Santosh Mutnuru, Sweeti Kumari Sah and S. Y Pavan Kumar, Eastern Michigan University, USA
Towards A Deeper NTRU Analysis: A Multi Modal Analysis
Chuck Easttom1, Anas Ibrahim2, Alexander Chefranov3, Izzat Alsmadi4 and Richard Hansen5, 1Adjunct Georgetown University and University of Dallas, 2&3Eastern Mediterranean University, 4Texas A&M University, 5Capitol Technology University
Brief bibliography of interestingness measure, bayesian belief network and ca...Adnan Masood
This document provides a brief bibliography of papers related to interestingness measures, Bayesian belief networks, and causal inference. It lists over 60 references published between 1961-2012 on topics such as outlier detection, probabilistic graphical models, sensitivity analysis of Bayesian networks, rule interestingness measures, and applications of Bayesian networks in domains like fraud detection and credit risk evaluation. The references are grouped into sections on learning Bayesian networks from data, sensitivity analysis, outlier detection, rule interestingness measures, and applications.
This document summarizes the history and activities of ISCRAM, an international community that promotes research and development of information systems for crisis response and management. Some key points:
- ISCRAM began in 2004 and has grown to over 1600 registered users. It holds international conferences alternating between Europe and North America.
- The conferences provide a forum for academics and practitioners to discuss topics like social media in crises, IT for humanitarian operations, and visualization tools. Special sessions cover issues like healthcare in emergencies and security.
- ISCRAM also organizes workshops in China and summer schools for PhD students. It publishes articles in journals and communications of ACM to disseminate research.
- Going
Professor Harry Wechsler is a professor of computer science at George Mason University who received his PhD from the University of California, Irvine in 1975. His research focuses on areas related to computer vision, pattern recognition, neural networks, and human-computer interaction. He has over 200 publications and has edited several books. He has also held visiting professorships around the world and serves on the organizing committees for several computer science conferences.
Hashtag Magazine March Issue 2025 | Top News Magazine online in Indiasrinuhashtag
Read your favourite magazines anywhere, anytime. Enjoy unlimited access to our archives. Free download the latest March Issue 2025 on the India's premium lifestyle Hashtag Magazine published by Sinduri Vuppala
Bicycle accidents are more dangerous than many realize. 癌鏝
78% of fatal bike crashes happen in cities
62% of bicyclists killed in 2022 werent wearing helmets
Adult cyclist fatalities have tripled since 1975
If youve been injured in a bicycle accident due to someone elses negligence, Bisnar Chase can help. Visit to learn more. 鏝 #BikeSafety #ShareTheRoad
International Journal on Cryptography and Information Security (IJCIS)ijcisjournal
International Journal on Cryptography and Information Security (IJCIS) is an open access peer
reviewed journal that focuses on cutting-edge results in applied cryptography and Information
security. It aims to bring together scientists, researchers and students to exchange novel ideas and
results in all aspects of cryptography, coding and Information security
June 2024 -TOP_10_CITED_PAPERS_FOR_CRYPTOGRAPHY_AND.pdfijcisjournal
International Journal on Cryptography and Information Security (IJCIS) is an open access peer reviewed journal that focuses on cutting-edge results in applied cryptography and Information security. It aims to bring together scientists, researchers and students to exchange novel ideas and results in all aspects of cryptography, coding and Information security.
October 2022: Top 10 Read Articles in Signal & Image Processingsipij
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal intended for researchers from academia and industry, who are active in the multidisciplinary field of signal & image processing. The scope of the journal covers all theoretical and practical aspects of the Digital Signal Processing & Image processing, from basic research to development of application.
Authors are solicited to contribute to the journal by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the areas of Signal & Image processing.
September 2022: Top 10 Read Articles in Signal & Image Processingsipij
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal intended for researchers from academia and industry, who are active in the multidisciplinary field of signal & image processing. The scope of the journal covers all theoretical and practical aspects of the Digital Signal Processing & Image processing, from basic research to development of application.
Authors are solicited to contribute to the journal by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the areas of Signal & Image processing.
May 2022: Top Read Articles in Signal & Image Processingsipij
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal intended for researchers from academia and industry, who are active in the multidisciplinary field of signal & image processing. The scope of the journal covers all theoretical and practical aspects of the Digital Signal Processing & Image processing, from basic research to development of application.
