Metaworks is Metadata Oriented Application Framework
which is Inspired from the Adaptive Object Models and OMG Reflection, MDA.
The main approach is
Application Component Generation on the fly from metadata
Now Metaworks version 3 Is A POJO framework that
encourages the Domain-Driven Design and
Especially for developing model-driven applications (UML, BPMN, etc)
This document discusses the prototype pattern, which allows the creation of objects based on an existing "prototype" object, rather than based on classes. It covers how prototype pattern works, its structure, use cases and caveats. Examples of implementing prototype pattern in Java and JavaScript are provided to illustrate shallow and deep copying of objects.
The Singleton pattern ensures that only one instance of a class is created and provides a global access point to that instance. It describes how to implement the concept of a singleton class by creating a private constructor, a static method that returns the instance, and a static property that holds the single instance of the class. The document discusses issues that can arise with thread safety when multiple threads simultaneously try to access the singleton instance and provides solutions like using mutex locking to ensure only one thread initializes the instance.