Suhail Karbhari is the Product & Partner Development Manager at EXA Information Technology in Saudi Arabia, where he has worked for 1 year. His role involves driving partner performance, sales, business planning, and strategy design on the business side, while coordinating technical teams on product goals on the technical side. A typical day involves checking emails, prioritizing tasks, preparing reports, and planning. He measures his performance through feedback from colleagues and top management on his work, presentations, and management. His most memorable moment was receiving appreciation from top management for developing a strong partnership between his company and a top partner firm.
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Day In A Life Suhail Karbhari
In this section of Channel Middle East, we pack our bags and
It requires me to be updated on
market trends and to react fast.
I also enjoy the high-level top
head to work with a member of the channel community to management engagement that
find out what a typical day on the job entails. this job involves. This part of my
job keeps me in touch with the
responsible for co-ordinating our higher management world.
Name: Suhail Karbhari technical team to achieve the goals
Company: EXA Information of the company. > What is the hardest
Technology, Saudi Arabia part of your job?
Job title: Product & Partner > What’s the first thing
Development Manager you do when you get in I would say it is getting a quick
Years in the role: 1 the office each day? response to requests. I am working
Years at the company: 1 in the channel partner arena, so
Previous companies: My day starts with a cup of coffee it can take months — sometimes
Omikkron Technologies, Alsayed and catching up on e-mails, as more — to develop a relationship decide whenever I am thinking
Sons Group well as getting the latest business or start an initiative. about moving into a certain field,
news from the leading news position or area. According to my
> How would you providers. Every day, I also try to > What criteria do career graph, I see myself in a
summarise your role? learn at least one different word. you measure your senior management role in the
performance on? future, perhaps initialising my
To keep it simple I would > What does a typical own organisation to be a future
categorise my role into two parts. day entail for you? I request my colleagues to give entrepreneur at some point.
The first is business and the me feedback — including top
second is technical. In the business My typical day starts with checking management — on my work, > How much time do you
part of my role, I am responsible and responding to e-mails and presentations skills, management spend out of the office
for driving partner performance, going through my notes and ‘to do’ speeches and lots of other things. each week?
sales and business planning, as list. I tend to prioritise the different I also like to check my skills
well as designing tasks that need performing and by doing the latest tests and It generally depends on the
strategies. then I usually select the hardest technology quizzes on the internet. requirement. After the hours of
In the one to do right after meetings or work have finished, I usually
technical appointments. I’ll also prepare a > What’s been your most indulge myself in social networking
part of report of the day and plan the next ne memorable moment in or create awareness about
my role, day’s schedule. your current role? the green world. I also like to
I am gather with friends to share my
> What qualities do you My most memorable moment experience and knowledge.
need to do your job? in my current role is when I
received appreciation from our top > What do you get up to
There are three things: you nee
need management for developing strong during your lunch hour?
to keep up to date with the late
latest partnerships between our company
technology, you need to keep uup and one of the top partner firms. I utilise my lunch hour by surfing
to date with market trends and internet sites and searching for
you need to be good at analysi
analysing > Where do you see new gadgets.
business intelligence. yourself in five years?
Would you like your channel job to be
> What’s your favourit
favourite I have my own career graph, featured in our ‘Day in the Life’ section?
part of the job? which guides me to achieve If so, e-mail:
my career goals. It helps me
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