Authors are solicited to contribute to the journal by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the areas of Signal & Image processing.
April 2022: Top Read Articles in Signal & Image Processingsipij
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal intended for researchers from academia and industry, who are active in the multidisciplinary field of signal & image processing. The scope of the journal covers all theoretical and practical aspects of the Digital Signal Processing & Image processing, from basic research to development of application.
Authors are solicited to contribute to the journal by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the areas of Signal & Image processing.
June 2022: Top 10 Read Articles in Signal & Image Processingsipij
This article summarizes two papers published in the journal Signal & Image Processing.
The first paper describes a Gaussian mixture model-based speech recognition system developed using MATLAB. It analyzes the accuracy of GMM for modeling speech and the performance of the overall system.
The second paper proposes two new methods for securing images using cryptography and steganography. The first method encrypts an image into ciphertext using S-DES encryption and hides the text in a second image. The second method directly encrypts an image using a key image as the S-DES key and hides the encrypted data in a second image.
January 2023: Top 10 Read Articles in Signal &Image Processing sipij
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal intended for researchers from academia and industry, who are active in the multidisciplinary field of signal & image processing. The scope of the journal covers all theoretical and practical aspects of the Digital Signal Processing & Image processing, from basic research to development of application.
Authors are solicited to contribute to the journal by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the areas of Signal & Image processing.
August 2022: Top 10 Read Articles in Signal & Image Processingsipij
This document summarizes two papers published in the journal Signal & Image Processing: An International Journal (SIPIJ).
The first paper presents a Gaussian mixture model-based speech recognition system developed using MATLAB. It analyzes the accuracy of Gaussian mixture models for parametric modeling and the performance of the system for recognizing isolated digits 0-9.
The second paper proposes two new methods for secured image steganography that combine cryptography and steganography. The first method encrypts an image into cipher text using S-DES encryption and hides the text in a cover image. The second method directly encrypts an image using a key image as input to S-DES and hides the encrypted data in a cover image.
April 2023: Top 10 Read Articles in Signal & Image Processingsipij
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal intended for researchers from academia and industry, who are active in the multidisciplinary field of signal & image processing. The scope of the journal covers all theoretical and practical aspects of the Digital Signal Processing & Image processing, from basic research to development of application.
Authors are solicited to contribute to the journal by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the areas of Signal & Image processing.
July 2022: Top 10 Read Articles in Signal & Image Processingsipij
Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal intended for researchers from academia and industry, who are active in the multidisciplinary field of signal & image processing. The scope of the journal covers all theoretical and practical aspects of the Digital Signal Processing & Image processing, from basic research to development of application.
Authors are solicited to contribute to the journal by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the areas of Signal & Image processing.
This document outlines several courses that are part of a degree program. It provides details for 14 different courses, including information on course credits, instructor, department, topics covered, schedule, and required literature. The courses cover a range of technical subjects within computer science and informatics, such as ad hoc networks, data mining, software engineering, cryptography, and web development. Students would take a combination of obligatory and optional courses over the course of their degree program to earn a total of 120 credits.
This document provides a biography for Jaime Sequel including his educational background, academic appointments, administrative positions, committee service, research grants, and publications. Sequel has a PhD in Mathematics from CUNY and is currently an Acting Dean of Academic Affairs at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez. He has over 50 peer-reviewed publications and has advised over 30 graduate students. Sequel's research interests include bioinformatics, computing theory, and systems.
This curriculum vita summarizes the educational and professional background of Khaled Rasheed. It lists his positions including Associate Professor at the University of Georgia, education including a Ph.D from Rutgers University, research interests in artificial intelligence techniques and applications, honors and awards, grants, publications, and professional activities. The vita provides a concise overview of Rasheed's qualifications and accomplishments.
The document summarizes research on deep randomized neural networks. It provides an overview of the field, discussing key concepts such as accuracy, complexity of models, and comparing deep randomized neural networks to other approaches like linear models and SVMs. It also reviews several papers that study properties of randomized neural networks, such as their intrinsic dimension and generalization capabilities. Various applications of randomized networks are explored, such as in classification and time series prediction tasks.
