The document discusses Juri Lotman's theory of explosion culture. Some key points:
1) Lotman proposed that cultures experience moments of explosion, where there is unpredictability and infinite possibilities for change and development.
2) These moments of explosion are followed by a period where one of several equally probable possibilities is realized, establishing a new sequential state.
3) Cultures experience a series of these explosive moments, with each creating a cluster of variant possibilities for the next state from one structural position to another.
2. Fundamental Notions of Lotmanian Semiotics Language 1 Language 2 A minimally functional structure requires the presence of at least two languages and their incapacity, each independently of the other, to embrace the world external to each of them
9. Moment after the Explosion The moment of explosion is the moment of unpredictability. Unpredictability should not, however, be understood as constituting a series of unlimited or un- de鍖ned possibilities for movement from one state to another. Each moment of explosion has its own collection of equally probable possibilities of move- ment into a sequential state beyond the limits of which lie only those changes which are 鍖agrantly impossible. The latter are excluded from the discussion. Each time we speak of unpredictability we have in mind a speci鍖c collection of equally probable possibilities from which only one may be realised. In this way, each structural position represents a cluster of variant possibilities.