The Action Plan IL outlines tasks for reviewing an inspection and creating an action plan for governors:
1) After an inspection, schools must write an action plan to provide to the school governors.
2) Teachers will each write a 100 word comment on their lesson, based on the level of learning seen in a video.
3) A headteacher will also write an overall comment on each teacher's performance and the level of learning shown in their lesson and by the students overall.
2. Your IL Task
After every inspection a school has to write an
Action Plan to give to the Governors
On your Report there is space for comments
by your team and your headteacher
Each person in the Dept writes 100 word
comment on their lesson
The comment should be based on the level of
learning video you watched
Your headteacher will write a comment too
and give you an idea of the level of learning
3. Your IL Task
Your headteacher will write a comment too
on how well you did
They will also give you an idea of the level of
learning you showed for each part of the
lesson AND overall!
Good luck