New Research Articles 2020 June Issue International Journal on Cryptography a...ijcisjournal
International Journal on Cryptography and Information Security ( IJCIS)
ISSN : 1839-8626
New Research Articles 2020 June Issue International Journal on Cryptography and Information Security (IJCIS)
Selective Encryption of Image by Number Maze Technique
Santosh Mutnuru, Sweeti Kumari Sah and S. Y Pavan Kumar, Eastern Michigan University, USA
Towards A Deeper NTRU Analysis: A Multi Modal Analysis
Chuck Easttom1, Anas Ibrahim2, Alexander Chefranov3, Izzat Alsmadi4 and Richard Hansen5, 1Adjunct Georgetown University and University of Dallas, 2&3Eastern Mediterranean University, 4Texas A&M University, 5Capitol Technology University
Brief bibliography of interestingness measure, bayesian belief network and ca...Adnan Masood
This document provides a brief bibliography of papers related to interestingness measures, Bayesian belief networks, and causal inference. It lists over 60 references published between 1961-2012 on topics such as outlier detection, probabilistic graphical models, sensitivity analysis of Bayesian networks, rule interestingness measures, and applications of Bayesian networks in domains like fraud detection and credit risk evaluation. The references are grouped into sections on learning Bayesian networks from data, sensitivity analysis, outlier detection, rule interestingness measures, and applications.
This document summarizes the history and activities of ISCRAM, an international community that promotes research and development of information systems for crisis response and management. Some key points:
- ISCRAM began in 2004 and has grown to over 1600 registered users. It holds international conferences alternating between Europe and North America.
- The conferences provide a forum for academics and practitioners to discuss topics like social media in crises, IT for humanitarian operations, and visualization tools. Special sessions cover issues like healthcare in emergencies and security.
- ISCRAM also organizes workshops in China and summer schools for PhD students. It publishes articles in journals and communications of ACM to disseminate research.
- Going
Professor Harry Wechsler is a professor of computer science at George Mason University who received his PhD from the University of California, Irvine in 1975. His research focuses on areas related to computer vision, pattern recognition, neural networks, and human-computer interaction. He has over 200 publications and has edited several books. He has also held visiting professorships around the world and serves on the organizing committees for several computer science conferences.
Hashtag Magazine March Issue 2025 | Top News Magazine online in Indiasrinuhashtag
Read your favourite magazines anywhere, anytime. Enjoy unlimited access to our archives. Free download the latest March Issue 2025 on the India's premium lifestyle Hashtag Magazine published by Sinduri Vuppala
Bicycle accidents are more dangerous than many realize. 癌鏝
78% of fatal bike crashes happen in cities
62% of bicyclists killed in 2022 werent wearing helmets
Adult cyclist fatalities have tripled since 1975
If youve been injured in a bicycle accident due to someone elses negligence, Bisnar Chase can help. Visit to learn more. 鏝 #BikeSafety #ShareTheRoad
Beyond Work, Pieter Stalenhoef Maintains an Active LifestyleWilliamClack2
Aspiring Author Pieter Stalenhoef is presently employed as a financial advisor for Santander Investment Services in Greater Boston, Massachusetts. Outside of work, Stalenhoef leads an active life with hobbies like tennis, skiing, and cycling that keep him busy.
Ladies Latin Dance Shoes - Dance AmericaDance America
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Summer can be a challenging season for gardeners. Rising temperatures, intense sunlight, and dry conditions can stress plants, leading to wilting, poor growth, or even plant loss. However, with proper care, your garden can stay lush, green, and thriving all summer long.
In this guide, well share 15 essential summer gardening tips to help you maintain moisture, protect plants from heat, and promote healthy growth during the hottest months of the year.
Men's shops in Shahabad began with a simple yet profound vision: to redefine the fashion industry by offering clothing that not only looks good but also feels good. We noticed a gap in the market where style often compromised comfort, and vice versa. Determined to bridge this divide, we set out to create a brand that marries the two seamlessly.
MTA - City International Hospital's Tran Quoc Bao Shares Insights on Pioneeri...Ignite Capital
City International Hospital (CIH) has become a leading player in global medical tourism, providing exceptional care to international patients. With over 11 years of experience, CIH specializes in over 20 medical fields, including stroke, cardiology, and surgery, and has earned global recognition. Honored with a Gold Membership from the Medical Tourism Association (MTA), CIH continues to expand its reach, attracting patients from across the globe.
