This document lists the days of the week and months of the year in both Spanish and English. For the days of the week, it provides the Spanish name followed by the English translation. It then does the same for the months of the year, listing each month number and its Spanish and English names.
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Days of week
1. Days Of Week
1. Lunes - Monday
2. Martes - Thuesday
3. Miércoles - Wednesdsay
4. Jueves - Thursday
5. Viernes - Friday
6. Sábado - Saturday
7. Domingo - Sunday
Months Of Year
1. Enero - January
2. Febrero - February
3. Marzo - March
4. Abril - April
5. Mayo - May
6. Junio - June
7. Julio - July
8. Agosto - August
9. Septiembre - September
10. Octubre - October
11. Noviembre - November
12. Diciembre - December