The document recaps the first day of the A4NH Gender-Nutrition Methods Workshop. It discusses introductions and presentations given on framing CRP research questions, mapping approaches to nutritional research, simplifying food intake indicators, and different research techniques like focus groups and vignettes. Key terms like environmental enteropathy, anthropometry, WDDS, and MDD were introduced. The importance of considering other health issues, cultural context, and gender roles in agricultural research was highlighted.
2. Friday
Nancy explored pathways as a framing CRP research questions
Jody synthesised approaches to nutritional research into a map
Gina shared the evolution of simplifying food intake and nutritional indicators
You looked at how you may use these in your research
Agnes, Dee and Ruth shared different research and survey techniques, focus groups and
vignettes and you discussed them in some depth
We learnt environmental enteropathy, anthropometry, WDDS, MDD
Diet diversity
Other health issues and cultural context were raised as important variables
We heard in the Bangladesh case that research to change agricultural practices can
create more of a win win and adapt to gender roles.