Dr. Tran Quoc, Planning & Marketing Director, discusses the hospital's unique approach to patient care, its comprehensive services, and its vision for the future of medical travel. CIH emphasizes a holistic care model, personalized treatment, and advanced medical technology, fostering a nurturing environment for recovery. The hospital's commitment to excellence is reflected in its features across major global platforms such as Voice of America, U.S. News & World Report, Yahoo, and Hospital Insights.
Reimagining Colorado's Future_ The Evolution of Urban Development.pdfRoger Chivukula
Roger Chivukula is a real estate investor, philanthropist and family man . He is based in Colorado and specializes in property investment and sustainable development. Roger is also passionate about community service and continues to make meaningful contributions through his professional ventures and philanthropic efforts.
Roger Chivukula, was born in New York on July 1, 1974. Roger's early passion for sports, particularly lacrosse, played a significant role in his early years. Lacrosse was a major part of Roger's life in college where, At Le Moyne University, Roger excelled in the classroom and field, earning a degree while becoming a letter-winning Men's Lacrosse team member.
After graduating from La Moyne he soon moved to Colorado to enjoy the great outdoors. He spent a season teaching skiing at Breckenridge and quickly realized Colorado is where he wanted to plant his roots. Roger Chivukula shifted his focus to real estate investing, where he found both challenge and reward. Roger's real estate portfolio includes various properties, from residential developments to commercial ventures.
Roger has focused on acquiring homes with potential for improvement. By investing in properties that need renovations, he has brought them back to life and offered affordable housing options in high-demand areas. His efforts have benefited investors and positively impacted the communities where his properties are located.
Additionally, Roger Chivukula is involved with commercial real estate, particularly office spaces and retail developments. His understanding of market trends and his ability to anticipate shifts in demand have allowed him to make informed decisions that lead to profitable ventures. Whether acquiring undervalued properties or investing in new construction, Roger has shown an impressive ability to see opportunities where others may not.
Real estate development has also been a significant aspect of Roger's career. He has handled projects that contribute to the growth and modernization of Colorado's urban areas. By working closely with contractors, architects, and local officials, Roger has helped shape the scenery of the communities where he operates, ensuring that new developments are profitable, sustainable, and in line with the community's needs.
Autobiograf鱈a de un Iluminado
Mi Retiro
La Se単al del Hijo del Hombre
Merkaba y La Era de Paz
- Se comenz坦 a transcribir en Abril 2002 (23 abril a 3 mayo alineaci坦n en conjunci坦n Saturno, J炭piter y Mercurio, Venus) -
M辿xico 2002
N炭m. de Registro 03-2003-022413471400-01
Revisado por el autor en 2017
1. David Arroyo Guarde単o
Phd in Physics of Complex Systems
First David Arroyo Guarde単o.
Date of birth 27-10-1978.
Nationality Spanish.
19962001 M.S. degree in Telecommunications Engineering, University of Seville, Seville, Spain.
20012002 Erasmus student, School of Engineering of Swansea, Wales, U.K..
M.S. 鍖nal dissertation
20052009 Phd in Physics of Complex Systems, Polythecnic University of Madrid (UPM), Madrid.
Research on chaos-based encryption procedures.
Thesis: Framework for the analysis and design of encryption strategies based on discrete-time chaotic
dynamical systems.
2010 Positively evaluated by ANECA (February 2010) for the position of Assistant Professor.
January Spanish National Center for Educational Information and Communication (CNICE)
2003April 2005 del Ministerio de Educaci坦n y Ciencia of Spain, Adaptation to multiplatform environment
of the tool MALTED, web programming, JAVA, shell programming, databases design and
April Association for the research and industrial development of natural resources
2005August (AITEMIN), Image processing and arti鍖cial vision.
August Department of Information Processing and Coding (TIC), Applied Physics Institute
2005August (IFA), Spanish Research Council (CSIC), Study of chaos-based cryptosystems., UNESCO
2009 codes: 1202.99, 3325.99, 1203.08.
May 2010 Power Ultrasonics Group (GUP), Institute of Acoustics (ICA), Spanish Research Coun-
cil (CSIC), Study and control of nonlinear ultrasonic devices..
