Dawna owns two small businesses in Sault Ste Marie providing employment and accessibility services, having founded them after 17 years working for the Province in disability services. With experience as a Provincial Accessibility Trainer and founding her accessibility consulting business Accessibility North in 2008, Dawna uses her public and private sector experience to provide training on the A.O.D.A. and accessibility best practices. She motivates participants through keynotes and workshops using real examples to help them confidently implement accessibility requirements.
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Dawna Bio Accessibility North_2015
1. Dawna is the owner and Chief Inspiration Officer of two small
businesses in Sault Ste Marie. After 17 years of working with the
Province, Dawna used her skills and experience in working with
people with disabilities to found her first business YesYouCan
With a background as a Provincial Accessibility Trainer in the public
sector, Dawna founded her second business Accessibility North in
2008. Dawnas unique experience in both public and private business
gives customers a well rounded experience and perspective of the
A.O.D.A along with best practices in sourcing practical solutions for
their business training, development and implementation needs.
Dawna uses her positive motivational skills, enthusiasm and glass half
full attitude to engage participants in keynotes, train the trainer and
employee workshops. Providing a fun and impactful experience, loaded
with real life examples participants become disability confident in
implementing the requirements of the A.O.D.A .
Quick facts about Dawna:
29 years experience in training, disability and
accessibility awareness in public and private sector
Chamber of Commerce Athena Award. Recipient
Algoma Workforce Investment Committee Executive
Board Member
Social Development Committee Member
Life Long Learner