20052006 Cryptography and Coding theory (6 credits), Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, Madrid.
20052006 Information security (6 credits), Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, Madrid.
2007 Advanced cryptography (8 hours), M叩ster/Experto en Seguridad de la Informaci坦n, Fac-
ultad de Ingenier鱈a (ESIDE), Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao.
2. 2007 Cryptography and information security (4 hours), M叩ster en Ingenier鱈a Matem叩tica,
Facultad de Matem叩ticas, Universidad Complutense, Madrid.
20072008 Cryptography and Coding theory (6 credits), Universidad Antonio de Nebrija , Madrid.
2008 Cryptography and information security (4 hours), M叩ster en Ingenier鱈a Matem叩tica,
Facultad de Matem叩ticas, Universidad Complutense, Madrid.
20082009 Cryptography and Coding theory (6 credits), Universidad Antonio de Nebrija , Madrid.
2009 Public key cryptography and information security (12 hours), M叩ster en Ingenier鱈a
Matem叩tica, Facultad de Matem叩ticas, Universidad Complutense, Madrid.
20092010 Cryptography and Coding theory (6 credits), Universidad Antonio de Nebrija , Madrid.
International journals
Gerardo Pastor, Miguel Romera, Gonzalo Alvarez, David Arroyo, and Fausto Montoya, 2006. Equiva-
lence between subshrubs and chaotic bands in the Mandelbrot set. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and
Society, 2006:Article ID 70471, 25 pages.
Gerardo Pastor, Miguel Romera, Gonzalo Alvarez, David Arroyo, and Fausto Montoya, 2007. On
periodic and chaotic regions in the Mandelbrot set. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 32(1):1525.
Gerardo Pastor, Miguel Romera, Gonzalo Alvarez, Juana Nunez, David Arroyo, and Fausto Montoya,
2007. Operating with external arguments of Douady and Hubbard. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and
Society, 2007:Article ID 45920, 17 pages.
David Arroyo, Gonzalo Alvarez, Shujun Li, Chengqing Li, and Juana Nunez, 2008. Cryptanalysis of a
discrete-time synchronous chaotic encryption system. Physics Letter A, 372(7):10341039.
David Arroyo, Rhouma Rhouma, Gonzalo Alvarez, Shujun Li, and Veronica Fernandez, 2008. On the
security of a new image encryption scheme based on chaotic map lattices. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary
Journal of Nonlinear Science, 18:033112, 7 pages.
Gerardo Pastor, Miguel Romera, Gonzalo Alvarez, David Arroyo, A.B. Orue, Veronica Fernandez, and
Fausto Montoya, 2008. Algorithm for external arguments calculation of the nodes of a shrub in the
Mandelbrot set. Fractals, 16(2):159168.
Miguel Romera, Gonzalo Alvarez, David Arroyo, A.B. Orue, Veronica Fernandez, and Gerardo Pastor,
2008. Drawing and computing external rays in the multiple-spiral medallions of the Mandelbrot set.
Computers & Graphics, 32:597610.
David Arroyo, Gonzalo Alvarez, and Jos辿 Mar鱈a Amig坦, 2009. Estimation of the control parameter
from symbolic sequences: Unimodal maps with variable critical point. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary
Journal of Nonlinear Science, 19:023125, 9 pages.
David Arroyo, Gonzalo Alvarez, Shujun Li, Chengqing Li, and Veronica Fernandez, 2009. Cryptanalysis
of a new chaotic cryptosystem based on ergodicity. International Journal of Modern Physics B,
David Arroyo, Chengqing Li, Shujun Li, and Gonzalo Alvarez, 2009. Cryptanalysis of a computer
cryptography scheme based on a 鍖lter bank. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 41:410413.
David Arroyo, Chengqing Li, Shujun Li, Gonzalo Alvarez, and Wolfgang A. Halang, 2009. Cryptanalysis
of an image encryption scheme based on a new total shu鍖ing algorithm. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals,
Gerardo Pastor, Miguel Romera, Gonzalo Alvarez, David Arroyo, A. B. Orue, Veronica Fernandez, and
Fausto Montoya, 2009. A general view of pseudoharmonics and pseudoantiharmonics to calculate
external arguments of douady and hubbard. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 213(2):484
497. ISSN 0096-3003.
3. Rhouma Rhouma, Ercan Solak, David Arroyo, Shujun Li, Gonzalo Alvarez, and Safya Belghith, 2009.
Comment on modi鍖ed baptista type chaotic cryptosystem via matrix secret key [Phys. Lett. A 372
(2008) 5427]. Physics Letters A, 373(37):33983400.
Miguel Romera, Gerardo Pastor, Amalia-Beatriz Orue, David Arroyo, and Fausto Montoya, 2009. Cou-
pling patterns of external arguments in the multiple-spiral medallions of the Mandelbrot set. Discrete
Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2009:Article ID 135637, 14 pages.
David Arroyo, Shujun Li, Jos辿 Mar鱈a Amig坦, Gonzalo Alvarez, and Rhouma Rhouma, 2010. Comments
on "Image encryption with chaotically coupled chaotic maps". Physica D, 239(12):10021006.
Chengqing Li, David Arroyo, and Kwok-Tung Lo, August 2010. Breaking a chaotic cryptographic
scheme based on composition maps. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 20(7).
David Arroyo, Gonzalo Alvarez, Jos辿 Mar鱈a Amig坦, and Shujun Li, 2011. Cryptanalysis of a family
of self-synchronizing chaotic stream ciphers. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical
Simulation, 16(2):805813.
International conferences
Gonzalo Alvarez, David Arroyo, and Juana Nunez, 3rd - 7th, September 2007. Application of Gray
code to the cryptanalysis of chaotic cryptosystems. In 3rd International IEEE Scienti鍖c Conference on
Physics and Control (PhysCon2007, 3rd - 7th, September 2007, Potsdam, Germany), page 87. IEEE
IPACS, Potsdam, Germany.
Gerardo Pastor, Miguel Romera, Gonzalo Alvarez, Juana Nunez, David Arroyo, Amalia Beatriz Orue,
and Fausto Montoya, 18-22 de septiembre 2007. Pseudoharmonics and pseudoantiharmonics: a new
tool to calculate external arguments of Douady and Hubbard. In International Conference on Dynamical
methods and Mathematical modelling, page 27. Valladolid. P坦ster.
David Arroyo, Rhouma Rhouma, Gonzalo Alvarez, Veronica Fernandez, and Safya Belghith, 23-25
October 2008. On the skew tent map as base of a new image chaos-based encryption scheme. In lvar
Ibeas and Jaime Guti辿rrez, editors, Second Workshop on Mathematical Cryptology, pages 113117.
Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain. P坦ster.
V. Fernandez, D. Arroyo, M. J. Garcia, and AB. Orue, 8-10 October 2008. Free-space quantum key
distribution link at gigahertz clock rates. In QKD Network Demonstration and Conference. Viena.
David Arroyo, Gonzalo Alvarez, and Jos辿 Mar鱈a Amig坦, 29 June - 2 July 2009. Estimation of the
control parameter of a map through the analysis of its order patterns. In ICCSA 2009, page 198. Le
Havre, France.
David Arroyo, Gonzalo Alvarez, and Veronica Fernandez, 23-26 March 2009. A basic framework for the
cryptanalysis of digital chaos-based cryptography. In Sixth International Multi-Conference on Systems,
Signals and Devices, volume 1-2, pages 5863. Djerba, Tunisia.
David Arroyo, Gonzalo Alvarez, and Shujun Li, June 22-24 2009. Some hints for the design of digital
chaos-based cryptosystems: lessons learned from cryptanalysis. In Second IFAC Conference on Analysis
and Control of Chaotic Systems. Queen Mary, University of London.
Rhouma Rhouma, David Arroyo, and Safya Belghith, 23-26 March 2009. A new color image cryptosys-
tem based on a piecewise linear chaotic map. In International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals
& Devices, Conference on Power Electrical Systems, volume 1-2, pages 377382. Djerba, Tunisia.
Mar鱈a Jos辿 Garcia, David Arroyo, Natalia Denisenko, Diego Soto, and Ver坦nica Fernandez, August 23-
26 2010. High-speed free-space quantum key distribution system for urban applications. In Photon10.
Southampton, U.K. P坦ster.
National conferences
Gonzalo lvarez Mara単坦n, David Arroyo Guarde単o, and Juana N炭単ez Garc鱈a, 8 June 2007. Aplicaciones
de los c坦digos de Gray a la criptograf鱈a ca坦tica. In NoLineal 2007, Escuela Universitaria de Magisterio
de Ciudad Real. Ponencia Invitada.
4. A.B. Orue, G. Alvarez, D. Arroyo, J. Nunez, and F. Montoya, June 2007. Determinaci坦n del valor
de los par叩metros del sistema de Lorenz y aplicaci坦n al criptoan叩lisis de criptosistemas ca坦ticos. In
NoLineal 2007, page 85. Escuela Universitaria de Magisterio de Ciudad Real. P坦ster.
Gerardo Pastor, M. Romera, G. Alvarez, J. Nunez, D. Arroyo, A.B. Orue, and F. Montoya, June 2007.
Algoritmo para el c叩lculo de los argumentos externos de los nodos de un shrub en el conjunto de
Mandelbrot. In NoLineal 2007, page 93. Escuela Universitaria de Magisterio de Ciudad Real. P坦ster.
Gerardo Pastor, M. Romera, G. Alvarez, J. Nunez, D. Arroyo, A.B. Orue, and F. Montoya, June 2007.
Medallones de espiral m炭ltiple en el conjunto de Mandelbrot. In NoLineal 2007, page 77. Escuela
Universitaria de Magisterio de Ciudad Real. P坦ster.
D. Arroyo, G. Alvarez, and V. Fernandez, 2-5 septiembre 2008. On the inadequacy of the logistic
map for cryptographic applications. In L. Hernandez and A. Martin, editors, X Reuni坦n Espa単ola
sobre Criptolog鱈a y Seguridad de la Informaci坦n (X RECSI), pages 7782, ISBN 9788469151587.
Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain.
V. Fernandez, D. Arroyo, M.J. Garcia, P.A. Hiskett, R.J. Collins, G.S. Buller, and A.B. Orue, 2.5
septiembre 2008. Experimental quantum key distribution at a wavelength of 了 850nm. In A. Martin
L. Hernandez, editor, X Reuni坦n Espa単ola sobre Criptolog鱈a y Seguridad de la Informaci坦n (X RECSI),
pages 157161, (ISBN 9788469151587). Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain.
G. Pastor, G. Alvarez, A. Or炭e, V. Fernandez, D. Arroyo, and M. Romera, junio 2008. Conjuntos de
Julia alternados. In F. Marqu辿s y A. Delshams, editor, Nolineal 2008, page 192. CIMNE, Barcelona.
G. Pastor, G. Alvarez, A. Or炭e, V. Fernandez, D. Arroyo, and M. Romera, junio 2008. Emparejamiento
de patrones en medallones de espiral m炭ltiple. In F. Marqu辿s y A. Delshams, editor, Nolineal 2008,
page 198. CIMNE, Barcelona. P坦ster.
David Arroyo, Jos辿 Mar鱈a Amig坦, Shujun Li, and Gonzalo Alvarez, 7-10 September 2010. On the
inadequacy of unimodal maps for cryptographic applications. In Josep Domingo Ferrer, Antoni Mart鱈nez
Ballest辿, Jordi Castell叩 Roca, and Agust鱈 Solanas G坦mez, editors, XI Reuni坦n Espa単ola sobre Criptolog鱈a
y Seguridad de la Informaci坦n (XI RECSI), pages 3742, ISBN 9788469333044. Universitat Rovira
i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain.
David Arroyo, Alfonso Blanco, Enrique Riera, and Andra Cardoni, 2010. Metodolog鱈a para la caracter-
izaci坦n del comportamiento no lineal de una familia de transductores de ultrasonidos de potencia. In
N炭mero especial de la Revista de Ac炭stica (41o Congreso Nacional de Ac炭stica, 6o Congreso Ib辿rico
de Ac炭stica), volume 41. Le坦n (Spain), 13-15 October. ISBN: 978-84-87985-19-5.
Andrea Cardoni, Enrique Riera, Alfonso Blanco, V鱈ctor Acosta, David Arroyo, and Juan A. Gallego
Ju叩rez, 2010. Estudio del comportamiento vibracional nolineal de los sistemas ultras坦nicos de potencia
con radiadores de placa para aplicaciones industriales. In N炭mero especial de la Revista de Ac炭stica
(41o Congreso Nacional de Ac炭stica, 6o Congreso Ib辿rico de Ac炭stica), volume 41. Le坦n (Spain), 13-15
October. ISBN: 978-84-87985-19-5.
Mar鱈a Jos辿 Garcia, Diego Soto, Natalia Denisenko, David Arroyo, A. B. Orue, and Ver坦nica Fernandez,
7-10 September 2010. High-speed free-space quantum key distribution system for urban applications.
In Josep Domingo Ferrer, Antoni Mart鱈nez Ballest辿, Jordi Castell叩 Roca, and Agust鱈 Solanas G坦mez,
editors, XI Reuni坦n Espa単ola sobre Criptolog鱈a y Seguridad de la Informaci坦n (XI RECSI), pages 333
336, ISBN 9788469333044. Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain.
A. Ramos, J. A. Gallego, E. Riera, J.L. San Emeterio, T. G坦mez, I. Gonz叩lez, C. Campos, H. Cal叩s,
P.T. Sanz, G. Rodr卒uez, L. Castellanos, V. Acosta, A. Ruiz, E. Pardo, I. Baz叩n, and D. Arroyo, 2010.
Resultados en I+D y aplicaciones recientes del IA-CSIC en sistemas y tecnolog鱈as ultras坦nicas. In
N炭mero especial de la Revista de Ac炭stica (41o Congreso Nacional de Ac炭stica, 6o Congreso Ib辿rico
de Ac炭stica), volume 41. Le坦n (Spain), 13-15 October. ISBN: 978-84-87985-19-5.
20042007 Security evaluation of protocols and algorithms in information systems (SEG2004-
02418), Financed by Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnolog鱈a de Espa単a, Carried out at: CSIC,
Principal investigator: Fausto Montoya Vitini.
5. 20072008 New security protocols and cryptographic algorithms for the protection of telematic
services (TSI2007-62657), Financed by MICIT of Spain, Carried out at: CSIC, Principal
investigator: Fausto Montoya Vitini.
20072010 SEGUR@: Security and con鍖dence on information systems, Financed by CENIT project
of the CDTI of the Ministerio de Turismo, Industria y Comercio of Spain, Carried out at:
Instituto de F鱈sica Aplicada del CSIC, Telef坦nica I+D, Alcatel, Atos Origin, Caja de Ahorros de
Navarra, Garrigues Abogados, Ericsson, Isdefe, Panda Software, S21Sec, Safelayer, Secuware
y Sermepa, Principal investigator: Luis Hern叩ndez Encinas.
20062009 HESPERIA: homeland security technologies for the security in public spaces and in-
frastructures, Financed by CENIT project of the CDTI of the Ministerio de Turismo, Industria
y Comercio of Spain, Carried out at: Instituto de F鱈sica Aplicada del CSIC, Soluziona Con-
sultor鱈a y Tecnolog鱈a, Uni坦n Fenosa, Tecnobit, Visual-Tools, BrainStorm, SAC y TechnoSafe.,
Principal investigator: Amparo F炭ster Sabater.
2008 Quantum and Chaos: frontier cryptographic algorithms (MTM2008-02194), Financed
by: Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnolog鱈a of Spain, Carried out at: CSIC, Principal investigator:
Gonzalo lvarez Mara単坦n.
2006 Institute of Advanced Communications, University of Swansea, United Kingdom, 10
july - 8 september 2006.
2007 FernUniversit辰t in Hagen, LehrgebietInformationstechnik (Germany), 23 july-21 septem-
ber 2007.
2001-2002 Erasmus grant of the European Union at the University of Swansea (United Kingdom).
2003-2005 Grant at the National Centre for Educational Information and Communication(CNICE)
of the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain.
2005-2009 PhD Grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (FPI Grant).
May 2010 JAE-Doc programme researcher from the Spanish Research Council (CSIC).
English, First Certi鍖cate in English (2002), University of Cambridge.
Spanish, Mother tongue.
Programming languages, C/C++/C#, Java, Prolog, PHP, JavaScript, Visual Basic, As-
CAD tools, XABEL, Spice, Labview, Microwind.
Simulations and numerical analysis software, MATLAB, R, Simulink.
6. Operating systems, Linux, Windows NT, Unix, Windows 9x, Windows 2000, DOS.
Databases, SQL, Interbase, MySql, Postgresql.
Document editing software, Latex, Beamer, Word, WordPerfect, Excel, Access, PowerPoint.